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I'm officially a McCain/Palin supporter


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Man you guys crack me up.........................how the fuck anyone could vote for McCain/Palin is beyond me. First off lets examine what the GOP has done for us the past 8 years. Debt, economy, war, shit schools, and shit health care. Bottom line is republicans need a war to fuel there economy because they just dont grasp how to balance a budget which creates a growing economy and thus creates more jobs. This cut tax bs is just that..... You can tax me all you want as long as my money is worth more in the the end, which is the exact opposite of what is going on now. Those who support McCain did so before he selected Palin therefore your just trying to make her look better than she truly is. I love how you post how american she is and post a picture of the american flag but in reality she has pissed on the Constitution more than Bush has. Palin told ministry students at her former church that the United States sent troops to fight in the Iraq war on a "task that is from God." WTF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So now its a holy war......separation of church and state please...FYI im not planning Obama either............Ron Paul for President.
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Ok so a recap is in order for those just joining.


Governor Palin is a skanked out whore. Groveling at the heels of her demagogue masters. Lapping up every morsel of facetime shes receives as reward for her mindless, slave-esque loyalty. Everyone in this thread agrees about this.


Damn, i'm a little turned on now. The republican party is hot.


(im being facetious so don't get all panty-twisted ... mmmm panties)

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I wasn't impressed either. Yeah she made some valid points but it seemed like they were more interested in bashing Obama and Biden. Yes The Dems did the same thing but they did it a lot less and stuck more to the point of what they wanted to change and how they wanted to make the those changes.



Also found it funny that the MCcain party pokes fun of the Obama camp for the lack of executive responsibility/ experience. When McCain has none as well.

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Looks like I'm late to the party...err.....clusterfuck. First off, I would like to say congrats to Stillman on the wonderful trolling. I wish I would have come up with it.


The only thing I really care to contribute to this thread, is that the vast majority of science is theory. Even things that are considered to be absolutes, such as gravity, are still considered theory. Why is this? Possibly because its not something that you can shove under a microscope and poke at with some tweezers. Now then, why would it be such a big deal to allow discussion of an opposing viewpoint in schools? Sounds like a way to get kids thinking more, and coming up with some healthy debate.


The thing with Intelligent Design, is that its not actually taking a religious point of view. Its saying that we don't know where we come from, but considering how well everything in our world works together in harmony, is it not possible that we were designed, rather than forming from random cell splitting? What's the harm in teaching that, when religion isn't actually involved.


BTW, I consider myself to be Agnostic. I haven't set foot inside a church since I was 15 years old, except to attend a few weddings. I follow no faith, yet I can see the benefits of teaching this. I recommend to the people against it, to watch the documentary that Ben Stein filmed within the past year on this very topic. Its very dry, but it expounds on this subject, and it makes sense. What I don't get is how people can be so closed minded on shit they don't even understand.


I 100% disagree a THEORY has scientific Evidence to back said THEORY.


Please tell me were ID has any science backing? Let me put it simple were di ID come from? A Christian college who want to push christianity upon us. If were going to study Id why not study the easter fucking bunny.


ID requires the belief in some type of higher power and or some type of great controller. Some people don't believe nor should be forced to learn about it.


There is no opposing view were talking about fucking science vs faith/theology period. End of fucking story.



Now some wiki goodness on the real reason its junk and if your going to fucking teach ID lets teach about XENU.


Scientific method refers to a body of techniques for investigating phenomena, acquiring new knowledge, or correcting and integrating previous knowledge. To be termed scientific, a method of inquiry must be based on gathering observable, empirical and measurable evidence subject to specific principles of reasoning.[1] A scientific method consists of the collection of data through observation and experimentation, and the formulation and testing of hypotheses.[2]





In science a theory is a testable model of the manner of interaction of a set of natural phenomena, capable of predicting future occurrences or observations of the same kind, and capable of being tested through experiment or otherwise verified through empirical observation. For the scientist, "theory" is not in any way an antonym of "fact". For example, it is a fact that an apple dropped on earth has been observed to fall towards the center of the planet, and the theories commonly used to describe and explain this behavior are Newton's theory of universal gravitation (see also gravitation), and the general theory of relativity.





there is the exact reasons it should not be taught. You don't have a Theory of Creationism. You have a story some guys at a christian college made up.






If I had kids and they tried to teach them this shit I would press charges against the school distract for teaching unscientific stuff as fucking science.








SCHOOL is for Science


Church is for faith/theology

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Am I the only one who sees a problem with voting by the "whoever taxes me less" test? I know this has been hashed back and forth a dozen times but isn't it just a tad pathetic to say "well as long as *I* don't have to pay..."?


How about voting for the plan that will improve the economic output of the country while cutting waste, which is about the only thing that will truly help us out of our absurd debt situation? I'm not picking sides, but every time I hear the "well as long as he lowers MY taxes" argument, I throw up a little in my mouth.


As far as Palin goes, I am unconvinced. Tell me it's hard to govern a state of 683,000 (effectively about 2/3 the responsibility of Mayor Coleman.) Tell me it's hard to manage a budget that's made up of huge oil company tax revenues.


She is good at giving a speech, no doubt. But, isn't that the same thing they are attacking Obama for? Being a 'rhetoric spewing pop-star'? I hear a lot of shallow insults on the Republican side, and not enough of what they are going to do to change the course of the current, tragic Republican administration. If they can provide evidence that this is part of their plan, they may attract my vote.





Coleman for VP!!!!!

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It belongs here because she wants that garbage taught in schools. Along with here stupid ass abstience only sex ed.



If you knew what you were talking about you would know that she thinks that it should be allowed in discussion. She also never said it had to be in science class. I am all for a theology class that discusses world religions their beliefs and origins.


I had one in college and it was very enlightening and I think all kids should have the chance to take a class like that.

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maybe she should teach that too her children first before pushing it on the country.


Its so nieve to think that a parents words can keep a kid from doing something.


When did you all start having sex? How many times was it unprotected? Have you smoked weed? Drank under age? etc.


(Good) Parents teach their kids to the best of their abilities, but sometimes it plain just doesn't work.


Sex until marriage, only sex with love, bang anything with legs, whatever your opinion is, your kids will do what they want to do.



If you have your head on straight, this could be a learning experience for her.

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Its so nieve to think that a parents words can keep a kid from doing something.



When did you all start having sex? How many times was it unprotected? Have you smoked weed? Drank under age? etc.


(Good) Parents teach their kids to the best of their abilities, but sometimes it plain just doesn't work.


Sex until marriage, only sex with love, bang anything with legs, whatever your opinion is, your kids will do what they want to do.



If you have your head on straight, this could be a learning experience for her.


If kids are going to do what they want, why not teach them how to do it safely, while telling them not doing it is the safest?



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Apart from all of the other crap, Here's something for everyone to consider:


She tried to get books banned from public libraries.


Anyone who tries that has no buisness in public office. Making an "adult book section" is one thing, but attempting to get books that you don't like removed alltogether is unamerican.

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If you knew what you were talking about you would know that she thinks that it should be allowed in discussion. She also never said it had to be in science class. I am all for a theology class that discusses world religions their beliefs and origins.


I had one in college and it was very enlightening and I think all kids should have the chance to take a class like that.


She wants it taught along side. Discussion for church..



Pallin is a dumb bitch I'm listening to her and shes fucking tard.

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Apart from all of the other crap, Here's something for everyone to consider:


She tried to get books banned from public libraries.


Anyone who tries that has no buisness in public office. Making an "adult book section" is one thing, but attempting to get books that you don't like removed alltogether is unamerican.


I agree, banning books is dumb.


I am going to follow this election closely, but so far the Elephant is winning.

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