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CMH and checking a gun


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what a breeze. got my boarding pass and bag checked (with a handgun included) in about 5 minutes. i thought it might have been a bit of a hassle, so i prepared by printing out the airlines regulations for checking a gun...didnt even need it. they ran it through the scanner, i figured they'd want to open it to check it again, but nope. they said i was good to go and that was it.


now its off to FL. land of being able to carry in an establishment that serves alcohol, as long as they dont make >70% of profits from it (ie, bars). so annoying here having to disarm to walk into chipotle because they serve coronas.

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now its off to FL. land of being able to carry in an establishment that serves alcohol, as long as they dont make >70% of profits from it (ie, bars). so annoying here having to disarm to walk into chipotle because they serve coronas.


It sounds like you carry a firearm often. Why?

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my dad took 9 9mm rounds on a plane in 94' and went through all air post securty in the states with no problem, no alarms nothing. he forgot all about them in the bag he had with him. he gets in to Croatia (sp?) and goes into one metal detector and it goes ape shit and they slam him against a wall and ask where the gun is. he didn't have a gun but thats his gun bag. needless to say when they found his badge and DoD papers they let him go, he also let them keep the 9mm rounds because they have never seen such a thing. gold ol' US of A air ports for ya' lol.
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It sounds like you carry a firearm often. Why?

Because we still have a small shred of the Bill of Rights left. He needs no other reason.


A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the People to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

That sentence just irritates the liberals.......lol :D

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Because we still have a small shred of the Bill of Rights left. He needs no other reason.




and yes, the point was to point out to others that its much easier than they may think. i almost didnt bring it with me because i didnt want to deal with the hassle, but there was 0.

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Just because you can do something doesn't necessarily mean you should.


And no one bothered to actually answer my question. I'm not interested in seeing anyone get up on a right-wing soapbox (seriously, guys, I don't really care), I just wanted to know why the guy who started this thread seems to carry a firearm so often. Do you have a dangerous job? Are you paranoid? Do you just like carrying around a gun? Just wondering.

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Just because you can do something doesn't necessarily mean you should.


And no one bothered to actually answer my question. I'm not interested in seeing anyone get up on a right-wing soapbox (seriously, guys, I don't really care), I just wanted to know why the guy who started this thread seems to carry a firearm so often. Do you have a dangerous job? Are you paranoid? Do you just like carrying around a gun? Just wondering.

Someday one of us may save you or your kids life. Be thankful there are people willing to step up in those cases when a patient of yours, goes off the deep end. No one in this thread is interested in your left-wing soapbox about gun control.


BTW.... Dont be so paranoid about people carrying guns. Do you have Hoplophobia?

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I think it is every americans right and duty to carry a weapon. This whole country was created on the basis of not having a standing army, cops with m16s roaming the streets, soldiers at the Kentucky Derby, ect. We should not rely on the government for anything, let alone security. A law abiding citizen carrying a weapon is better than any of the police state shit that has been implemented since 9/11.


I don't think its about trying to be hard or paranoid, as people carrying guns was quite common up until the 60s or so. We are progressing from the "age of man" to the "age of woman". Scared little metro sexuals watching american idol and relying on psychiatrists to tell them why daddy didn't love them.

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Just because you can do something doesn't necessarily mean you should.


And no one bothered to actually answer my question. I'm not interested in seeing anyone get up on a right-wing soapbox (seriously, guys, I don't really care), I just wanted to know why the guy who started this thread seems to carry a firearm so often. Do you have a dangerous job? Are you paranoid? Do you just like carrying around a gun? Just wondering.

My question is, why DO you care?


Are you scared of people legally carrying guns?


If you didn't care, you wouldn't be asking.

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Are you scared of people legally carrying guns?




i am.


honestly, i'm more concerned about people ilegally carrying guns--but it definately bothers me that the average idiot standing next to me in line at chipotle can legally have a holstered gun on their belt.


if i'm in a restaurant with my family, and that restaurant gets robbed at gunpoint--i'd much rather just hand over my wallet, and have the gunman get away, then dodge bullets as some vigilante with a 'concealed weapon' permit gets into a shootout with the gunman. i don't care how much training you've had, how many times you've been to the gun range, and how responsible you think you are, you're not a cop; and should not have a weapon of immediate deadly force in your possession at all times.


that's my opinion. if you want a gun in your car to protect yourself in case of a car jacking, or as many guns that can possibly fit in your house, i'm o.k. with that. i've fired a gun before, and go hunting with my brother in law, so i'm not completely anti-gun

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i am.


honestly, i'm more concerned about people ilegally carrying guns--but it definately bothers me that the average idiot standing next to me in line at chipotle can legally have a holstered gun on their belt.


if i'm in a restaurant with my family, and that restaurant gets robbed at gunpoint--i'd much rather just hand over my wallet, and have the gunman get away, then dodge bullets as some vigilante with a 'concealed weapon' permit gets into a shootout with the gunman. i don't care how much training you've had, how many times you've been to the gun range, and how responsible you think you are, you're not a cop; and should not have a weapon of immediate deadly force in your possession at all times.


that's my opinion. if you want a gun in your car to protect yourself in case of a car jacking, or as many guns that can possibly fit in your house, i'm o.k. with that. i've fired a gun before, and go hunting with my brother in law, so i'm not completely anti-gun

I'm sorry you feel that way... but it's not going to stop me from carrying, nor make me feel bad about carrying...


You realize that to conceal carry you have to pass a course, but in the state of Ohio open carry is still legal and ANY person can open carry a gun

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i am.


honestly, i'm more concerned about people ilegally carrying guns--but it definately bothers me that the average idiot standing next to me in line at chipotle can legally have a holstered gun on their belt.


Not to nag,because your a cool dude,But i dont think you can carry in a chipotle because they serve beer. At least thats what it sounds like from what the books i have been reading say.

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I'm sorry you feel that way... but it's not going to stop me from carrying, nor make me feel bad about carrying...


You realize that to conceal carry you have to pass a course, but in the state of Ohio open carry is still legal and ANY person can open carry a gun



i realize that people are going to carry no matter what, so no big deal. it doesn't make me paranoid or anything--and don't expect me to start some anti-gun carrying campaign either. i'm just stating a simple opinion. hell, i get business all the time from people shooting each other.


i really don't know hardly anything about guns, but i bet i could pass whatever necessary test to conceal carry (assuming its multiple choice) without ANY preparation whatsoever.

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you dont carry a gun to stop a robbery. you carry it incase you feel you're life is in jeopardy. if someone came into where i was eating and robbed the table next to me or even my own, oh well. if shots started flying, THEN i would feel threatened and attempt to protect myself and anyone else there.


IMO, i would much rather make calls and take time to replace the contents of my wallet than go through all the crap associated with shooting or killing someone, and to have that on my mind forever...if it would b justified, it wouldnt sit as heavy on my shoulders

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i am.



if i'm in a restaurant with my family, and that restaurant gets robbed at gunpoint--i'd much rather just hand over my wallet, and have the gunman get away, then dodge bullets as some vigilante with a 'concealed weapon' permit gets into a shootout with the gunman.


The problem with your reasoning is that sometimes the robber does not want to leave witnesses. In that case I would much rather have a guy like myself take the robber out. I am sure the ladies at the Layne Bryant that were shot would have wanted someone with a concealed weapon in the store.



i don't care how much training you've had, how many times you've been to the gun range, and how responsible you think you are, you're not a cop; and should not have a weapon of immediate deadly force in your possession at all times.


Just because someone is a cop does not mean that they are a good shot, or anymore responsible than the average citizen. Cops come from the general population, are human and make mistakes too.

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Not to nag' date='because your a cool dude,But i dont think you can carry in a chipotle because they serve beer. At least thats what it sounds like from what the books i have been reading say.[/quote']


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