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McCain's VP is............


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You understand McCain is 72 yesterday and is OLD, if he croaks in office, look who will be running the country, an alleged woman who may have already used her emotions and power to seek retribution against her sisters Ex-Husband. Yes this is the QB backup I would draft if this was Fantasy President. :rolleyes:

Better than the whitey hating, left winger.

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You understand McCain is 72 yesterday and is OLD, if he croaks in office, look who will be running the country, an alleged woman who may have already used her emotions and power to seek retribution against her sisters Ex-Husband. Yes this is the QB backup I would draft if this was Fantasy President. :rolleyes:


big deal, being old doesn't make him a worse candidate, i can't vote for what may happen to a president while in office, then i would have to go with all the obama haters and say i can't vote for him cause he will be shot in the first three months, and if he does die the vp only holds power till the end of a term so at the very most 4 years. If you actually have a beef with mccain don't hide it in the he is too old speech.


what happened to his last run when everyone said they wish he would have got it or they would have rather him won the nomination. Just todays political game where you magnify the faults no matter how small and insignificant.


Either candidate doesn't seem bad for the country if you ask me

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Not being able to give a speech without saying "uhm" and "uh" unless reading from a teleprompter is lame. I made fun of Bush for being an idiot because he couldn't give a speech to save his life. Now Obama speaks the same way, and everyone thinks he's brilliant.


Your agenda has made you delusional. You lost all credibility after that statement. I'm not going to engage in this intellectually amature political debate, but as someone who makes a living from public speaking, he is one of the best orators of our generation. His timing is spot on, his cadence, inflection, and volume control are fairly amazing.


It is the inability of people with an opinion to accept or recognize the possibility of validity in an opposing viewpoint that have created the ignorant polarized political discourse that most of you spout as gospel.



I'm not a huge McCain fan. I wanted Paul in office. But I've been reading about Palin the last six months or so and have to say if she'd ran for President I would've voted for her.


You must be delusional. Assuming your other threads are as convoluted as this one I could all but guarantee finding a knock on Obama's political experience. And I highly doubt that you were doing substantial research from all six articles posted about her in... "The Alaska Daily News".


At least keep it real.

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Yeah, I agree, Obama is a great public speaker.

Meh, I can't stand listening to him. The long pauses, repetition, the "ummmm"s, etc. absolutely deter from the bullshit he's spewing. Besides, being a good speaker is subjective. Vote for the decision maker, not the talker.

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Brian 80k puts you in Obama's tax cut to the middleclass. McCain thinks 5 million a year is middle class. You and I are the poor Brian, to McCain.

First off you really don't know what you are talking about, i have read all of your posts in this thread up to this one... you are way off on your facts... McCain never said anything about 5 million a year being middle class. And i supposed you are refering to the saddleback church interview that was live for 2 hours (one hour for each candidate). The question was what do you consider "rich" and Obama answered $120,000/year... McCain answered with a long list of family values, religious values, and love and being surrounded by it (as to being rich)... Then stated that if he had to choose money/ annual income he would have to say about 5 million. Which is actually a good answer because if not then people that their income is say $120,000 / year are being taxed the same as someone making millions a year. Obama's a socialist that wants to control all of my money and i will not vote for him. His idea for change may be towards helping the country, but its by heading more towards a socialist one.

McCain FTW


edit: that $5million/year and less being in a lower class than $5mil+ protects the small business owners all over America from a ridiculous amount of taxes. They would still be in a higher bracket than you and I, but one day i would like to be a small business owner and wouldn't want to have to pay the highest taxes because i make $120,000+ a year.... Think about it before you comment something else dumb (not trying to be a dick).

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Obama's a socialist that wants to control all of my money and i will not vote for him. His idea for change may be towards helping the country, but its by heading more towards a socialist one.


You follow that comment with this one?:


Think about it before you comment something else dumb (not trying to be a dick).



The other problem with political discussions is that hyperbolic statements supplant actual debate skills and facts... as if to say unless a statement is so extreme as to evoke fear, it will be ineffective.


I went to the Obama rally in Dublin, I will go see McCain if he speaks near by. I am a political moderate who leans right on social welfare issues, left on personal choice issues (marriage/RvW), and foreign policy. Unlike many of you, despite my income being much higher than most of you, I am in touch with the reality that supply side economics trumps Trickle-down economics terms of my personal and I believe national benefit.


Step back and try to have a more global perspective on the political punditry you bang out on your little keyboard and you all might be taken more seriously.

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Describe this more, pweeze.


If every opinion you have is perfectly aligned with one party's platform you have to ask yourself whether it is you developing your opinions of the "team" you have decided to sheepishly endorse and advocate.


I agree that simple minds are likely to make everything black and white... blue and red if you will. If that works I am happy for those that can find solace in that.

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I agree that simple minds are likely to make everything black and white... blue and red if you will. If that works I am happy for those that can find solace in that.


Hehe looks like your happy for about 99% of the US population then since the last few elections have been split nearly 50/50.



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You understand McCain is 72 yesterday and is OLD, if he croaks in office, look who will be running the country, an alleged woman who may have already used her emotions and power to seek retribution against her sisters Ex-Husband. Yes this is the QB backup I would draft if this was Fantasy President. :rolleyes:



I am with you 100% ben.


Mccain is a tool he has 0 plan for technology. If Obama is true to what he saying by CUTTING programs to make money for his healthcare plans and shit them I'm for him.

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McCain just punched his ticket to the whithouse picking her for VP. I have to do some research but until now I hadn't planned on voting for either but she may be the difference maker for me.



What about her would make you want to vote if you had not planned on it before? Because she's hot?


I like her stance on guns but man if the ethics things is true we don't need another "He Tried To Kill My daddy"



Personally I'm idependent and I look at what things matter more to me.



1. I'm Pro choice

2. I'm Pro Gun

Those never get to be together.


I'm a firm believer that technology is a very important topic and needs to be delt with. the comcast issue has shown that to me already.



I voted for bush the first time.

I voted third party last time ( I can't even rember I hated kerry and bush)

This time so far I'm still on the fence but allot of things about mccain I don't like.



I'm also a proud gun owner so obama leaves a nasty taste in my outh there.




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She is a GILF, hunts, fishes, smart.

and she looks a million times better than biden will on a stage, +1 for McCain.


I would vote for McCain for his Character alone, how many people if the spent 2 years in a Prison camp getting beat down and got the offer to walk out would say, no, not untill you let everyone out of here that got here before me. That is a real life badass.

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I'm also a proud gun owner so obama leaves a nasty taste in my outh there.


In that case, you need to realize that the number one reason to NOT vote for the Dem ticket this time around, is that Joe Biden is the lapdog of the Brady Campaign. Obama has made it very clear how he stands on guns. Mccain at least has the sense to not piss off his party members on something so big.


Something completely unrelated - I can't figure out why guys feel so strongly about abortion, either one way or the other. I am incapable of being pregnant, therefore I don't see how I should be able to dictate to people who are, what they are and are not allowed to do with their bodies. This may make me appear to be pro choice, but the truth is, I'm neutral on it.

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Hehe looks like your happy for about 99% of the US population then since the last few elections have been split nearly 50/50.




Hate to break this to you. 50% of the population doesn't even vote so he can't be happy for 99%.


Besides, I can't find any Sara porn, WTF? If I did, I'm 99% sure that split would be 50/50!

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Palin is scandalous!!! :eek:




Investigation to begin into whether Governor Sarah Palin abused her power in firing Public Safety Commissioner Walt Monegan

By Corey Allen-Young, CBS 11 News Reporter

Article Last Updated: 07/28/2008 06:49:51 PM AKDT



Lawmakers will hire someone within a week to investigate whether Governor Sarah Palin abused her power in firing Public Safety Commissioner Walt Monegan. The legislative council approved 100,000 dollars for the investigation that will find out whether Palin was angry at Monegan for not firing an Alaska State Trooper who went through a messy divorce with Palin's sister.

On Monday afternoon, the Joint Legislative Council, filled with Republicans and Democrats, voted 12 to 0 to formally call for an investigation against Governor Palin in a manner—that they are stressing—will be unbiased and done in a timely fashion.


Legislators approved hiring a special investigator to look into the controversial firing of former Public


Courtesy, KTOO-TV Safety Commissioner Walt Monegan. Monegan was fired two weeks ago without explanation and has said he was pressured by the governor and her staff to fire a trooper who was once married to Palin's sister.

Accusations have risen that Monegan was fired for his refusal to fire trooper Michael Wooten. The council's intent is to investigate the circumstances and events surrounding the termination of Monegan and potential abuses of power and improper action by the Governor and her administration.


"It is the intent of the legislative council that the investigation be professional, unbiased, independent, objective, and conducted at arms length from the political process," said, Senator Kim Elton, a Democrat from Juneau.


The council's intent is to investigate the circumstances and events surrounding the termination of Monegan and potential abuses of power and improper action by the governor and her administration.


"I think what it really gets down to is after the comma, add potential abuses of power and improper actions is really what we are looking at or at least proposing to look at?" said Representative John Harris, a Republican from Valdez.


Governor Palin has denied the accusations, saying she replaced Monegan


Courtesy, KTOO-TV to go in a new direction. And although she doesn't think an investigation is needed, she welcomes the questions.

The council went through a detailed meeting to make sure the process is done in a timely manner with accurate results.


"We will get from this is," said Senator Hollis French, a Democrat from Anchorage, "no evidence of wrong doing, some evidence of wrong doing, clear evidence of wrong doing, that will come back to us."


"At that point the body has to make the decision: 'Is this evidence strong enough to proceed on or not?'"


"I think it should be made very clear because there have been conversations about personnel matters that the issues really that we are dealing with here are not the termination of the public


Courtesy, KTOO-TV safety commissioner," said Harris.

Legislators hope that during this investigation that the politics are left out of the mix, which can be hard for government officials.


"What really remains is the most significant hurdle," said Representative Jay Ramras, a Republican from Fairbanks. "Are those professionals going to feel compelled to be subpoenaed before they will speak candidly about what they know?"


Senator French is the Senate Judiciary Committee chairman and is in charge of hiring the investigator. He says he has a short list of candidates and that the investigation should be finished within a few months.

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