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New Old Guy!

Guest Z32Daddy

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How about you guys get "tougher" skin. Lets try.


You are all a bunch of douchebags. OOh this is fun.

Bunch of losers, ahh feels great.


Except I don't have control over what you see. I can take a good ribbing, just trying to fit in with all of the ribbing going on.


Thanks you cocksuckers....oooh i feel like a cr member already.




uhhh ... you're welcome ... now fuck off.

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You don't even have to OPEN the rules stickies, just glance at them up there at the top of the page. They say right in the title, post pics and make a good intro. Now, if you hadn't acted like a four year old who just got spanked, you would have been given time to take your pics before the assholes really started in.


Oh, and BTW, if you can't take it in the Oven, you'd have lasted five seconds in the rest of the forum...

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