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Dark Knight


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I really didnt think it was all that great. Ledger will not win an oscar for this performance. I liked Batman Begins a lot more then this one. To me Dark Knight just seemed way to stretched out kinda like Spiderman 3, like they was trying to cram way to much into such a short time as well. I give it 6 outta 10.


What made Ledgers performance so great? I mean yes he did do a solid job at potraying the Joker, I actually like his version better then Jacks. But honestly theres not one thing about his performance that makes me say "oh damn thats an oscar worthy performance". he wasnt on screen enough in my opinion. He was pretty damn funny though i'll give ya that, the nurses outfit was the best costume for him in this movie lmfao! Plus he will have a hard time winning it as a comic book villian honestly. His best movie honestly was Brokeback Mountain (insert gay jokes here) The only reason he was being hyped up as "oscar worthy" was unfortunately due to his death right before the movie was released. That along with a 3 year wait created some of the biggest hype surrounding a movie I have seen since the Star Wars trilogy.


**Edited because I had spoilers down here**

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I really didnt think it was all that great. Ledger will not win an oscar for this performance. I liked Batman Begins a lot more then this one. To me Dark Knight just seemed way to stretched out kinda like Spiderman 3, like they was trying to cram way to much into such a short time as well. I give it 6 outta 10.


What made Ledgers performance so great? I mean yes he did do a solid job at potraying the Joker, I actually like his version better then Jacks. But honestly theres not one thing about his performance that makes me say "oh damn thats an oscar worthy performance". he wasnt on screen enough in my opinion. He was pretty damn funny though i'll give ya that, the nurses outfit was the best costume for him in this movie lmfao! Plus he will have a hard time winning it as a comic book villian honestly. His best movie honestly was Brokeback Mountain (insert gay jokes here) The only reason he was being hyped up as "oscar worthy" was unfortunately due to his death right before the movie was released. That along with a 3 year wait created some of the biggest hype surrounding a movie I have seen since the Star Wars trilogy.


**Edited because I had spoilers down here**


Thanks for the edit.


The only problem with him winning an after his death and the hype coming from that, is.. they have only ever given one oscar to a dead guy. I feel he brought real pain to that role. Oh and brokeback sucked, I watched it so i could state that fact. will not thread jack for the hate for that cheaters love story.

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I really didnt think it was all that great. Ledger will not win an oscar for this performance. I liked Batman Begins a lot more then this one. To me Dark Knight just seemed way to stretched out kinda like Spiderman 3, like they was trying to cram way to much into such a short time as well. I give it 6 outta 10.



The movie was over 2 and a half hours. Batman is a lot better than Spiderman. At least Christan Bale doesn't make me feel like I'm hearing nails down a chalkboard, compared to Tobey Maguire. Plus he drives a Lamborghini and Michael Caine is his servant. That's Power.


Only movie in a long time I was excited to see and didn't miss one part of.


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Yes I understand its 2.5 hours long, I remember vividly being there til 230is lol. What I mean by them cramming so much into a short amount of time is this, they couldn't decide which character to base the movie on so just like in Spiderman3 they kinda cheated one of the important characters. I feel that if the movie would've only had 1 villian it would have been much better. I'll end up getting the dvd and watching it over and over til I like it 100%. I didnt like Batman Begins when it first came out and now I love that movie.
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Go see this movie.

I can't even figure out what to say about it.

There will NOT be a better movie this year, and there will NEVER be a Villain that can even come close to topping Heath Ledger's Joker.

I can understand why they say that role killed him. My skin is still crawling.



Exactly what Ive been saying to anyone who will listen. Got to see it last night in a theater that's in the friggin neighborhood they were shooting the movie in. They had all 16 screens showing the movie at midnight, and we bought our seats for the very last theatre that wasnt sold out.... two days before the movie actually released. Un-frigging-believable.

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I just saw it last night at the 2AM showing at Easton. Absolutely awesome. 10/10. The movie is currently ranked third best movie of all-time on IMDB. I'm sure it will go down later as more and more people rate it, but still, very impressive.
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i was never that impressed with heath ledger's acting before. in this movie he is exactly the way you would imagine joker to be, a crazy bastard with an extremely dark sense of humor. i think he was made for this role, same as sean connery to 007.


the interactions between the main characters seemed so real. this is the best batman to date, and i highly doubt there will be another to top it. 10/10

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sorry ... anyways ...



Christopher Nolan is a genius as usual. When I heard he was doing batman begins I knew it would be good. When I heard he was doing the sequel I knew it would be better. Guy hasn't let me down yet.

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One of the best movies I have seen in a long time. That's heath ledgers best performance in my opinion. He really brought the Joker to life and showed how insane he was supposed to be. It's a shame he's no longer around. "I'm gonna make this pencil disappear!" LOL.
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I jus saw it, too long, two face had a shitty role, they brought him in too late, joker was the shit. heath ledger did an awsome job on that. batman was acting like a real biggity bitch. racheal looked old as fuck. good movie though. 2 thumbs up
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Guest tbutera2112



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