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Anyone ever been on Phentermine?


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I'm probably one of the biggest guys on CR. Soon to be Dad and wanting to become a more active/healthy person for my child. And recently I have reached an all time high in my weight. So my doctor put me on Phentermine Thursday and a strict diet. I've been taking in only 1000 or less calories a day (usually like 800) and only drinking water. . . and I'm down 9 pounds since Thursday.


Was wondering if anyone else has used this weight loss prescription? Any problems with it? Seems to be doing great for me.

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Will, that's the easiest way to setup for failure, in my opinion. You should take in 2-3000 calories of GOOD foods like fruits, veggies and meats. Just cut out all of the junk and split your meals up throughout the day and try to workout a little.


On a side note, I have a friend taking that new Alli drug and it's giving him greasy farts. :eek:

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Will, that's the easiest way to setup for failure, in my opinion. You should take in 2-3000 calories of GOOD foods like fruits, veggies and meats. Just cut out all of the junk and split your meals up throughout the day and try to workout a little.


On a side note, I have a friend taking that new Alli drug and it's giving him greasy farts. :eek:


LoL, yeah stay away from Alli, it will make him shit his pants for sure.


As far as my diet goes. . I just keep it to healthy portion control. A low carb shake for breakfast. . . a 4-6oz piece of chicken and a salad for lunch, and generally a small 4-6oz piece of chicken or steak for dinner with a side of veggies. . . and an apple or healthy fruit for a snack.


I'm not really starving myself. . . I'm just eating a lot less . . and a lot more healthier. No sugar and carbs for me!

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What are you weighing in at now? I'm a fatty with a Regal :) and I'm sitting at about 330? I know I need to drop a LOT of weight, but I dunno. Just unmotivated I guess.



6'5" 382 :(


Goal weight is 250. . . what I weighed in high school as a lineman and was in the best shape of my life.


I'm looking for a workout partner if you wanna get started man. . . what I do to stay motivated is keep track of everything I eat on an eraser board by my fridge. . and I printed out a picture of me now and put on the fridge to help me from making bad choices. My wife offers great support too.


Let me know if you'd like to take the plunge!! We could be big losers together.

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6'5" 382 :(


Goal weight is 250. . . what I weighed in high school as a lineman and was in the best shape of my life.


I'm looking for a workout partner if you wanna get started man. . . what I do to stay motivated is keep track of everything I eat on an eraser board by my fridge. . and I printed out a picture of me now and put on the fridge to help me from making bad choices. My wife offers great support too.


Let me know if you'd like to take the plunge!! We could be big losers together.


What I need to do is just quit drinking beer. I drink a LOT of it and that's most of it right there. I don't even eat much, except barley and hops :).


I'm also 5'11.

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What I need to do is just quit drinking beer. I drink a LOT of it and that's most of it right there. I don't even eat much, except barley and hops :).


I'm also 5'11.



Haha. . I hear ya there man. It's not easy to give up a good beer. . . but really in the long run it's worth it. I'm doing a Christmas challenge. . . and won't pick up another beer for the rest of the year :o

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I don't like the new pharmaceuticals (PHEN PHEN anyone?)


I would sit down to a meal, cut the food in 1/2 and only eat 1/2.


Start walking, work your way up to running. Challenge yourself, tell your children you are going to run in a 5K and find one to train for.


every mile you run is 100 calories, once you get to the point you can run 3 miles you are burning 300 calories running and your new lean muscle is burning calories all day.

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I'm back! :). Been there/done/doing that now for about 4 years?


if ONLY beer had zero calories. I'd be thin as hell! lol.


Switch to rum or vodka with tap water. Almost no calories. A real man mixes drinks with water that has no sugar in it. Also mixes drinks with his dick for the ladies... :D

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your 1000 calorie diet is ok, but not for long. Thats a crash coarse. Shows you results quick, but you can't stick to that too long. You will crash = absolutely no energy. Bump it up to 1500+ after about 10 days of 1000 or less.

Anyway, thats great you are stepping it up and getting in shape, keep us posted. Just make sure that you balance things out. The good carbs that your body needs for energy should be taken earlier in the day that way they are burned off throughout the day. Heres an example, high carbs (not high but the most you'll get all day at one time) in the morning (good carbs at that) low protein, mid day level the two out (medium protein and carbs), then in the evening/night little to no carbs and high protein. The high protein before bed/in the evening helps your body recover from any work or workouts you gave your muscles (while you sleep). High carbs before bed will be stored as fat. As for skipping breakfast (for future reference), its been proven that skipping breakfast (your boost of energy/good carbs) shows that your body will store 80% (ish) of the following meals as fat, because the body doesn't know how long it will be without food again (as in you had dinner and 1-2 hours later you went to bed then slept for 6-8 hours, then didn't eat until lunch 3-5 hours after you woke up)....

Just some possibly helpful tips. Keep us posted, we're pulling for ya.

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your 1000 calorie diet is ok, but not for long. Thats a crash coarse. Shows you results quick, but you can't stick to that too long. You will crash = absolutely no energy. Bump it up to 1500+ after about 10 days of 1000 or less.

Anyway, thats great you are stepping it up and getting in shape, keep us posted. Just make sure that you balance things out. The good carbs that your body needs for energy should be taken earlier in the day that way they are burned off throughout the day. Heres an example, high carbs (not high but the most you'll get all day at one time) in the morning (good carbs at that) low protein, mid day level the two out (medium protein and carbs), then in the evening/night little to no carbs and high protein. The high protein before bed/in the evening helps your body recover from any work or workouts you gave your muscles (while you sleep). High carbs before bed will be stored as fat. As for skipping breakfast (for future reference), its been proven that skipping breakfast (your boost of energy/good carbs) shows that your body will store 80% (ish) of the following meals as fat, because the body doesn't know how long it will be without food again (as in you had dinner and 1-2 hours later you went to bed then slept for 6-8 hours, then didn't eat until lunch 3-5 hours after you woke up)....

Just some possibly helpful tips. Keep us posted, we're pulling for ya.


yes he will crash but he also has to allow/teach his body to burn fat for energy again. He is eats carbs his body will use those first before hitting his fat reserves. I do agree that 800 cals. is low but if he is getting a good amount of protien he should be fine and if he starts working out again that help out even more.



This last year (Jan) I weighted in a@ 220 lbs started working out 4 days a week and ate better than what I used too 2000 to 2500 cals a day and on weekends would do 3000. In 6 months I lost 20 lbs and added 3lbs of muscle to my frame (had my body fat checked was @ 27%) Since june July I havent been working out but cut my cal intake to 1000 to 1500 depending on the day and 2000 on weekends and have lost another 12lbs and lowered my % of body fat down to 16%. Come Sept I will start working out again and my goal is to be at 10% by Christmas going to keep my cal and carb down and my protien high around (200g a day)and see how far I can go with it.

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800 -1000/ a day is to low. When losing weight you need to change lifestyle not crash yourself. Check out the Paige Fundamental diet plan, this is the most sound nutrition work ever done. I know I am going to step on toes and I am sure Kirk will be in to tell me who wrong I am, and I don't know anything because I am not an MD. :lol:


They learn what is fed to them by the food manufactures and the FDA/USDA (both might as well work for Nestle directly).


click here


I have had many type II diabetics, become non-diabetics on this plan.

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ive been working at it about 1 year, and went from 212 to about 181 today.


eat more food (than you are now), but eat 5-6 meals a day. it boosts your metabolism, and your body isn't storing food, because it knows it will be getting more in a couple hours.


cut sodium, drastically. it makes you retain water.


keep off sweets.


i really havent changed a lot of my diet. i dont drink pop any more, but really, i stopped drinking 2-3 cans/bottles a day in high school, so that wasnt much of a change. i try to chose something with chicken/turkey in it over burgers now.


my dad is/was a big guy like you. he's probably 6'2 and if i had to guess, was around 340lbs. he got on this "body for life" program, stayed on it for about 6 months, and dropped like 75lbs. it will give you a test to figure out what kind of body type you are, and give you an eating plan to show you what foods will be best for you. for my g/f, she did it, and red meats kill her, so it has her on fish, chicken, turkey, etc, fresh greens, fruits/vegies (a lot...theres still a few that arent great for her), etc. she did it for the 6 weeks like it suggests, and dropped about 28lbs. she has kept it off...she wants to lose more, but she's too lazy to get back on the diet and stick to it.


i was shocked how much it helped my dad though, because he's been big ever since i can remember

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oh, if you get back to working out, muscle will burn calories a lot faster than fat will. i was doing weight training for a while, then just got back into jogging and a little bit less on the weights. helping me keep off the weight pretty easily. my original goal was 180 (where im at now), but now that im here, i'd like to get down another 10lbs or just get rid of my gut, which is whats remaining. im pleased with the results everywhere else.
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