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Calif. cop shoots apparently helpless man in the back


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Cops gonna walk away with prolly little to no jail time, BART gonna pay $10Million and family has to live with no son.

World sucks, cops suck and thats life.

I wouldn't say cops suck. I know lots of them. Most are great people.

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not the pricks I've had to deal with. Someone tried to steal my integra, the cop started letting me know that filing a false police report is a FELONY. Not to mention it was in a parking lot that had camera's and they refused to check them.

Fuck Cops

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It's very apparent that the cop in question musta been picked on by a guy who "looks/acts" like the victim in high school. I cant say fuck all cops, but fuck cops that have a chip on their shoulder. From my experience most of them do. I hope that cop fries like a donut, oh wait its California. He should get off with full pay and a sweet retirement package. Book deal to boot! :mad:

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Not all cops are bad..and you hear about bad cops more than you do good cops, which is fucked up, but that's the way EVERYTHING is.

Having said that, if you carry a gun and a taser, it is assumed that you are trained to know which one is which. Yes humans make mistakes, but if you are on the trigger end of a tool that can end an innocent persons life, you better know your fucking limits...and you better find another line of work if you can't tell the difference between a taser and a glock. Yeah..these guys (cops) are in high pressure situations all the time...but this guy was NOT posing any serious threat to the cop, judging by the video. THERE IS NO FUCKING EXCUSE FOR THIS SHOOTING. I don't care how you spin it. Like the baseball player in Texas who the cops shot while he was on the ground....yeah..,.um..because they thought his car was stolen and he sat up and asked why the cops were slamming his mom against a wall? Sorry..but shooting someone for sitting up on the ground is not justified.

There are a lot of stories that get twisted in the media...but there are just as many that they get right ...and THIS particular story has the video to back it up. Just think..how many shootings and beatings have occured where there wasn't any proof??

Again, not all cops are bad...but there are a LOT of cops out there who abuse their power..especially since they know it's their word against yours. Most of the time, they probably deserve some slack...but when it comes to a loss of life? Fuck that. In my experience, there are two kinds of cops...the ones who are power hungy, who were picked on in life or have a chip on their shoulder and want to be in a position of power..to ultimately abuse it, and the other kind, who REALLY and TRULY want to make a difference, but get so sick of the bullshit they see (on both sides) and give it up.

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Not all cops are bad..and you hear about bad cops more than you do good cops, which is fucked up, but that's the way EVERYTHING is.

I will 100% agree with that. ^^^^

Media makes it that way, I know there are good cops out there, just haven't met one yet.

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I will 100% agree with that. ^^^^

Media makes it that way, I know there are good cops out there, just haven't met one yet.

I'll say this..there is a State Trooper that works the turnpike, that is one of the good guys. Not too many times you can get caught in triple digits and ride home to tell about it...no points.

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