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Kneck question. (Medical Related)


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I was just doing something and my kneck popped and pain shot down my arm. Now this used to happen allot before I had my surgery. I'm not sure if its just a sprain or serious.


Can a simple sprain cause this and I can take some ibuprofen or something and it will go away or is this even more serious?



I think I'm missing c3-4 or something like that in my kneck from the surgery.


It feels like a light burning now and I feel stiff.



If I can avoid going threw a MRi that would be awesome because that machine scares the hell out of me.

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If its a nerve, ibuprofen or other pain relievers will only relieve the symptoms and not treat the cause. Since you've already had an operation, i'd be wary of nerve damage and contact your doc about the problem.


Its very easy once things are moved around in there for a nerve to become a bit too stretched, or have some pressure applied to it.

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I hope she appreciated what you were trying to do for her. Remember, technique counts, so don't let her see you messed up :p


I was just doing something and my kneck popped and pain shot down my arm. Now this used to happen allot before I had my surgery. I'm not sure if its just a sprain or serious.


Can a simple sprain cause this and I can take some ibuprofen or something and it will go away or is this even more serious?



I think I'm missing c3-4 or something like that in my kneck from the surgery.


It feels like a light burning now and I feel stiff.



If I can avoid going threw a MRi that would be awesome because that machine scares the hell out of me.

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Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary -

Kneck\, n. [Etymol. uncertain.] (Naut.) The twisting of a rope or cable, as it is running out. [Eng.]


Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, © 1996, 1998 MICRA, Inc.


www.dictionary.com is your friend.


Yes, but you dont know the original poster though. He's known for misspelling words. That's why I was wondering if he really meant NECK and not kneck. But what does a kneck really have to do with his neck?


I was just doing something and my kneck popped and pain shot down my arm.


So his rope or cable twisted and had a shooting pain down his arm?

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hard to know with your previous surgery.


--things to look out for (go to emergency department):


persistent numbness in your arm/hands

noticeable muscle weakness


these two things indicate significant pressure on one of the nerve roots to your arm, or the spinal cord itself (unlikely, i would think, but with previous surgery, you never know).


i would take some anti-inflammatory medication (naproxen, mobic, motrin) with food, and make an appointment with your spine surgeon if your symptoms persist.


derek snook is one of the better spine surgeons in the city 759-1186

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hard to know with your previous surgery.


--things to look out for (go to emergency department):


persistent numbness in your arm/hands

noticeable muscle weakness


these two things indicate significant pressure on one of the nerve roots to your arm, or the spinal cord itself (unlikely, i would think, but with previous surgery, you never know).


i would take some anti-inflammatory medication (naproxen, mobic, motrin) with food, and make an appointment with your spine surgeon if your symptoms persist.


derek snook is one of the better spine surgeons in the city 759-1186


I dunno..... better get Rick's Opinion.....





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hard to know with your previous surgery.


--things to look out for (go to emergency department):


persistent numbness in your arm/hands

noticeable muscle weakness


these two things indicate significant pressure on one of the nerve roots to your arm, or the spinal cord itself (unlikely, i would think, but with previous surgery, you never know).


i would take some anti-inflammatory medication (naproxen, mobic, motrin) with food, and make an appointment with your spine surgeon if your symptoms persist.


derek snook is one of the better spine surgeons in the city 759-1186

Cant you do anything besides drugs and surgery?

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Guest tbutera2112
Cant you do anything besides drugs and surgery?


i see your sig....can you crack my bones?? does insurance pay for that?



oh and to stay on topic....thorn, seriously....wtf?? "kneck" i feel my IQ dropping everytime i read that word

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