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Anyone ever been on Phentermine?


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No one in this thread from what I read is qualified to be giving you the advice you need.


I've dealt with strength/fitness training for years, as well as diet advice. That being said, I am no qualified to give out advice for someone who medically needs to lose weight.


Phil, you should not be giving out this type of diet advice. Leave it to a professional. Have you taken your personal trainer test? If not, please do not call yourself a trainer.

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I'm still on the seafood diet.... when I seafood I eats it :)


<------- 250lbs of jager and little debbies :(



I'm going to get a home gym after we move in september and stop eating cookies and see what happens


lol. my family bought a home gym in my teen years, it got used about 1 month, then served as a scratching post for the cats. my mom eventually gave it away to one of the patients at her dr. office.


best bet is to spend the 30$/mo on a gym membership. they'll do the automatic withdrawl, so if you stop going, you'll see them still taking money and get your ass back in there. lol

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No one in this thread from what I read is qualified to be giving you the advice you need.

I am.

Phil, you should not be giving out this type of diet advice. Leave it to a professional. Have you taken your personal trainer test? If not, please do not call yourself a trainer.

The calling your self a personal trainer does not mean squat. There is no state license. Anyone who has $49.95 can call them self a personal trainer.



The are some personal trainers that know a lot but many more don't know squat.


BTW there is a big difference between healthy and physically fit. They are not the same thing.

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No one in this thread from what I read is qualified to be giving you the advice you need.


I've dealt with strength/fitness training for years, as well as diet advice. That being said, I am no qualified to give out advice for someone who medically needs to lose weight.


Phil, you should not be giving out this type of diet advice. Leave it to a professional. Have you taken your personal trainer test? If not, please do not call yourself a trainer.



i shouldnt be giving advise? wtf are you talking about? are you a.s.e certified? no i didnt think you were. i forgot i am the nike spraq trainer. i forgot i did help with osu football, basketball, soccer, and volleyball teams this year. but you wouldnt know shit about that. please refrain from speaking unless you know what your talking about. my minor is health and nutrion, so by the end of april i will be able to take the nutrional health test. making me a certified dietician.

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I am.


The calling your self a personal trainer does not mean squat. There is no state license. Anyone who has $49.95 can call them self a personal trainer.



The are some personal trainers that know a lot but many more don't know squat.


BTW there is a big difference between healthy and physically fit. They are not the same thing.



the 49.99 is to become a certified foney. you cant get a job being a pt anywhere with that. so thanks for trying, but you fail once again. i spent 2 years working on my pt certification. not 2 days at a workshop

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i shouldnt be giving advise? wtf are you talking about? are you a.s.e certified? no i didnt think you were. i forgot i am the nike spraq trainer. i forgot i did help with osu football, basketball, soccer, and volleyball teams this year. but you wouldnt know shit about that. please refrain from speaking unless you know what your talking about. my minor is health and nutrion, so by the end of april i will be able to take the nutrional health test. making me a certified dietician.

You are not qualified to give out advice that can severely affect another person's health. YOU DO NOT HAVE A DEGREE, YOU ARE A STUDENT. YOU ARE NOT QUALIFIED. Shut up about things you shouldn't be talking about. I'm so fucking sick of you.


YOU ARE NOT A CERTIFIED DIETICIAN. God, you have to be one of the most retarded people I've spoken to.

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You are not qualified to give out advice that can severely affect another person's health. YOU DO NOT HAVE A DEGREE, YOU ARE A STUDENT. YOU ARE NOT QUALIFIED. Shut up about things you shouldn't be talking about. I'm so fucking sick of you.


YOU ARE NOT A CERTIFIED DIETICIAN. God, you have to be one of the most retarded people I've spoken to.





so thats why im employed to FUCKING PERSONAL TRAIN . you always think your right you fucking dick, if i wasnt "qualified" to do my job, ohio state wouldnt trust me with their players. nike wouldnt have gave me the internship to work with proffesional athletes, lifetime wouldnt be calling me 2x a week to do workout sessios there. lifestyle wouldnt want me to be there lead pt, so eat my dick hal. i dont knock you for being a great mechanic. i would appreciate the same respect. i am not in school to be a pt, i already have my certifications on that side, im there for physical education, sports managment, and im getting my other certs soon.

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so thats why im employed to FUCKING PERSONAL TRAIN . you always think your right you fucking dick, if i wasnt "qualified" to do my job, ohio state wouldnt trust me with their players. nike wouldnt have gave me the internship to work with proffesional athletes, lifetime wouldnt be calling me 2x a week to do workout sessios there. lifestyle wouldnt want me to be there lead pt, so eat my dick hal. i dont knock you for being a great mechanic. i would appreciate the same respect. i am not in school to be a pt, i already have my certifications on that side, im there for physical education, sports managment, and im getting my other certs soon.

You're not fucking qualified moron. Are you that dense? You have no qualifications!. You're a fucking intern, so is Pat. Good for you. If you're a qualified PT, cool. That's why I asked.


PT or not, you are not qualified to give out the advice he needs. Do you get that yet?


You need to realize, this is not a typical person you would be training. When coupled with medication, diet advice must change accordingly. Incorrect advise could be detrimental to his health.

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pm me. im a personal trainer and i can help you out. btw doctors dont know shit about losing wieght. not their field.


can you help me get a good plan for me? Ever since I got out the marines I use to be a 175 lbs , a few years later , junk food, beer, eating out too much, being lazy has caught up to me, and im sick of looking at my chubby face every morning .I am 6'3 and 230 lbs now and look terrible maybe because im so use to being fit all my life and now I went downhill. Being japanese I havae higher cheek bones and always had a slim face now the extra weight makes me look super "chinky" eyed now. looks terrible I did not know I looked this bad till I seen pic's at a graduation party. I use to have a 6 pack and a nice chest and now I have a fat gut and chub everyplace. I am going back to california in 1 year from now and want to get my weight back to around 180-175 being asian alot of my diet has alot of rice in it, and not knowing what really is good for me, if you could help me get a good diet I know how to do the rest.


Going from being able to do 28 pulls up and running 3 miles in 19 1/2 minutes to only being able to do prolly 3 pulls ups and prolly not being able to run a mile.

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No one in this thread from what I read is qualified to be giving you the advice you need.


I've dealt with strength/fitness training for years, as well as diet advice. That being said, I am no qualified to give out advice for someone who medically needs to lose weight.


Phil, you should not be giving out this type of diet advice. Leave it to a professional. Have you taken your personal trainer test? If not, please do not call yourself a trainer.

how is someone deemed as "medically needs to lose weight"?

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Leave it to a professional. Have you taken your personal trainer test? If not, please do not call yourself a trainer.


I did, and passed it, just didn't have $500 to buy my certificate. I was 18 just out of high school and since then decided to take a different route. I actually know as much if not more than most of your trainers out there... Now the ones that went to college for it (like is required by places like World Gym and Lifestyle) they are some knowledgeable em effers... I worked at GNC for 2 years (not claiming that taught me anything) but one of my coworkers the whole time was a body builder/personal trainer/nutritionist, taught me a lot, so i like to think people would take my advice seriously, i could obviously explain things better in person because typing sux, but as far as i have read everyone has given good, applicable advice. He did ask for opinions and tips, and already saw a doctor. :)


BTW way to come in and ruin a thread....

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wow i read more to this thread.... sorry hal but you lost the argument, Phil is over qualified to answer/comment on this subject, anyone interning is being tested and possibly going to be getting a job with Nike, not to mention working with college athletes. You Failed hard...

Phil i may PM you about some things, picking your brain a bit. Maybe you could help me out a little with some muscle issues i am having.

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You're not fucking qualified moron. Are you that dense? You have no qualifications!. You're a fucking intern, so is Pat. Good for you. If you're a qualified PT, cool. That's why I asked.


PT or not, you are not qualified to give out the advice he needs. Do you get that yet?


You need to realize, this is not a typical person you would be training. When coupled with medication, diet advice must change accordingly. Incorrect advise could be detrimental to his health.





:doh: arguing with you is like running into a brick wall. no matter how many times i try to explain to you "the greatest fucking person alive" that i deal with people from 13-90 years old and i am more than qaulified to do my job, you dont understand that. i perfer athletes, but i didnt take just an atheltic course, i got my pt cert by knowing how to work with a vas range of people. fat, skinny,old,young, health problems, wheel chairs, mentally challenged, etc,ect. so no its not a typical person. but wtf is typical? most people dont go to the gym because they have 6% body fat, live a healthy life and everything is perfect. people go work out to live a better life. so when i go to these places im not working with allstar athletes, im working with what you call "not typical" people. you are not going to win this argument. you stick to cars, body building, and telling people how to kill themself. ill stick to phones, physical fitness, and masterbating.everyone should be happy that point.

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wow i read more to this thread.... sorry hal but you lost the argument, Phil is over qualified to answer/comment on this subject, anyone interning is being tested and possibly going to be getting a job with Nike, not to mention working with college athletes. You Failed hard...

Phil i may PM you about some things, picking your brain a bit. Maybe you could help me out a little with some muscle issues i am having.




anytime, i love talking about it

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:doh: arguing with you is like running into a brick wall. no matter how many times i try to explain to you "the greatest fucking person alive" that i deal with people from 13-90 years old and i am more than qaulified to do my job, you dont understand that. i perfer athletes, but i didnt take just an atheltic course, i got my pt cert by knowing how to work with a vas range of people. fat, skinny,old,young, health problems, wheel chairs, mentally challenged, etc,ect. so no its not a typical person. but wtf is typical? most people dont go to the gym because they have 6% body fat, live a healthy life and everything is perfect. people go work out to live a better life. so when i go to these places im not working with allstar athletes, im working with what you call "not typical" people. you are not going to win this argument. you stick to cars, body building, and telling people how to kill themself. ill stick to phones, physical fitness, and masterbating.everyone should be happy that point.

You aren't even arguing with me at this point. You are not even arguing the same argument.Go ahead and train people you god forsaken fuck. YOU ARE NOT QUALIFIED TO GIVE OUT DIET ADVICE. I don't know how to make that anymore clear. YOU ARE NOT FUCKING QUALIFIED TO GIVE OUT DIET ADVICE. YOU ARE NOT FUCKING QUALIFIED TO GIVE OUT DIET ADVICE. Get it yet?

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wow i read more to this thread.... sorry hal but you lost the argument, Phil is over qualified to answer/comment on this subject, anyone interning is being tested and possibly going to be getting a job with Nike, not to mention working with college athletes. You Failed hard...

Phil i may PM you about some things, picking your brain a bit. Maybe you could help me out a little with some muscle issues i am having.

HE IS NOT FUCKING QUALIFIED TO GIVE OUT DIET ADVICE! You have to be a complete retard to not understand the simple things I am saying here. Are you that fucking stupid? I hope you die a horribly painful death, that you did not bring on yourself.


BTW, he medically needs to lose weight because he is at an incredibly unhealthy weight. That means, he could face severe health concerns if he does not turn his shit around. Get that.


I'm fucking done with this. It's noobs like you, Phil, Paul, Craig, Luther, Brandon, wonderfag, etc... That make me honestly hate this board. Every time I read posts on here I feel like I have lost any hope I once had for the human race.

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HE IS NOT FUCKING QUALIFIED TO GIVE OUT DIET ADVICE! You have to be a complete retard to not understand the simple things I am saying here. Are you that fucking stupid? I hope you die a horribly painful death, that you did not bring on yourself.


BTW, he medically needs to lose weight because he is at an incredibly unhealthy weight. That means, he could face severe health concerns if he does not turn his shit around. Get that.


I'm fucking done with this. It's noobs like you, Phil, Paul, Craig, Luther, Brandon, wonderfag, etc... That make me honestly hate this board. Every time I read posts on here I feel like I have lost any hope I once had for the human race.


then stop fucking posting you dick. no one cares how you feel because it is a discussion forum fag. if it hurts your eyes so much, get the fuck out. you dont own this board. noobs are what keep this shit going, remeber hal, you were once a noob to. no one sticks on this forum forever, people that have been here since it started are few and far between. and im not telling him what he can and cant eat. im just giving an opinion. you call me out personally everytime for no reason. if he is so unhealthy, dieting is not the only thing he needs to do. being active would be step 1, eating correctly is step 2, getting enough rest is step 3, not being stressed is 4, and continuing to be positive is step 5. if you want to bash me for not being a certified dietician than do it, but i will easily say for free advice and havng more knowledge than anyone else on this board on this perticular subject, its worth listening to.

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HE IS NOT FUCKING QUALIFIED TO GIVE OUT DIET ADVICE! You have to be a complete retard to not understand the simple things I am saying here. Are you that fucking stupid? I hope you die a horribly painful death, that you did not bring on yourself.


thats nice of you to say :rolleyes:


BTW, he medically needs to lose weight because he is at an incredibly unhealthy weight. That means, he could face severe health concerns if he does not turn his shit around. Get that.

so if i eat junk food, drink tons of beer yet do not gain weight or maybe only just a little weight compared to my height, age, etc. then that means im not medically in need of help? cool!

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Everyone in here needs to have a drink and chill the fuck out. There are too many sentences that are in all caps. My eyes hurt reading all this bickering. Where is the love at?



people trying to help and hal telling everyone they cant help and then hal being a hater. as usaul

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