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ted the caver


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so, about every two years or so i go back and read this story. and i always wonder if anyone knows of anyother places to find good stories like this on "zee intarweb". if anyones got some good ones, post them up here. ill start with ted the caver and the bastard operator from hell...







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so, about every two years or so i go back and read this story. and i always wonder if anyone knows of anyother places to find good stories like this on "zee intarweb". if anyones got some good ones, post them up here. ill start with ted the caver and the bastard operator from hell...








Not exactly the same, but hours of entertainment:


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so, about every two years or so i go back and read this story. and i always wonder if anyone knows of anyother places to find good stories like this on "zee intarweb". if anyones got some good ones, post them up here. ill start with ted the caver and the bastard operator from hell...








Is there an end to that cave story? I read teh whole thing and want to know what the fuck was there lol.


I figure it's just a simple story someone wrote to spook people with the cliffhanger at the end.

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Is there an end to that cave story? I read teh whole thing and want to know what the fuck was there lol.


I figure it's just a simple story someone wrote to spook people with the cliffhanger at the end.



That's what I figured too, but if there is more I would like to read it

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Is there an end to that cave story?

The end of the story is; The Descent opens in theaters, summer 2006!


It's a great story, I enjoyed the read, but it's not real.


The Hadron Collider opens an innocent sounding Mini-Black Hole in Europe and sucks in the Earth.

A black holes gravitational "sucking" force is directly relative to the amount of matter used to create it. Meaning, they'd need to start enough material to outweigh the earth in order for the earth to be sucked into it.

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A black holes gravitational "sucking" force is directly relative to the amount of matter used to create it. Meaning, they'd need to start enough material to outweigh the earth in order for the earth to be sucked into it.


Its going to suck the world in one grain of sand at a time. Or can you just put a rubber plug in it?

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Its going to suck the world in one grain of sand at a time. Or can you just put a rubber plug in it?

Actually, yes. I would choose a more dense material, but a black hole that began as the size of a single particle of matter can be "filled up" and brought back to a state of observability, it won't have the gravity to pull matter into it and crush it down. You need a super massive object to create a "garbage compactor" black hole.

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Actually, yes. I would choose a more dense material, but a black hole that began as the size of a single particle of matter can be "filled up" and brought back to a state of observability, it won't have the gravity to pull matter into it and crush it down. You need a super massive object to create a "garbage compactor" black hole.

Super massive like super accelerated particles?

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