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I'm officially a McCain/Palin supporter


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Hilarious. I detect this from most of the text you type. (when i can actually read it.)



Really huh, Since I'm Independent and would have voted for Ron Paul a republican, and Reagan if I would have been alive. ohhh and bush 1.0 and bush 2.0 part 1

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It's a nice visual representation of how she handled one the most important events of her life. ;)


Did you speak with her? Did she tell you it was an important event? Are you assuming? Many woman I know that have had a few kids say it's NOT as big a deal as the first one or two. Some woman schedule child birth and show up to an operation. Maybe your values and morality are what's not important to them.

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Sarah Palin would gut and dress Eric and hang him in her office like a hunting trophy if he showed her that in person.


And that's the problem. His feelings are hurt that she's a better man than he'll ever aspire to be. ;)

I've killed things in the woods and eaten them on the spot, son. Cleaning and cookin the kill is womans work. ;)


I thought the vaginal muscles bit was a compliment. :(

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Sarah Palin would gut and dress Eric and hang him in her office like a hunting trophy if he showed her that in person.


And that's the problem. His feelings are hurt that she's a better man than he'll ever aspire to be. ;)


Holy fuck that's Mark's first post in almost a year! You ruined your streak, Oct 3rd would have been a whole year, what were you thinking? :D

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last i checked, it wasn't the job of the people to care about the family of the people we elect into power. last i checked, it was the job of the people to care about what these people we elect into power do with our country. last i checked, no one gave a shit when biden took care of his 2 sons all by him self when his wife and daughter died after he was elected to senate(he took a train that took an hour and 45 minutes each way from DC to where he lived each day). last i checked, every LIBERAL on the face of the planet gives a shit about palins ability to take care of her 5 kids, 2 of which are old enough to take care of themselves, while she is in office. oh, and, last i checked, she also has a husband to help with the burden.


so i ask, why is this persons family of importance to anyone all of a sudden? as i said, no one gave a shit when biden was a single parent taking care of his 2 kids while he was in senate, but why the hell can this married parent of 5 not take care of her kids, with the help of a husband, when she is in office? oh, thats right. because its all a smear campaign, an attempt to distract the fence straddlers of this persons potential. i mean, the liberlas could just go after her credentials, the changes she made while governer, the decisions she made in office, since that stuff is what matters, is what people should be caring about.

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last i checked, it wasn't the job of the people to care about the family of the people we elect into power. last i checked, it was the job of the people to care about what these people we elect into power do with our country. last i checked, no one gave a shit when biden took care of his 2 sons all by him self when his wife and daughter died after he was elected to senate(he took a train that took an hour and 45 minutes each way from DC to where he lived each day). last i checked, every LIBERAL on the face of the planet gives a shit about palins ability to take care of her 5 kids, 2 of which are old enough to take care of themselves, while she is in office. oh, and, last i checked, she also has a husband to help with the burden.


so i ask, why is this persons family of importance to anyone all of a sudden? as i said, no one gave a shit when biden was a single parent taking care of his 2 kids while he was in senate, but why the hell can this married parent of 5 not take care of her kids, with the help of a husband, when she is in office? oh, thats right. because its all a smear campaign, an attempt to distract the fence straddlers of this persons potential. i mean, the liberlas could just go after her credentials, the changes she made while governer, the decisions she made in office, since that stuff is what matters, is what people should be caring about.


check this out, Her family is proof her policys don't work.

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check this out, Her family is proof her policys don't work.

Godamnit Thorne, your comprehension is horrible at best.


First off, her preference of abstinence for her children is hardly a "policy". If you think that's a policy, I really don't know what to think of you anymore.


Second, sure we all have gone off track from our parents before, but are you suggesting parents make no attempt to do what they deem best for their children?



Jesus fuck.

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check this out, Her family is proof her policys don't work.

hardly. my mom drilled "no sex before marriage" into mine, my sisters, and my brothers brain. did any of us listen? hell no! my sister had her first kid at 17. looks more like "proof that parents cant control everything their children do" to me.



im still trying to figure out why, every election year, everyone argues to be "right" instead of comparing the candidates. what is more important, being right or choosing the right one for the job? how about we compare the 2, then make a decision instead of just pointing out the bad of one and the good of the other? they both have positives and negatives, both throughout their careers and in their policies. but, nope, eveyrone just goes with gut instinct and picks one early on without knowing much about either, then, because they cant be wrong, just looks at the negative of the other instead of comparing them and choosing who you agree with the most right off the bat.

and the only way to fix this problem is to get rid of parties. not like that will ever happen though. i think its safe to say that this country is cresting the peak, if not already heading downhill. im just voting to slow our descent now.

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Anyone who judges somone on thier 16-17 year old kid getting somone knocked up or getting knocked up them selves is a fucking douche bag.

Think back when you were 16-17, driving way too damn fast, (oh wait . . . some still do, what if you kill somone?) drinking, smoking weed, trying to get laid, any of these can land you in a shit ton of trouble and it was all your own doing. i'll admit, the only reason i didnt lose control of my car a few times and kill someone at that age, pure fucking luck. So, her daugher lost the sperm lottery, could have happend to a lot of people here.

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