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Summertime Electric Bill


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2k Sq Ft 110-130 per month AC on 70, 3 computers and 6 fish tanks......


House is bi-level upstairs seems poorly insulated cause about a 4-5 degree difference from upstairs and downstairs. Very hard to keep upstairs warm during winter without having 300 dollar gas bill.

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2k Sq Ft 110-130 per month AC on 70, 3 computers and 6 fish tanks......


House is bi-level upstairs seems poorly insulated cause about a 4-5 degree difference from upstairs and downstairs. Very hard to keep upstairs warm during winter without having 300 dollar gas bill.

we have a split level as well, were having the same issue.


We have a heat pump and it was always screwy in the house.. till we decided to finally just bite the bullet and bought a new unit..


Its made a WORLD of difference.. the temps are still a little off, but not as bad as they sued to be..

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I have 1400 sq ft and a shared wall (condo end unit) and its pushing the 180 mark for these hot months. The a/c is at 74 and every excuse i have to shut it off (like if its cool outside in the morning) I do. We don't have many computers, TVs, lights, etc on either. I think they must have insulated the place with dead rats or something, the A/C runs way too much for what it does.


Programmable thermostat?


Honestly, this thing is saving me $100/month during the hot months.


My A/C runs at 74 from 5pm-11pm, but after that, it's basically shut off. During the day it only get's to be about 78 degrees, 80 max. During the day the thermostat is set at 88.

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About right. We have 3,100 sq ft and just paid $179 last month.


It used to be the most dreaded bill I have to pay.


Last year, my bill was in the mid hundreds. It's a new house to us, so I didn't know what to expect to pay. But we've installed a programmable thermostat and our bill is staying in between $60-75.


I thought that was pretty amazing. What about you guys?


1200 sq ft

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2k Sq Ft 110-130 per month AC on 70, 3 computers and 6 fish tanks......


House is bi-level upstairs seems poorly insulated cause about a 4-5 degree difference from upstairs and downstairs. Very hard to keep upstairs warm during winter without having 300 dollar gas bill.


Yep. same here as well in my bi-level house. Upstairs is hot and downstairs is nice and cool. I'm mostly downstairs at the time too. Sleeping isn't that bad. I put a ceiling fan in the master bedroom last year.

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