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McCain's VP is............


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In that case, you need to realize that the number one reason to NOT vote for the Dem ticket this time around, is that Joe Biden is the lapdog of the Brady Campaign. Obama has made it very clear how he stands on guns. Mccain at least has the sense to not piss off his party members on something so big.


Something completely unrelated - I can't figure out why guys feel so strongly about abortion, either one way or the other. I am incapable of being pregnant, therefore I don't see how I should be able to dictate to people who are, what they are and are not allowed to do with their bodies. This may make me appear to be pro choice, but the truth is, I'm neutral on it.



I'm prochoice because I feel if someone doe snot want kids that child being born to that home is more likely to end up fucked up.

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You understand McCain is 72 yesterday and is OLD, if he croaks in office, look who will be running the country...


Ya...a lady that was a former mayor of the small town of Wasilla...Been in Senate for about 20 months, just got a passport last year, and under investigation for abuse of power. Regardless of who you vote for...this lady is not qualified to be a VP. She needs to remain in Senate a little while longer imo.



Oh, poor choices for kid names...Track, Bristol, Willow, and Piper.

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Ya...a lady that was a former mayor of the small town of Wasilla...Been in Senate for about 20 months, just got a passport last year, and under investigation for abuse of power. Regardless of who you vote for...this lady is not qualified to be a VP. She needs to remain in Senate a little while longer imo.



Oh, poor choices for kid names...Track, Bristol, Willow, and Piper.


She's the Governor of Alaska, man. Not a senator.

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On this topic: Doesn't anyone else think that she's got a bit too much on her plate to be VP? To say nothing of sending the potential message that knocked-up teenagers are ok, the simple fact that she's got her own down syndrome infant and a pregnant child due to deliver between the election and inauguration... that's allot of crap going on at once. People with regular 9-5 jobs have trouble juggling that.

It's actually a bit sick for a party to ask this of her right now.


McCain is fucked. Now all everyone is going to talk about is Palin's daughter. So much for her stance on abstinence only education.

Some math on Palin herself:

Married 8 months before her first kid was born. Seems like this runs in the family.

Also, look at her kids names:






So, gets knocked up, then married, then proceeds to give her children silly made-up names. I'm not saying it's white trash, I'm just saying that stuff is normally seen on springer. Seems a bit silly to to pick some one who identifies with a demographic (white trash) of people who already vote Republican. :p

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On this topic: Doesn't anyone else think that she's got a bit too much on her plate to be VP? To say nothing of sending the potential message that knocked-up teenagers are ok, the simple fact that she's got her own down syndrome infant and a pregnant child due to deliver between the election and inauguration... that's allot of crap going on at once. People with regular 9-5 jobs have trouble juggling that.

It's actually a bit sick for a party to ask this of her right now.



Some math on Palin herself:

Married 8 months before her first kid was born. Seems like this runs in the family.

Also, look at her kids names:






So, gets knocked up, then married, then proceeds to give her children silly made-up names. I'm not saying it's white trash, I'm just saying that stuff is normally seen on springer. Seems a bit silly to to pick some one who identifies with a demographic (white trash) of people who already vote Republican. :p



Aside from all the crap in her personal life being overwhelming.....The VP position is a bit much for her to handle.

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If your life is so perfect, you run for office. What Mayberry town and Beaver family did you come from?


Knocking somebody's family is fucked up. If you could find some "royal" family here in the States, do you think they could relate to a normal person or their issues?


She is a normal person, with a normal family. Nothing to discuss here...move on.

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If your life is so perfect, you run for office. What Mayberry town and Beaver family did you come from?


Knocking somebody's family is fucked up. If you could find some "royal" family here in the States, do you think they could relate to a normal person or their issues?


She is a normal person, with a normal family. Nothing to discuss here...move on.

i agree... shes as normal as normal is anymore. every family has issues and problems. shes a working women trying to have a family, of course things will happen.


dont think you are so perfect, im sure we all have skeletons in our closet. at least these things are out now. i'd be more apt to hate her if i knew she tried to cover up who she really was and found out years from now.

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Ehh, some other facts: I'm not perfect, nor am I running for office.


The office of VP isn't a job, it's a life. In taking the position, she'll either be a distracted VP or horrible mom, there is not going to be a balance.

Going by the prevailing wisdom of the party she's running with, she is not "normal". That's likely the exact reason she was seleceted, the poor woman is just a hood ornement on McCains tour bus.


all he had to do was run a clean campaign and he probaly would have gotten my vote. Not so much, anymore. Too much Rove-politics.


"How will you serve your office when you've got so much going on in your personal life?" is a legitimate question. The Party has been quick to call any questions about the daughter et-al as off limits, and Obama has even backed that up. But given how she purports to be so family oriented, this will definately effect her work and she needs to adress this with voters.

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If your life is so perfect, you run for office. What Mayberry town and Beaver family did you come from?


Knocking somebody's family is fucked up. If you could find some "royal" family here in the States, do you think they could relate to a normal person or their issues?


She is a normal person, with a normal family. Nothing to discuss here...move on.



Has your head been in the sand during every other election....seriously? No one ever said she was to be perfect. You should know that her life is going to be picked apart in every way, just like every other person running for the top spot.

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If your life is so perfect, you run for office. What Mayberry town and Beaver family did you come from?


Knocking somebody's family is fucked up. If you could find some "royal" family here in the States, do you think they could relate to a normal person or their issues?


She is a normal person, with a normal family. Nothing to discuss here...move on.


There is no privacy when you are on the presidential ticket (right or wrong). If you know your personal life is going to get in the way or fuck things up for your running mate, you should not be on that ticket.

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Governor Palin ... the same governor Palin that campaigned on sex education being immoral. The one that said abstinence is the only thing our teens should be taught about sex ?


Chief Wiggum said it best ...


"I told you never to get into my forbidden closet of secrets."

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My point wasn't about her private life.


My point was that if your waiting on somebody who has no character flaws and that IS perfect to run for office - just kill yourself now.


I don't give a fuck about her daughter getting knocked up and I don't see how that correlates into her performance in office. "If you know your personal life is going to get in the way or fuck things up for your running mate, you should not be on that ticket." HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHH!!!!! What politician do you know of who is Golden.


I have to quote it again:


"If you know your personal life is going to get in the way or fuck things up for your running mate, you should not be on that ticket."


This quote should make the archives!


HAHHAHAHAHAHAHH!!!! Who would be left to run for office, Jesus?

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In October 1996, she asked the police chief, librarian, public works director, and finance director to resign, and she instituted a policy requiring department heads to get her approval before talking to reporters.[23] The librarian kept the job, despite a dispute over inquires by Palin on how to ban books including inappropriate language,[24] but in January 1997, Palin fired the police chief, citing a failure to support her administration.[25] Palin said in a letter that she wanted a change because she believed the two did not fully support her administration. A court dismissed a suit subsequently filed by the police chief, finding that Palin had the right to fire city employees even for political reasons.

Interesting. She wants books banned from public libraries, and likes to fire people who disagree with her.


Evidence that she hates lobbyists and opposes earmark spending, just like McCain:

Palin undertook a lobby effort that, during her last four-year term as mayor, secured nearly $27 million in Congressional earmarked funds for Wasilla. The largest earmark was $15 million for a rail link between Wasilla and the ski resort community of Girdwood, home town of Senator Ted Stevens.
Heeeeeeyyyy wait a minute.
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Lets see the reasons to dislike her.


1. Creationism in schools (Religion has no place in science class)

2. Won't teach proper sex ed (Worked well for her daughter)

3. Fire people at a whim.

4. Banning books



I'm sure there's more

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IMHO, it would be pure ignorance to create a list of dislikes without ALSO creating a list of likes.


Should everyone dislike you becasue somebody created a list of 4 things?


Let's see:


Why to dislike Thorne:

1. Doesn't wear the proper gear on a motorcycle.

2. Doesn't have a truck to take his bike to the strip.

3. Doesn't know how to launch a bike.

4. Asks for help to pick out riding boots.


I'm sure there's more.


I'm not trying to take up for Sara or her daughter or their privacy - but if you want to be fair about this and not look like a total asshat, think about what you are actually doing by repeating shit you hear on FoxNews.


I guess maybe we should create a list of dislikes for all the candidates and pick the one who seems less bad... How the fuck will that get this country anywhere further along down the road?

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