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I'm officially a McCain/Palin supporter


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Sorry, but McCain lost the last tiny bit of respect I might have still had for him, all because he chose that woman.


Can you honestly tell me that you believe that the GOP would nominate her as a Presidential candidate? Do you believe that she could even possibly handle the office of the President of the United States of America?

No way in Hell.

So why the hell would they nominate her as VP to a man who has had numerous bouts with cancer?

For no other reason than to grab votes left open by bitter Hillary supporters.

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You must be rich look at this and tell me
And you think Mccain is Better Wanting to give oil Companies a tax break,Im tired of fighting But well see if you guy if he gets President will help the United States


I haven't seen a break down like that before. Interesting information. I am a student now, but my family will benifit from McCain's tax plan, not Obama's.


I also hope to be in the higher braket once I graduate as well.

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+1 the only reason why he picked a Woman was to get Hillarys Votes


I have yet to meet a woman that likes both Hilary and Sarah. I think it is extremely sexist to assume she is nominated because of her gender. My wife, my other female family members, and every female co-worker I have talked her like Sarah; they hated Hilary.


That is not why she was nominated.


How about: she is anti-Washington politics and has the highest approval rating of any sitting governor?

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Are you really concerned about banning books, and sex education?


How about applicable issues like the war, taxation, defense, abortion.


I don't care who you vote for, but do us all a favor and vote for the right reasons.


You mean am I concerned about my RIGHTS ??? Of course I am.


The fact that you would defend the banning of public information goes to show how misinformed you must be about your own personal rights.


Voting because "MKV Aaron likes something" is not automatically the "right" reason. Though lets examine your reasons.


1. War: We are in a war costing us billions of dollars a month that has arguably made us no safer than before. If anything our military is now tied up when other more threatening forces gather. Republicans put us there.


2. Taxation: If you're voting red I hope you're already rich. (personally Im for a flat tax because it just seems fair, but whatever)


3. Defense: (Ostensibly War again) Warring with other countries on a whim is not "defense". Thats stupidity. More intelligence is what this country needs, with more transparency between seperate bureaus.


4. Abortion: Im for a womans right to choose, so what ? (I am against 2nd and 3rd term abortions)

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And Barack isn't playing on his color advantage?


What, by nominating a boring white guy with decades of experience as his VP?

The guy gave up a ton of votes by not choosing Hillary, because he didn't believe she was right for the job. What do you want him to do, go Micheal Jackson and bleach his skin?

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I'll join the side that wasn't impressed. I know quite a few die-hard republicans who are being honest with themselves and talking about how she was a bad choice.


As far as her concerns being similar to your own, or the points she made being worthwhile, anybody can tell me what I want to hear.....do your own research.


I kind of felt like she was going to try and sell me some new-age cleaning solvent before she left the podium with the way she tried to relate herself to the common citizen; it was almost to the point of being sickening, definitely overboard in that regard.



Edit: also look into her views on intelligent design and teaching of evolution, I can't believe I left that out. If a politician is going to disagree with me in one regard, that's one glaringly unacceptable one.

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Edit: also look into her views on intelligent design and teaching of evolution, I can't believe I left that out. If a politician is going to disagree with me in one regard, that's one glaringly unacceptable one.

Absolutely. If anyone remembers from a couple moths ago in the Kitchen I WILL NOT TOLERATE any politician who advocates so-called "intelligent design theory" in our educational system.


Frankly, even Obama's advocacy of faith-based programs annoys me.

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Edit: also look into her views on intelligent design and teaching of evolution, I can't believe I left that out. If a politician is going to disagree with me in one regard, that's one glaringly unacceptable one.


Which are insanely one-sided. Shes a self-appointed morality judge. I am actually for creationism being taught in school, as long as its an electable course. Not in a fucking science class for christs sake.(PI)

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I am actually for creationism being taught in school, as long as its an electable course. Not in a fucking science class for christs sake.(PI)

Nope. Sorry. ID is an entirely religious based argument(I won't dignify it by calling it a theory. That term is specific to hypotheses that have withstood rigorous questioning and testing by the scientific method, which ID has ALWAYS failed), and it therefore does not belong in our schools, unless it is taught as part of a broad-based religion awareness class.

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Nope. Sorry. ID is an entirely religious based argument(I won't dignify it by calling it a theory. That term is specific to hypotheses that have withstood rigorous questioning and testing by the scientific method, which ID has ALWAYS failed), and it therefore does not belong in our schools, unless it is taught as part of a broad-based religion awareness class.


I was imagining more of a study hall for the religious.


(don't get me started Richard Dawkins is my hero)

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I was imagining more of a study hall for the religious.


(don't get me started Richard Dawkins is my hero)


My thing is, if you want the kiddies to learn religious dogma, send em to Sunday school. Don't use my tax dollars to subject my kids to creationism, and don't sacrifice my kids' education because some nut who thinks you can make people out of mud gets their panties in a pinch.

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For the record I dislike McCain and really would rather about any person with an R by their name be running in his place. I'll support him only to do my part to save the country from socialism and thats is the sad way I see this election.



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What, by nominating a boring white guy with decades of experience as his VP?

The guy gave up a ton of votes by not choosing Hillary, because he didn't believe she was right for the job. What do you want him to do, go Micheal Jackson and bleach his skin?


Politicians use people/issues to their advantage. I was simply pointing out it was/is a strategy to WIN the election for McCain to pick Palin.

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Nope. Sorry. ID is an entirely religious based argument(I won't dignify it by calling it a theory. That term is specific to hypotheses that have withstood rigorous questioning and testing by the scientific method, which ID has ALWAYS failed), and it therefore does not belong in our schools, unless it is taught as part of a broad-based religion awareness class.



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My thing is, if you want the kiddies to learn religious dogma, send em to Sunday school. Don't use my tax dollars to subject my kids to creationism, and don't sacrifice my kids' education because some nut who thinks you can make people out of mud gets their panties in a pinch.



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You mean am I concerned about my RIGHTS ??? Of course I am.


1. War: Who is to say all republicans want to be in Iraq, and that we love war? I don't think it is the right move still, but I also don't think we should just pull out and cut our losses. We went over there regardless of the reason, and we need to make sure we give the free/inocent people a chance to survive/prosper.


2. Taxation: (personally Im for a flat tax because it just seems fair, but whatever) I agree


3. Defense: (Ostensibly War again) Warring with other countries on a whim is not "defense". Thats stupidity. More intelligence is what this country needs, with more transparency between seperate bureaus. I agree, but some contries/groups only respect force. I completely agree that good diplomacy can be a good defense, but one that should not second guess themselves if ACTUAL force is needed.


4. Abortion: Im for a womans right to choose, so what ? (I am against 2nd and 3rd term abortions)

I agree
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You mean am I concerned about my RIGHTS ??? Of course I am.


The fact that you would defend the banning of public information goes to show how misinformed you must be about your own personal rights.


Voting because "MKV Aaron likes something" is not automatically the "right" reason. Though lets examine your reasons.


1. War: We are in a war costing us billions of dollars a month that has arguably made us no safer than before. If anything our military is now tied up when other more threatening forces gather. Republicans put us there.


-Don't flatter the democrats who voted for it too.


2. Taxation: If you're voting red I hope you're already rich. (personally Im for a flat tax because it just seems fair, but whatever)


3. Defense: (Ostensibly War again) Warring with other countries on a whim is not "defense". Thats stupidity. More intelligence is what this country needs, with more transparency between seperate bureaus.


4. Abortion: Im for a womans right to choose, so what ? (I am against 2nd and 3rd term abortions)

This is pretty much right where I am, but I see it more as a conservative-minded stance than popular liberalism. Still, all you democrats can fuck yourselves on economic issues. "Selfless" socialists.


Which are insanely one-sided. Shes a self-appointed morality judge. I am actually for creationism being taught in school, as long as its an electable course. Not in a fucking science class for christs sake.(PI)

First off, I don't follow any part of any religion. I don't claim name to any god. That said, anybody who denies the possibility of some sort of creator of the universe is boxed in to their own human-elite mentality. I'm extremely interested in science, technology and astronomy, and any form of "creation" fits right in with those. Evolution, the universe, cosmic scale: they all go PERFECTLY with numerous ways of being created. It is completely plausible to teach "theories" of creation on a cosmic scale without mixing in earthly religions.


Nope. Sorry. ID is an entirely religious based argument(I won't dignify it by calling it a theory. That term is specific to hypotheses that have withstood rigorous questioning and testing by the scientific method, which ID has ALWAYS failed), and it therefore does not belong in our schools, unless it is taught as part of a broad-based religion awareness class.

Apparently you are unaware that the creator of the Big Bang Theory was a Catholic priest? Do you think they mention that in science class?


I'll support him only to do my part to save the country from socialism and thats is the sad way I see this election.




*sigh* If only I didn't feel the same way.

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LOL @ this thread! some good stuff in here!


this thread is almost as good as the liberal extremists attacks on palen! "she's not a good mother because she wont be able to devote enough time to her children when she is VP!"(and this is coming from liberal extremist woman i might add), oh yea? bidens first wife died when he was first elected to senate so he had to take care of his 2 sons all by him self! oh, but he's a 'strong man', not a 'weak woman'! such hypocrites! 'womans rights!/she is mearly a woman, no way she can be VP!'

oh, and bringing up the fact that her husband got a DUI when he was 20 or something. all the while, obama has admitted a long while back that he was snorting coke around 20 or so. yea, wow. what a joke.

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I agree


1. is a whole can of worms I shouldn't have opened :) .


3. I didn't mean diplomacy per se. I was thinking more along the lines of CIA intelligence, investigative and so on so forth. Bolster our intelligence forces and use the military only when needed.

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