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has cr gone down hill


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You know i notice things as I lurk around, this board has become Hal, B.C., and who ever they want to piss off that day, just E-battling their way through (life?) or the board.


Has cr come to this where Bucky says "repost" every day, Hal is obsessed with "failing" and B.C. trys horribly to "keep the peace". It seems to me that all their so called witty banter could be kept to pm's or even AIM(but then their almighty post count would suffer).


Now at some point Hal was a large contributer to the board by helping his "customers" out by doing good but cheap work. B.C. plans a buch of stuff thats great, (we honestly need that to become this "COMMUNITY" that everyone says we are) but its real hard when everyone acts like a douche bag to eachother and more so the newbs. Where does it say that if you have over x amount of posts you can be a tool?




cliffs : ahh who cares


edit: the names are only examples that ive seen this is not to single out anyone

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You know i notice things as I lurk around, this board has become Hal, B.C., and who ever they want to piss off that day, just E-battling their way through (life?) or the board.


Has cr come to this where Bucky says "repost" every day, Hal is obsessed with "failing" and B.C. trys horribly to "keep the peace". It seems to me that all their so called witty banter could be kept to pm's or even AIM(but then their almighty post count would suffer).


Now at some point Hal was a large contributer to the board by helping his "customers" out by doing good but cheap work. B.C. plans a buch of stuff thats great, (we honestly need that to become this "COMMUNITY" that everyone says we are) but its real hard when everyone acts like a douche bag to eachother and more so the newbs. Where does it say that if you have over x amount of posts you can be a tool?




cliffs : ahh who cares


edit: the names are only examples that ive seen this is not to single out anyone

I agree

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On the outside it looks like I'm trying to keep the peace, but I'm reality I'm the number one instigator.


(The horns hold up my halo)


BTW, I dont e battle I throw one posters then make up with the person I insulted. Example soon to follow.

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Ive noticed half the board doesnt have anything that they race...whether it be drag,autox,road course....etc. Thats what I dont get.

I will say that some did and used to do all the above, but then you have others. I know some are here for love of cars/bikes/etc... then you have those that are quite clueless and for lack of better words worthless.

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Ladies and gentlemen of the court. may I present..

Exibit A:

depends how bad you wanna get walked?? zing!!!!


Exibit B:


Exibit C:

anyone notice that brian has had alot of +1's and hasnt had to say anything in the thread (that should speak for it self)


Exibit D:

thts low even for some rich kid snob!! ohh sick BURN!!



and i might have to bring the notch out for this


Exibit E:

does that mean you spend almost all of your life on the internet (cuz youve seen it all):p


This is what I pulled by going through your most recent page of posts. Note terms suck as, "Zing", and "sick BURN!!". These are typical terms used in e-battles. Also notice a post that could have been taken wrong by IPS but luckily Hal (who is one of the accused) stopped a possible e-battle in an inappropriate area. To an untrained eye one might think you are starting a fight (notice the incorrect usage of the smilie sticking out his tounge in exhibit E), however to a professional we can tell it's just a joke. From the evidence I have presented I would like to move that you... NTHER91... should be found guilty by a jury of your peers. Guilty of being part of the reason that CR is going down hill.


I rest my case.

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Ladies and gentlemen of the court. may I present..

Exibit A:



Exibit B:



Exibit C:



Exibit D:



Exibit E:



This is what I pulled by going through your most recent page of posts. Note terms suck as, "Zing", and "sick BURN!!". These are typical terms used in e-battles. Also notice a post that could have been taken wrong by IPS but luckily Hal (who is one of the accused) stopped a possible e-battle in an inappropriate area. To an untrained eye one might think you are starting a fight (notice the incorrect usage of the smilie sticking out his tounge in exhibit E), however to a professional we can tell it's just a joke. From the evidence I have presented I would like to move that you... NTHER91... should be found guilty by a jury of your peers. Guilty of being part of the reason that CR is going down hill.


I rest my case.



No you are wrong I am the wrong person to use as an example.


1. I dont post enough or get into e-battles "just to"


2. Don't get me wrong i find myself drawn here as many others for the love of the cars/bikes, but its the bullshit i have to wade through to get to it.



but you just proved my point

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See the problem is not the kitchen, it the general lack of common sense. My above post was just a really long joke. There are only 2 people on this entire forum that I really dont like, but they dont matter so they will never know it. If you look back there has always been whipping boys that "mess up" and clutter cr. From hefty picking fights to thornes broken english. Its an endless cycle of cars and bullshit.... The biggest difference now is that people old and new dont come from behind the computer anymore. If CR is going down hill its because bench racing and e-battling trumps going to meets.


BTW... Eric are you still bringing the notch to the meet tomorrow?

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It's people incessantly whining that brings it "downhill".


CR is doing just fine.


qft. also n00bs trying to run the place. not saying that there aren't plenty of awesome people who just happened to have joined recently, but it seems like the spirit of cr (part of that spirit being exclusivity) has disappeared.

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Like Paul with the SRT-4. Nice guy in person, but he doesn't even try to assemble anything resembling a proper conversation on here, and runs his mouth 24/7.


It's fucking annoying. Seriously. The drivel that he posts? If I were someone looking to seriously join an automotive organization, if he represents the average member, I'd run the other way.


Granted, things are not the way they were years ago. The original members have matured while the newer "generation" members are overall annoying pieces of shit.


This needs to change, thus one of the reasons people have to post and have a passing rating before being allowed to see the rest of the board.


Trust me, Eric, running CR is not as easy as it may seem.

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