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McCain's VP is............


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My favorite quotes from the Ohio Riders' conversation:


82% approval rating in her state and she beat out the Party's candidate for Governer. Almost unheard of, especially by a female. Also, her husband works on an oil rig, she is an avid hunter and fisher(wo)man, and she races snow mobiles. She sold the state's private jet because she didn't think the taxpayers needed that kind of burden. She is pro-life and is a mother of 5 children. One of those children was found to have a 'special need' early on in the pregnancy and was advised to abort. I am paraphrazing here but she pretty much said it was an honor to be entrusted with the care of such a child and she humbly accepts the responsibility. She is a Christian and therefor by default against gay marriage but she isn't against civil union between gay couples. This seems to be a fair compromise in my eyes but you never know. I have officially changed my stance on McCain's campaign. I am 100% behind this ticket. I was never against a female in office but was absolutely against Hillary in office. This is a woman that the American People should be proud to vote for. We'll see if she can keep that Rhino in check!! I sure hope so.




Plus, she's a complete MILF. That doesn't hurt!!



Please! She's workin' that whole "Cram your stupid' date=' huge, taxing, overbearing Government up your ass" thing!! Now that's just fucking hott!![/quote']


She's no librarian.... She's going to be the first female vice president!!! :D

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I just listened to her speech in Dayton and I have to admit I was impressed. She spoke about her accomplishments, about having Democrats and Independents in her Cabinet in Alaska, how she fought the lobbyists and good old boy network to get things done, how she has fought political corruption and held people accountable in her own party for ethics violation and how during this last year of obscene oil profits ... she returned those profits in Alaska back to the people. ...here's someone that doesn't just talk about change...she's been able to accomplish it.
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I just listened to her speech in Dayton and I have to admit I was impressed. She spoke about her accomplishments, about having Democrats and Independents in her Cabinet in Alaska, how she fought the lobbyists and good old boy network to get things done, how she has fought political corruption and held people accountable in her own party for ethics violation and how during this last year of obscene oil profits ... she returned those profits in Alaska back to the people. ...here's someone that doesn't just talk about change...she's been able to accomplish it.


She has something Obama doesn't have.... accomplishments

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So his defense against the first black president is the first female VP :rolleyes: . Lame, and kind of expected (I thought she was going to be a black female honestly). He just got a lot more votes..


Black female... hmm, that would have been Condi Rice, which would have been instant landslide gameover for the Dems

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So his defense against the first black president is the first female VP :rolleyes: . Lame, and kind of expected (I thought she was going to be a black female honestly). He just got a lot more votes..


Lame????? Obama accepting the Democratic nomination on the anniversary of Dr. King's "Dream" speech was lame. Obama constantly preaching change, then picking an old white guy as his VP was lame. Not being able to give a speech without saying "uhm" and "uh" unless reading from a teleprompter is lame. I made fun of Bush for being an idiot because he couldn't give a speech to save his life. Now Obama speaks the same way, and everyone thinks he's brilliant.


I'm not a huge McCain fan. I wanted Paul in office. But I've been reading about Palin the last six months or so and have to say if she'd ran for President I would've voted for her.

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