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Chinas opening ceremony


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Another favorite place of mine. Worked there for two years. Very diverse sity and lots of beautiful Asian Women :p


I'm in Toronto right now and everywhere you look the ceremony is being played over and over again...on practically every tv in the city. Actually, my parents are watching it right now in our hotel room...here comes China!
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DAMN! That lighting of the torch was awesome. The whole thing was very well done IMO. Not like China doesn't have enough people and engineers to have pulled it off though :) Well done IMO.

I liked it, but I still think Barcelona's lighting was better. The first half (everything before the parade) kicked ass.

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I honestly thought the torch lighting was a bit much...I mean really, flying around the stadium? It was also hilarious when the lowered the one cable so he could "run" at an angle and the cord dropped really quickly, everyone I was with thought he was going to just fall down lol. Which of course would have been awful, so I'm glad that was not the case, but funny none the less.
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i thought the opening ceremonies were amazing, sadly i had to leave before the lighting of the flame


anyone got a vid link to it?

Pirate Bay for the whole thing, or drop by with an 8G USB stick or external hard drive ;) If you go PB, be sure to grab the HD Korean feed that's just under 5G. The one that says it's HD from China (Hong Kong) is actually pretty crappy. The BBC version is reported to be decent quality but small, and NBC... well... they deserve to be taken out back and put out of our misery. Stupid commentary the entire friggin' night. If you want just the torch lighting, I'm sure that's on YouTube.

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the opening ceremony really impressed me. Took a lot of coordination to pull that stuff off. I was amazed that the thai chi masters were able to keep such a good circle and lines while doing all the moves.


I was very impressed with all of the stuff. Fell asleep during the parade of nations though.

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