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file back up question


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I want to have the same files saves on 2 or 3 computers on my network and want to be able to update the list once a week, month, whatever.


If this were DOS and not a network I'd just use XCOPY with a few switches to make it copy changed or new files. From windows XP so far all I can do is have it overwrite all files then wait over an hour for it to move them. Kinda annoying when its many gigs of data and thousands of files everytime


Any ideas?



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You could use a briefcase to make it a little easier.


Just create a briefcase on the comps you want it to save on and then drag the files to them from the network. From then on you can just click on update or w/e and it will automatically fetch those files (Well actually, it will only update files that have been changed to make it go a little quicker)

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