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I guess this is going to be another pissing match between the Ohio Riders and the Junkies? Mello was just trying to be nice and post up a video of the OH Riders and all people want to do is bash it.

You complain that the Junkies are this fucked up idiotic group riding outside their limits on back roads, but if I remember correctly the only person who went down the day the video was taken was an OH Rider on a red CBR. An who fixed the bike so the guy could get home? Proplayer513 and I (an avid Junkie) rode 25mins to get some JB Weld and then Gixxie750 (Junkies Pres) plugged the hole in his radiator. But remember, the Junkies are just a bunch of hooligans...

As for using the Ohio Riders name, last time I checked I was a member of the OH riders so that would give me or anyone else who is a member the right to use the name however we want. The name is not Trademarked. If so, then ban me. I'm sure that I can speak for some of the other Junkies on this.

For some reason I feel like the Assfault Junkies have been placed into the same category as outlaw biker gangs (ie. Hells Angles, ect...). If you don't want to ride with us that's fine just keep you bitching and moaning to yourselves. No one wants to hear it and nothing you say is going to change who we are and how we ride.

Once again, a thread posted on the OH riders site meant for good has turned into a pissing match.


You aren't lumped into the same group as Hell's Angels - they were badass... What you guys do is create vids of riding recklessly on public roads and trying to get a lot of attention doing it.

Personally, I don't care about what you do, but when you go public and allow the world to see it, do you think it is unfair at what people say in terms of what they feel? Seriously?

Put it in perspective - you guys DO ride beyond your abilities. You can blame it on others, but there's enough proof out there to show you guys are somewhat irresponsible. I applaud people telling you it isn't a smart thing to do and that they don't like having their group name attached to it.

Sure, by default of joining this site, you are an "Ohio Riders rider", but in the end, what this site and the majority of the people on it represent isn't what you guys are all about.

If you think we need to not complain and moan about what you do, just don't post vids and pics of you doing stupid stuff...

Of course, I think it is rather funny that you post all these videos and there becomes proof of how you ride and then you defend it...

Look, like Yota stated - we all have done or do stupid stuff. I'm by NO means an exception. Of course, I try and learn from it and I certainly don't video tape myself and post it on the web for all to see...

Nice try in an effort to spin it around where we try and make you look like the bad guy, but in the end, you reap what you sow...

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Thanks for all the comments, they we all the ones I expected. Both good and bad.

The name of the video is OhioRiderJunkies, not Ohio-Riders. There were more "Ohio-Riders" present during that ride than AssfaultJunkies. The video was made for those "Ohio-Riders" riders.

The video did do some good with the comments, like when Lizard1 was giving advice to the guy on the yellow SVS650. In the beginning of the 2nd video, the speed limit is 55 and everyone new was going 45. Not a big deal, but I wanted to film the aggressive guys on their new found pavement.

Riding in a big group is stoops, and I'm glad you guys see that in this video. I wasn't there for the crash cause I break off at 27.

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Not my style of riding thats for sure. The country side looked beautiful. Maybe if you edit the video and take out some of the more aggressive acts.

Don't want to be guilty by association. This could hinder OR from charity rides, and fund rasiers that we actively participate in. Because of our agressive riding style.

The deeds of a few, outwiegh the deeds of the many.

This brings me back to a comment made on a video that was posted of the charity ride. "I wouldn't want to be in that group!" They are automatically assuming that since most of our group rides sport bikes that we are dangerous, or do stupid things, I wonder why that is?? Now granted we didn't have a problem all day with anyone, because we didn't ride aggressively.

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I just get sick of these people who have never rode with us talking all this shit. I feel like I'm in a fucking Soap Opera!

Simple solution: quit riding like a bunch of squids in packs of 40. Then no one will talk shit about you.

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all I can conclude is anyone that rides with me is better off riding safely and within the limits of the law, otherwise they find themselves without a riding partner... I refuse to ride with people that can't respect that... as far as what everyone is saying about "guilt by association", I agree that you should be respectful of the group as a whole and act in a manner that reflects the ideals of the group as a whole... otherwise DON'T be a part of the group.... Now, take it for whatever you want, but you weren't coming across with respect.

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