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flying nutbags

max power

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Chock full of kahunes

cool vids of guys jumping off of a cliff wearing a flying suit. I think they got the idea from flying squirrels.


Edited by max power
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isnt there somebody out there that is trying to use one of these suits to land without a chute? thought i saw something on tv or online about it. could be wrong. its happened once.

Yea, he is trying to land in a really tall huge funnel type tunnel thing. His plan is to have the tunnel slow down his decent. I remember see that too. Looks interesting, but suicidal.

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I dont think anyone will be using one of these suits to land without a chute. They are traveling around 100mph in those things so I dont see that happening.

yea, i agree, but i'm thinking it's possible to land once. Probably only need a squeegee to clean up afterward too.

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+1 for suicidal. seems possible, if bird can do it why can't humans? crazy logic

Crazy indeed. A bird doesn't need to be going a hundred mph to generate enough lift to fly. Just like an airplane, if the giant flying squirrel guy isn't going fast enough he'll fall out of the sky like a stone, then SPLAT!! human marmalade.

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He better be if he plans to land without a chute!

He wants to do it with a ramp is my guess. I could see it working if it were tall enough, had the right slope and coefficient of friction and he was able to hit it at the correct angle. I would imagine he would be wearing gear similar to a motorcycle racer and would slide down the ramp slowing down gradually. the 1/3 drop he was talking about is a very similar drop rate to gliders.

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  • 1 year later...

there was a guy who went sky diving and landed without his chute (it didnt open) and he lived....i think he broke like every bone in his body though lol

**edit..cant find the video of this anymore, but i did find a few similar ones...i guess its not uncommon for people to live from this somehow...found a girl who did, and a skydiving instructor too


this guy broke his ankle and collapsed a lung, and was out of the hospital in 11 days

Edited by Steve Butters
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