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is this stupid??


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as most know ive got alot of tattoos. right arm in the process of a full sleeve. on the inner side of that arm i have a flamed Mustang that i absolutely love. and i was thinking of another idea for a tattoo for a while to go with that but on the other arm but same spot on the inside.


im thinking of getting the 5.0 badge off the fox cars tattooed on there. is that retarded or no.


i dont regret any tattoos i have, and never will. and why would i want a 5.0 tattoo. well i have had six fox cars, and i just cant stay away form them. i love the style, the sound, everything about them.


i have been kicking around the idea of either half sleeve or full sleeve on the left arm, with a car influence behind it. so this piece would fit nicely with that.


anyway here is a pic of the right arm with the mustang for reference.


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I don't think it would be retarded man. I'm a firm believer in as long as you like a the tattoo you're getting for whatever reason, who cares what anyone else thinks. You only live once. And you seem to have a passion for mustangs and cars in general, so I'd say definitely go with the 5.0 badge, it's obviously been a part of your automobile interest and influence :) On a side note, nice ink!
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Who cares what other people think regardless. If you want it then you should get it. Whether or not other people think that it is ok or not ok, it sounds like you already want it. Don't let others justify it for you. BTW your arm looks sick.


I'm not a ford guy so of course I don't like the idea, but like he says who cares what others think. It's your body and you have to live with it. If you want it go with it, like you said no regrets.

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I chould not do any better but that tat^^ is pretty bad man




I think the 5.0 could look good......but probably wont. You already have a Mustang reference (which is actually really nice btw) I think the 5.0 will be a little corny, but its your body man.


Not a fan of body ink, but that mustang is pretty cool......

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i say go for it....its somthing that has made you happy at one point in your life. and a car that you obviously have a slight obsession for. so go for it...and car themes FTW. i actually have one going right now. so far just the piston/heart on my arm and checkered flags,etc on my stomach. i plan to get some finished and add more but need to find a new artist and extra cash.


my friend was doing mine but relapsed back into the drug life and im not sure i can trust a tweeker working on me.

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