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Free Kitten


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Lmfao no pics of cat as for friend sure why not. Its the only picture I have of her so its not the best by any means:





She should've kept jogging instead of stopping for the kittah.


I bet she doesn't miss any meals either




now that the zingers you set me up for are past, MORE PICS.




srsly tho, i'm just bored. bumpity

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On a related note, some guy came jogging by my house and ran off with one of my new black kittens today. What's this world coming to?




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On a related note, some guy came jogging by my house and ran off with one of my new black kittens today. What's this world coming to?


You can have my kitten that looks liike a twix candy bar

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On a related note, some guy came jogging by my house and ran off with one of my new black kittens today. What's this world coming to?


Prolly some fucking weirdo's, I read this article that some lady in columbus was saving animals from craigs list and bringing them home, keeping them in the cage and drowing them in a large trash can full of water. The artice said they had proof she killed over XXX number of cats and dogs over a span of several years, but was only able to find 2 burried dogs, so she was only charged and recieved no felony charges.

I know how hard it is getting rid of animals now days even more so for cats, but if I had a litter of cats id try to make sure they went to a good home rather then just some random crazy asshat who wants to kill them.

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