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CMH and checking a gun


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Fuck it, I will just strap my SPX to my back and carry it around, it's legal

Inciting panic.


I hope you don't have CCW if you would draw for a fist fight.

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no, i know it happens quite often, but of the times it does happen, ill take a stab and say that over 98% are from non CHL holders, and just thugs/idiots that have a gun.



you're right, but its easy to see how a CHL holder can be put into a difficult situation.

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Inciting panic.


I hope you don't have CCW if you would draw for a fist fight.


They can't get you on inciting panic really, it went to the supreme court. You would just get the shit hassled out of you.


And I would never draw for a fist fight unless I was cornered and really feared I was going to get beat to death... although I would hope that I am still as limber as I was early in college and would be able to hold my own to never feel that way if put in that situation

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They can't get you on inciting panic really, it went to the supreme court. You would just get the shit hassled out of you.


And I would never draw for a fist fight unless I was cornered and really feared I was going to get beat to death... although I would hope that I am still as limber as I was early in college and would be able to hold my own to never feel that way if put in that situation

Inciting panic. Read your first paragraph.

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What if two CCW's draw on each other unknowingly? What if an officer spots a CCW mid draw and takes it as a hostile act against him or other unarmed civilians? What if a CCW mistakenly spots an undercover officer......etc, etc.


I'm not against guns, or the right to carry, but identifying hostile intent with such an open playing field personally makes me leave the XD9 at home where I can (a) identify you and (b) make an educated guess of your intent to be somewhere you shouldn't.

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What if two CCW's draw on each other unknowingly? What if an officer spots a CCW mid draw and takes it as a hostile act against him or other unarmed civilians? What if a CCW mistakenly spots an undercover officer......etc, etc.


I'm not against guns, or the right to carry, but identifying hostile intent with such an open playing field personally makes me leave the XD9 at home where I can (a) identify you and (b) make an educated guess of your intent to be somewhere you shouldn't.


That can happen anywhere


Remember the “phone phreakers?” The term hit our national consciousness in the 1970s, when a magazine reported on a small group of techie troublemakers who were hacking into phone companies’ computers and making free long-distance calls.


Today, there’s a new, much more serious twist on this old crime. It’s called “swatting,” and it involves calling 9-1-1 and faking an emergency that draws a response from law enforcement—usually a SWAT team.


Needless to say, these calls are dangerous to first responders and to the victims. The callers often tell tales of hostages about to be executed or bombs about to go off. The community is placed in danger as responders rush to the scene, taking them away from real emergencies. And the officers are placed in danger as unsuspecting residents may try to defend themselves.


Last year, for example, a 19-year-old Washington state man was charged by California authorities after pretending to be calling from the home of a married California couple, saying he had just shot and murdered someone. A local SWAT team arrived on the scene, and the husband, who had been asleep in his home with his wife and two young children, heard something and went outside to investigate—after first stopping in the kitchen to pick up a knife. What he found was a group of SWAT assault rifles aimed directly at him. Fortunately, the situation didn’t escalate, and no one was injured.


The schemes can also be fairly sophisticated. Consider the following case investigated by our Dallas office recently in concert with a range of partners:


Five swatters in several states targeted people who were using online telephone party chat lines (or their family or friends).

The swatters found personal details on the victims by accessing telecommunication company information stored on protected computers.

Then, by manipulating computer and phone equipment, they called 9-1-1 operators around the country. By using “spoofing technology,” the swatters even made it look like the calls were actually coming from the victims!

Between 2002 and 2006, the five swatters called 9-1-1 lines in more than 60 cities nationwide, impacting more than 100 victims, causing a disruption of services for telecommunications providers and emergency responders, and resulting in up to $250,000 in losses.

“Swats” that the group committed included using bomb threats at sporting events, causing the events to be delayed; claiming that hotel visitors were armed and dangerous, causing an evacuation of the entire hotel; and making threats against public parks and officials.

Case work. The swatters were tracked down through the cooperative efforts of local, state, and federal agencies and the assistance of telecommunications providers and first responders. In all, the case involved more than 40 state and local jurisdictions in about a dozen states. All five subjects have pled guilty to various charges and are scheduled to be sentenced in 2008.


Why did they do it? Said Kevin Kolbye, Assistant Special Agent in Charge of our Dallas office: "Individuals did it for the bragging rights and ego, versus any monetary gain." Basically, they did it because they could.


Law enforcement agencies at all levels are currently working with telecommunications providers around the country to help them address swatting activity.



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What the fuck is this, Hypothetical Bullshit Day?

Chew on this; in the State of Ohio, since the CCW permit laws were passed, there has not been ONE unjustified shooting by a CCW permit holder. NOT ONE.


Throwing around ideas, personal views, etc on the internet is mostly harmless. Once you pull a trigger, there's no going back. I'm going to try and spin your post (keep in mind, this author is pro-things that explode and has an uncle named Sam)


................... unjustified......................


What exactly is a justified shooting? Is there a global doctrine stating the rules of engagement that all CCW owners must abide by?

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Not really an example of what I was trying to present, let's try something like:


Person A feels the need to rob Person B, Person B pulls - Person A Pulls, shots fired. An officer responds to the incident without witnessing who escalated the engagement.


What happens?



I'm just afraid of blue on blue action.

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Actually, the rules for drawing and using a CCW carry weapon are laid out fairly well under ORC. They are actually a lot tighter than the rules are for a police officer under the same circumstances.

Before you are allowed to draw your weapon, you have to be in eminent danger of your life. This generally means the other guy has a gun or knife. A fistfight is not considered to fit this except for a few exceptions(i.e., the aggressor is fucking huge, or tries to liberate the carry weapon from the holder).

You are also allowed to draw if you believe that another person's life is threatened, but the restrictions are a little tighter there. And again, you CANNOT draw your weapon as an aggressor, OR in support of an aggressor.


And the situation you describe with an arriving police officer is ALSO covered in training for CCW. And the first thing they tell you to do under those circumstances is to OBEY THE OFFICER ABSOLUTELY.


I don't have a CCW, so I can't give you details on the training. But I am somewaht familiar with the basics.

The only reason that I haven't bothered is that I'm an OTR truckdriver by trade, which means that 90% of my waking hours, I'm not allowed to carry anyway. You can't carry in a CDL vehicle, concealed or open. I think there are a couple states where some exceptions are made for high-security jobs, but in Ohio, not even armored-car drivers who can open carry are allowed to carry concealed.

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I really wish people who worked in a bar/club where able to carry. I would refrain from drinking while dj'n if I could carry. nice to have to little extra security while loading or unloading. especially at the end of the night. too many owners and workers of bar/clubs getting mugged or assaulted walking out after hours. muggers know that bartenders have tip money on them at the end of the night and that owners sometimes have cash from the night on them. Then dj's like me have cash and or equipment and music.
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The bottom line is, if you can walk away, you should. No matter if someone calls you a bad name, or grabs your girls rear end. If you are the type of person who cannot walk away you should not carry.
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Someday one of us may save you or your kids life. Be thankful there are people willing to step up in those cases when a patient of yours, goes off the deep end. No one in this thread is interested in your left-wing soapbox about gun control.


BTW.... Dont be so paranoid about people carrying guns. Do you have Hoplophobia?


LOL, so I ask a guy why he carries a gun and now I'm (1) ungrateful; (2) a left-winger; and (3) paranoid? Wow, Rick, thanks for missing the point - again. Should I start including pictures of puppies and connect-the-dot diagrams with my posts to help you understand? :) Look, I could care less about gun control, and I could care even less about your disdain for it. Rather, I wanted CMH-gun-checking-guy to answer what I thought to be a relatively simple question just because I was curious to know about his reasoning. That's all, Rick. No, seriously, that's it.


My question is, why DO you care?


Are you scared of people legally carrying guns?


If you didn't care, you wouldn't be asking.


Because, as I said, I was curious to know his reasoning. Maybe I want to look into getting a CCW permit, and I'm just wondering what it's like for people on the other side. Maybe I'm wondering if his reasoning is the same as mine would be if I carried a gun. And, no, I'm not scared of people legally carrying guns.


EDIT: I thought Rick could use a smiley.

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you have to qualify at 50' to pass opota's standards to be a cop...i think you are misinformed.



I think I was standing right there watching.


This was their basic yearly departmental qualifying

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LOL, so I ask a guy why he carries a gun and now I'm (1) ungrateful; (2) a left-winger; and (3) paranoid? Wow, Rick, thanks for missing the point - again. Should I start including pictures of puppies and connect-the-dot diagrams with my posts to help you understand? :) Look, I could care less about gun control, and I could care even less about your disdain for it. Rather, I wanted CMH-gun-checking-guy to answer what I thought to be a relatively simple question just because I was curious to know about his reasoning. That's all, Rick. No, seriously, that's it.


You have proven in past threads on this subject that you are against CCW, a "left winger" and paranoid of guns. Thats all, John. Seriously, that is it


The only people that should be allowed to own/possess firearms are police officers.


That's my humble, biased two cents.



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Maybe I want to look into getting a CCW permit, and I'm just wondering what it's like for people on the other side. Maybe I'm wondering if his reasoning is the same as mine would be if I carried a gun. And, no, I'm not scared of people legally carrying guns.


Get one, stop being a pussy :p

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I think I was standing right there watching.


This was their basic yearly departmental qualifying


you probably weren't present when they qualified at 50'

you've watched, i've done it.


thanks for playing.

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