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Guest mrhobbz

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Maybe I plan on riding Bill, You plan on minding your own business anytime soon, seems to me you have enough going on in your life right now than to be worrying about snitches that do not concern you. Don't get personal, I'll have you foaming at the mouth by days end if you want. You know that shit is wrong and a line you should never cross. I'll let it go ONCE! Again it gets quoted, and I see it, gloves come off. Not to mention yet again another topic where you were not there and know nothing about. But yet reference as if you were.
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I swear more people think they know more about me than my wife on here, but ya'll get served and find out that you are wrong. y'all better check your facts before using your fingers.


I think we actually got FrenchToast angry. I used to think he was a cool dude and respect his opinion. If you do still ride thats cool with me, I'm just saying. I won't make a comment about you in that. I said it nicely lets see how others have said it. Maybe you should reread. I did not see you get ur painties in a bunch over eli and his statement was pretty fucked up.


Riding again later is cool, I actually give you respect for getting back on the bike. I don't think i could personally.


Your the one who made the statement that I speak untruths. What happened to you maybe you were just nicer when you were on the pain pills. Tell your doctor that you noticed a side effect of the pain pills. Reduced ass holeness.

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Maybe I plan on riding Bill, You plan on minding your own business anytime soon...


You are making information available on a public forum, so "minding your own business" does become less likely of a possibility. If there is information that you don't want made available, then don't post or discuss it. If you truly take something personal, take it to PMs. Also, Bill is right, the comment that I made is most likely more fucked up than the one he posted.


There is a reason that this thread was made. IMO, you spend way too much time on this board. Combine that with constant amounts of pain and I can see why you turned into an asshole. The same thing happened with me and the interactions of a few on the board. Maybe you're cool in person (which is usually the case with anyone on the board that I don't get along with), but you really should check the attitude when making posts as a moderator, and threatening moderation when people attack you personally. It makes you sound like an asshole cop. Just my $.02.

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You are making information available on a public forum, so "minding your own business" does become less likely of a possibility. If there is information that you don't want made available, then don't post or discuss it. If you truly take something personal, take it to PMs. Also, Bill is right, the comment that I made is most likely more fucked up than the one he posted.


There is a reason that this thread was made. IMO, you spend way too much time on this board. Combine that with constant amounts of pain and I can see why you turned into an asshole. The same thing happened with me and the interactions of a few on the board. Maybe you're cool in person (which is usually the case with anyone on the board that I don't get along with), but you really should check the attitude when making posts as a moderator, and threatening moderation when people attack you personally. It makes you sound like an asshole cop. Just my $.02.


Shut the fuck up.


I kid. I

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You are making information available on a public forum, so "minding your own business" does become less likely of a possibility. If there is information that you don't want made available, then don't post or discuss it. If you truly take something personal, take it to PMs. Also, Bill is right, the comment that I made is most likely more fucked up than the one he posted.


There is a reason that this thread was made. IMO, you spend way too much time on this board. Combine that with constant amounts of pain and I can see why you turned into an asshole. The same thing happened with me and the interactions of a few on the board. Maybe you're cool in person (which is usually the case with anyone on the board that I don't get along with), but you really should check the attitude when making posts as a moderator, and threatening moderation when people attack you personally. It makes you sound like an asshole cop. Just my $.02.

nice. spot on!

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I never threatened "moderation" on him, I will give him a taste of his own medicine though, mod or not if he would like to go down a "personal" road. I guess I didn't make that clear. I could never ban Thorne now as everyone will cry blood. I don't think I have ever said "don't say that or I will ban you". Christ people I have used my mod power very very little to the fact that I told Anthony I could do the vendor shit without being a mod. :nono: This sewing circle is crazy.
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I never threatened "moderation" on him, I will give him a taste of his own medicine though, mod or not if he would like to go down a "personal" road. I guess I didn't make that clear. I could never ban Thorne now as everyone will cry blood. I don't think I have ever said "don't say that or I will ban you". Christ people I have used my mod power very very little to the fact that I told Anthony I could do the vendor shit without being a mod. :nono: This sewing circle is crazy.


Knitting..... not sewing..... remember, ColumbusKnitting.com.

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I was given the OK to by a higher power.


You're all power hungry assholes!!! Its a fucking conspiracy!!!! I bet all of the mods/admins were the snitches!!!!!




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Hobbz, what do you contribute to this website besides drama and sheer stupidity. Every time someone bashes you, you tell them all they do is sit behind their computer and have no life. Yet I have not yet once seen you at a CR meet or event.....?

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Guest mrhobbz
Hobbz, what do you contribute to this website besides drama and sheer stupidity. Every time someone bashes you, you tell them all they do is sit behind their computer and have no life. Yet I have not yet once seen you at a CR meet or event.....?


I used to show up at hooters back in the day all the time. Who are you again? Name two or more instances where the bold text applies....

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I never threatened "moderation" on him, I will give him a taste of his own medicine though, mod or not if he would like to go down a "personal" road. I guess I didn't make that clear. I could never ban Thorne now as everyone will cry blood. I don't think I have ever said "don't say that or I will ban you". Christ people I have used my mod power very very little to the fact that I told Anthony I could do the vendor shit without being a mod. :nono: This sewing circle is crazy.


His threats were to bring out personal things about me. Which since my comment was a valid one since I had assume he would not ride again as I would not of, He got pissy. So I was polite and removed the comment. I almost quite riding when someone almost hit me.


If you went personal as you have in the past your posts just get deleted or threads erased. Remeber this I'm a sponsor here also. I will be double sponsor here soon.


I've not said anything bad about you directly other then what I had been told regarding mrhobbz being banned. Again like I said I actually used to like you and find your info valuble before you ripped into me.



I'm sure he would go after the fact I have mental issues. And that I suffer from depression and anxiety. Anyone who's been on CR longer then 1 year knows pretty much all the dirt about me and rehashing is nothing more then a childish move.


I do my best to not break the rules here.

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