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Check out this dragonfly, Huge pics, 56k no fing way.


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This thing landed on my daughter and my wife pulled it off of her, it just sat on my wife's finger. I didn't resize because I wanted the detail to show. Macro functions on cheap digital Cameras are pretty good.




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DRAGONFLYS ARE GOOD. No stomping. They eat mosquitoes and a lot of BAD, biting insects. Won't harm humans.


In FL, the county I lived in bred dragonflies by the millions and released them from cages strapped to Ford Rangers as they drove around the place. Dragonflies everywhere, and the mosquito population went WAAAAAY down. They fly really well also...won't get stuck on your windshield.

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I love dragonflys. Awesome and incredibly helpful insects. There are many, many different kinds and colors. I remember riding my bike when I was a kid and stopping to watch to large male dragonflys dogfight in the air. Eventually, one of them managed to grab the other in flight and decapitate him. I watched the head and body fall seperately and the other fly off with the win. A very rare moment to catch in person as I saw a nature show years later and they spoke of how lucky they were to catch it on film. It's just how the males settle business when nobody backs down.

I wish I had a prehistoric one with a couple foot wing span that flies 60mph.

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Thats awesome that it let your wife hold it like that. I can never get any closer then 7-10 feet from them when trying to take pics. Pretty sad when I need a telephoto to get one and I haven't even gotten a shot that large yet.



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Thats awesome that it let your wife hold it like that. I can never get any closer then 7-10 feet from them when trying to take pics. Pretty sad when I need a telephoto to get one and I haven't even gotten a shot that large yet.




Do you try often?

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