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Question for the LEOs on the board


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If I am issued a written warning how long does it stay on my record?


example, 2 years ago I was given a written warning by Worthington PD for no front plate. Do they report that back to my driving record like a normal speeding ticket or is it just stored within their own systems? Does it drop off in 3 years like a ticket or is it more/less time?

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^^ So is it always on file with Worthington? Or does it drop out of their system at some point as well?


It's not like I go through there much and when I do, i just make sure I'm driving something with a front plate. Just curious is all.



-edit....also what happens if I get a written warning from say the State Highway Patrol?

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written warnnings are exactly that a warning.. dosent go to any state agency to be reported or anywhere your insurence company can see it... just dont get pulled over by the same officer in a short time fram...


all dept. do differnt things with their written warnings.. i typically file then in the nearest trash can after a shift..

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ps if its a "fix it ticket" there are some agency that willl require you to come back to the dept. and show them you have fixed the violation to not incur them issuing you a citation. but only if that what the officer instructed you to do.. i know the State Patrol will usulally do that sometime
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Thanks Pete, that's what I was looking for. I've never received a "fix it" ticket, but have been given written warnings before and was curious as to if pulled over by another dept if they'd be able to see it on my record.
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written warnings are a waste of paper and pen ink.. i dont know why people write them. Each dept doest different things with them though. So who knows really.


When I was given my written warning by Worthington I laughed afterward when I looked at it. In the section where it normally said "If found in violation of this offense again you may be issued a citation"....the officer had taken the time to scribble out "may be" and write "WILL" really big on it. Seemed like he took it a bit too seriously, but I suppose in the end I was happy that I was given a warning.

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