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Why are farmers tax exempt?


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Our economy is in the shitter, at the very least its because of farmers. Austin you own GM's, Do you know they lost $15.8 billion last quater alone. How did Honda do? or Toyota, even Hyundia? Maybe they are paying a little much for salaries and pensions, due to the unions. And they have been doing so for along time.
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Sorry Austin your first and second post sounded like you were. I then skipped to the bottom. I raise cattle (5) and I'm not exempt, not yet. Taxes just piss me off, in the way, they are every where. I'm fine with paying them, I just think they're missed used. Most of my salary comes from taxes since I'm in construction. But it would suck if i got taxed on grain to feed my cattle and you didn't to buy a steak. As long as they don't start taxing tea. My family owns about 20 acres and we get a break on property tax if you show an agricultural profit.

Now does anyone know about horses? or recreational animal.

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I agree about not giving enough credit where credit is due. If you understood the cost of equiptment, fuel, seed, fertilizers etc.... not too mention the current rates for cash rent on land and property taxes its makes you wonder whether or not were cutting them enough of a break. Small famers are a dieing breed and some of the hardest workers out there...give them some credit!
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Seriously. I get farmers (you can usually spot them right away) that come into my work all the time. They'll ask to rent something, I'll start writing up the rental contract, and then they'll almost always blurt out, "Farm use." or, "I'm tax exempt."




What do they contribute to society that allows them to skip out on paying taxes? I've got to pay them. I'm sure 99% of you have to pay them. So why is it that everytime they purchase something, they get a break? Do other members of society (for the most part) not contribute to the country as a whole? Would they get their farm job accomplished if I didn't rent them the equipment?


Just something that's been on my mind that I've been meaning to ask about/discuss.


if i would have thought about it i would have said my raptor was for farm use because i bought it when i had the goats. lol

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But the guy in the John Deere factory that makes his tractor doesn't get a break.


The company i work for used to make parts for John Deere, but besides that we make parts for most of your Auto makers out there... If you drive a Mercedes, BMW, Porsche, Audi, VW, Jaguar, Ford, Chrysler, GM, Hummer, Land Rover, you are welcome. Oh and i don't get a discount on any of them. Hows that for some BS

Don't hate on the guy driving the Nissan when he knows what your cars essentials are made out of *hint hint*. (Most of what we make is drive train)

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hope you are joking, or i misread or something besides what that says


I think what he meant (not trying to put words in his mouth though) is that the political football of Farmers getting a tax break on buying fertilizer is the LEAST of our worries given the problems the government, and most of the private sector, faces elsewhere.

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Every year, every farm in America is, at some point, in danger of closing. Then the harvest comes and bails them out. If the harvest doesn't come, like during a dust bowl event, then these farmers go tits up. Many farms close each year regardless. Some farmers get tax breaks AND the government regulates their prices. Not a good pay-off, but neccesary to keep food affordable to us.

We need (NEED) farmers and domestic farming, so they get help. We don't need tractors or any of the shit to grow food, it just makes it easier, so those who make such implements get no help. Domestic food production is vital to our infrastructure, so it's protected. It's more important than the military.

Even the Roman emperors knew not to fux with the frams.


welcome to socialism.

So you're saying that, because everyone isn't being treated equally, it's socialism? Tax law seems to be saying that one class of society is more important than the rest, that is the opposite of socialism.


Speaking of socialism: Wanna see what happens when you have shitty agriculture? Look at Russia.

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