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college related-help.


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bull shit!. thats a fucking lazy ass excuse. anyone who graduated hs can do college. apply yourself, and stop making up shit. unless you like working harder for less.

Actually, it's proven. You're wrong. I guess I wasn't raised by someone who works for The Ohio State University and studies p-12 and the transition into college.

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Actually, it's proven. You're wrong. I guess I wasn't raised by someone who works for The Ohio State University and studies p-12 and the transition into college.




mr. knowitall, ok so you didnt do any post h.s education for your certifications?

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ok well basically i go to columbus state, and use student loans (im broke as shit). well i took a class my first quarter and failed it which put me on academic probation. i signed the papers and what not and they told me what would happen if i failed another one, but i cant remember what it was.


well needless to say, i took the class again, along with some others. Well i got myself to concetrate on passing the class i failed last time, but kinda let myself slip on the others. i emailed my teachers to see what was going on and one told me that if i got a perfect on everything else i could get a D, which i beleive is passing.


Im thinking of just dropping it so it wont show that i failed another class, but at the same time i dont know if it will effect my student loans or not (id also lose those if i fail again). i know they give you a certain time span to be a full time student (which i believe is a couple months)


anyone that happens to know anything about this stuff, i really need some help.




Hal has never had financial aid. He is going off of what has happened for me. lol


If it's not too late to drop the class you should drop. You can't risk getting kicked out of CSCC. It is super late in the quarter and I wouldn't risk it.


If you do drop it, you probably won't lose your loans. I had to drop a class while at CSCC and I dropped under full time. They did not take away my loans. However, I was not on probation so I am not 100% on that fact. Talk to your advisor and see what they say.

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college was fucking boring I quit and just got a job.... They are harder to find now but there are still places where you can start at the bottom and work up. If you can't stay focused in school and you like some kind of trade, hire on somewhere as a helper and soak up every ounce of knowledge you can get. Its just like school only you get paid.
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I've got an idea...STOP POSTING AND START STUDYING!:rolleyes::D


If someone tells you that you need to get perfects from this point forward to get a D, two things:

1) You weren't exhibiting the characteristics to get a passing grade so far this semester, why is it going to happen now? You've changing your daily habits in a major way to start working MORE EFFICIENTLY.

2) If you're still working on cars, and posting on CR (which you did when you were failing) then your not exhibiting those successful characteristics that will get you perfect scores from here on out. See the above statement.

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college was fucking boring I quit and just got a job.... They are harder to find now but there are still places where you can start at the bottom and work up. If you can't stay focused in school and you like some kind of trade, hire on somewhere as a helper and soak up every ounce of knowledge you can get. Its just like school only you get paid.

This sounds familiar. I couldn't stand the school setting, let alone all the time it takes up. It isn't for everyone, and that doesn't make people stupid, it just isn't for them.

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This sounds familiar. I couldn't stand the school setting, let alone all the time it takes up. It isn't for everyone, and that doesn't make people stupid, it just isn't for them.


thats pretty much how i feel about it. after high school i wanted nothing more to do with it, i just did cause i had my whole family wanting me to.


ive also thought about going to a school they have in the dayton area that is car related stuff, but my dad thinks i need to stay at cscc to get pre rec crap done just incase the whole car thing wouldnt work out for some reason.

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im sorry but LOL at someone failing two freshman level classes at CS. columbus state is like the 13th grade. :rolleyes:


there are two reasons IMO for failing a class.


1. you are as dumb as a box of rocks.

2. you didnt do the work



not trying to be a dick, just my opinion.


sorry bout it. :(




anyway, as for advice.


id drop it if i still can. go talk to your advisor. they know how the system works. they arent going to ridicule you or anything. they dont know whats going on in your life thats making you not pass classes.


i would also talk to the teacher. let them know your situation and see what they say. they may tell you to drop the class, or maybe they will let you do some extra credit or something... the worst they can say is no.

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I drink heavily and still rock a 3.9 after two years while working full-time, part-time, etc when I can doing what I can to get by.


Go cry elsewhere.


"College isn't for everyone" I believe in. But, you won't get anywhere in life being lazy unless you are one of those bitch-ass MTV sweet sixteen skanks.

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Good advice in this thread. Listen to these people.


I've wasted a shitload of money and don't have shit to show for it. Why? Because I hate school and when it comes to classes, I've been way too lazy to make an effort. I never study, EVER. There were some days when I didn't feel like wasting gas by driving to school, so I didn't go to class.


CSCC bores the shit out of me, and I hate the pre-req classes that you gotta take. I have a 2.something GPA and lost financial aid because I dropped too many classes. Now I am ineligible for that, so I just pay as I go and take one or two classes at a time.


It took me a couple years and cost me a lot of money, but I finally realize that I gotta get my shit in gear and quit slacking. Business classes were cool, law enforcement class was cool, classes that actually teach you stuff, I enjoy. But there is no excuse for not passing the bullshit classes, as much as I hate them. You just gotta stay motivated. I mean the classes aren't hard at all, it just kills me that I gotta take such pointless BS that I have zero interest in. But thats life, you gotta do what you gotta do.


Just be smarter with your time, go to class, try harder. Don't be like how I've been.

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I was on academic probation once in college, from doing way too many things at once I let my studies fall behind, I had to suck it up, drop off the extra curriculars and focus on studying, which meant learning how to study in college, becuase its definitely different than studying in high school.


Where you fucked up was you just focused on that one class you failed before and not your whole courseload.


If you can safely drop the course you're going to fail, do so. If you cant, you better be the fuckin ball, cause you're screwed if you dont pull it off

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Guest tbutera2112
didnt read the whole thread...heres how FA works at CSCC... you have to have a certain percentage of credits passed out of attempted... it wont matter if you drop the class so i would buckledown and try harder.... say you take 20 credit hours and you are doing bad and you drop 5...you gets As in the other 15credit hours so you have a 4.0 gpa, but on your financial aid it will be 15 completed out of 20 attempted, which is a 75%...you have to keep above a certain percent to maintain your financial aid...its not passed/failed its passed/attempted...not sure on the percent, you have to call them and find out...was in there a few weeks ago talking to them about this since i was dropping a class...if youre in the summer qtr then its too late to drop, you will just get an F anyways...theres like 2 or 3 weeks left, man up
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Guest tbutera2112
oh...and a D is enough to pass, but not enough to continue....you cant take beginners math and get a D then move on to advanced math, you have to retake it until you get a C before you can move to the next class...so if its a one time class then youre fine...like me, i have to take 1 HUM class, so if i get a D i wont care since i dont have to take another...if you need the class to move on, then bust your ass and get a D so you dont lose your financial aid, then re-take the class and get a C
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didnt read the whole thread...heres how FA works at CSCC... you have to have a certain percentage of credits passed out of attempted... it wont matter if you drop the class so i would buckledown and try harder.... say you take 20 credit hours and you are doing bad and you drop 5...you gets As in the other 15credit hours so you have a 4.0 gpa, but on your financial aid it will be 15 completed out of 20 attempted, which is a 75%...you have to keep above a certain percent to maintain your financial aid...its not passed/failed its passed/attempted...not sure on the percent, you have to call them and find out...was in there a few weeks ago talking to them about this since i was dropping a class...if youre in the summer qtr then its too late to drop, you will just get an F anyways...theres like 2 or 3 weeks left, man up


thats good to know, i am waiting on a consler to get back with me right now.


the last day to drop classes is september 2nd.

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