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I'm officially a McCain/Palin supporter


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that was the big splash.



This has 100% to do with this election because the republicans instead of being conertive fiscally they've become wreckless fiscally and why should we vote for there flawled "Social consertivism"


I mean do we really need that shit in the white house?

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that was the big splash.



This has 100% to do with this election because the republicans instead of being conertive fiscally they've become wreckless fiscally and why should we vote for there flawled "Social consertivism"


I mean do we really need that shit in the white house?

^Proof our education system doesn't work.


...and our media for that matter. :rolleyes:

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This is about string theory, alternate dimensions, universal theories, astronomy and chemical energy.

AHHHH! These are not outside my realm of knowledge, but there is a problem with your position: These theories aren't taught in public schools. A teacher may mention them in passing, but no one in the highschool system in the US is going to be required to know anything about those kinds of topics to graduate, they're far to complex.

Those are college level discussions. Everyone talks about string theory, and many people like to work on it and lecture about it, but are there actually any accredited classes on the subject? I'm pretty sure the answer is no. The type of theories that you are bringing up don't need any help being criticized, as they have plenty of critics within the scientific community.


Summation: Those topics are a non issue, as they aren't taught in the public schools of America, either.

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AHHHH! These are not outside my realm of knowledge, but there is a problem with your position: These theories aren't taught in public schools. A teacher may mention them in passing, but no one in the highschool system in the US is going to be required to know anything about those kinds of topics to graduate, they're far to complex.

Those are college level discussions. Everyone talks about string theory, and many people like to work on it and lecture about it, but are there actually any accredited classes on the subject? I'm pretty sure the answer is no. The type of theories that you are bringing up don't need any help being criticized, as they have plenty of critics within the scientific community.


Summation: Those topics are a non issue, as they aren't taught in the public schools of America, either.

Yay! we're getting somewhere.


This is where I think the problem is. Complex discussions like that are being excluded and I think that is part of the problem. People think we're so significant because most will not be exposed to how truly small we are in the observable universe, let alone the whole realm of everything. A lot of problems would cease in this world, I believe, if we taught much more important issues in early education.


That said, I do think people are becoming more intelligent and eventually knowledge like this will become common.

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and the best part of all of this? no matter what the to-be pres or to-be vice pres says, believes, or wants to do, its all up to congress whether or not it becomes anything. as much as i would like to see ID and other possible explanations on the origin of the universe taught in public schools, i think we all know that this will never happen, no matter who the president/vice president is.
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Summation: Those topics are a non issue, as they aren't taught in the public schools of America, either.


String theory was taught in my AP physics class... 9 years ago. I did a report on dualities in the 8th grade.


I attended a public suburban school in Cleveland.

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shes a PTA mom! come on i mean perfect credentials to be next in line to run the country! haha id rather our vp not have some bs degree and have some knowledge on what it is the VP does on a day to day basis.


i like the republicans on tv are like "shes was mayor of teh second largest city in Alaska" like thats some feat or something? yeah alaska is a big state, square mile wise but um that 2nd largest city of hers has a population of 9 thousand.


im just ready for someone to not lie to us..to say well i cant fix everything like my competition is claiming, but ill do my best to fix things. Im basing my vote on the war in iraq and healthcare mostly and some to do with the fact that both mccain and palin are flip flopping say what people want to hear assholes.

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shes a PTA mom! come on i mean perfect credentials to be next in line to run the country! haha id rather our vp not have some bs degree and have some knowledge on what it is the VP does on a day to day basis.


i like the republicans on tv are like "shes was mayor of teh second largest city in Alaska" like thats some feat or something? yeah alaska is a big state, square mile wise but um that 2nd largest city of hers has a population of 9 thousand.


im just ready for someone to not lie to us..to say well i cant fix everything like my competition is claiming, but ill do my best to fix things. Im basing my vote on the war in iraq and healthcare mostly and some to do with the fact that both mccain and palin are flip flopping say what people want to hear assholes.

The fact that you said that in a political debate is laughable. :gtfo:

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Yay! we're getting somewhere.


This is where I think the problem is. Complex discussions like that are being excluded and I think that is part of the problem. People think we're so significant because most will not be exposed to how truly small we are in the observable universe, let alone the whole realm of everything. A lot of problems would cease in this world, I believe, if we taught much more important issues in early education.


That said, I do think people are becoming more intelligent and eventually knowledge like this will become common.

I hope it's in this lifetime, man. I'd actually like to touch on this a bit more; just not here.

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newsflash: a lot of America has fallen victim to media and bias... ;)

If you and most others hadn't fallen victim to media and bias, than yes. ;)


I'm positive I covered that already. :cool:


That still doesn't make it right what you and them are doing.

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what do you call your preference towards a subject? are you impartial on issues?

I'll call it "opinion-by-the-issue". I won't call it independence because that still implies party-sided to some.


If something is irritating or doesn't seem right in the slightest bit, than it clearly isn't the right choice.

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Read all of this, everybody:

(formatted a bit weird because I wrote it in Word.)

PALIN: "It was the spirit that brought me to the governor's office,

when I took on the old politics as usual in Juneau … when I stood up

to the special interests, the lobbyists, big oil companies, and the

good-ol' boys network."

Reality: Palins liutenent governor is a former oil lobbyist, and she had the full support of entrenched Alaska politicians and big oil companies during her campaign. awarded major pipeline bid to company that her Lt Governor lobbied for. As Mayor she hired Wasilla's first federal lobbyist.


Palin's Oil & Gas Appointee Is Former Lobbyist for TransCanada. "Marty

Rutherford, who leads Gov. Sarah Palin's gas pipeline team, made

$40,200 in 2003 while consulting in Juneau for a pipeline

subsidiary of TransCanada. TransCanada is one of the companies bidding

for a state license to build a pipeline to carry gas to market from

Alaska's North Slope. It's not a disqualifier, but the past

connection deserves a second thought." [Anchorage Daily News

editorial, 12/15/07] TransCanada was ultimately ruled the only

bidding contractor able to meet the guidelines set out by the Palin

administration. Coincidence?


Palin "Counting on Her Lieutenant Governor Candidate… Former Oil

Lobbyist" to Help Win Oil Industry Support. "The defiantly grass-roots

nature of the campaign may have distanced her from certain traditional

centers of power in Alaska. The oil industry is one -- but the

campaign says it is counting on her lieutenant governor candidate,

Parnell, a former oil lobbyist and legislator, to help there."

[Anchorage Daily News, 10/24/06]

Palin's Former Chief of Staff is Stevens' Campaign Manager. "Monegan

says pressure came from those around Palin, including former Palin

chief-of-staff Mike Tibbles, Department of Administration Commissioner

Annette Kreitzer, and director of boards and commissions Frank Bailey.

Tibbles, who is now the campaign manager for Alaska Sen. Ted Stevens,

said Friday he couldn't comment on whether he spoke to Monegan about

Wooten." [Anchorage Daily, 7/19/08]

As Mayor, Palin Hired a Washington Lobbyist to Help Get

Earmarks for Wasilla[/b] – Lobbyist Was Former Chief of Staff for

Indicted Senator Ted Stevens. "And as mayor of the small town of

Wasilla from 1996 to 2002, Palin also hired a Washington lobbying firm

that helped secure $8 million in congressionally directed spending

projects, known as earmarks, according to public spending records

compiled by the watchdog group Citizens Against Government Waste and

lobbying documents. Wasilla's lobbying firm was headed by Steven

Silver — a former chief of staff to Alaska Sen. Ted Stevens, a key

proponent of the bridge project." [uSA Today, 8/31/08]

The Usual Alaska Suspects - Ted Stevens, Don Young, And Lisa Murkowski

Fundraised For Palin. "Will we see Ted Stevens stumping for Sarah

Palin? Palin said this morning that Stevens appeared at a fund-raiser

for her in Ketchikan and gave a speech about 'moving Alaska forward.'

But does that mean he'll pop up in any advertisements? (Remember his

arguably pivotal role at the end of the Knowles and Murkowski Senate

race?) Palin said she doubts it and hasn't asked… She said Don Young

came to one of her fund-raisers two days ago, and she expects Lisa

Murkowski at an upcoming event. Tonight she planned to talk with John

Binkley, who she says is writing a letter to his supporters on her

behalf, and she planned to meet with Frank Murkowski tomorrow

morning." ["The Trail" blog, Anchorage Daily News, 10/13/06]

In Her 2002 Campaign for Lieutenant Governor, Palin Raised 'About 10

Percent Of Her Campaign Fund' From Veco, An Oil Company At the Heart

of Federal Investigation. "While mayor of Wasilla, Palin ran for

lieutenant governor in 2002. She gathered $5,000 -- or about 10

percent of her campaign fund -- from Veco officials or their wives

along the way." [Anchorage Daily News, 9/6/06]


The cherry on top:

McCain Criticized Earmarks that Palin Sought as Mayor. "Three times in recent years, McCain's catalogs of "objectionable" spending have

included earmarks for this small Alaska town, requested by its mayor

at the time; Sarah Palin

In 2001, McCain's list of spending that had been approved without the normal budget scrutiny included a $500,000 earmark for a public transportation project in Wasilla.

The Arizona senator targeted $1 million in a 2002 spending bill for an

emergency communications center in town -- one that local law

enforcement has said is redundant and creates confusion. McCain also

criticized $450,000 set aside for an agricultural processing facility

in Wasilla that was requested during Palin's tenure as mayor and

cleared Congress soon after she left office in 2002. The funding was

provided to help direct locally grown produce to schools, prisons and

other government institutions, according to Taxpayers for Common

Sense, a nonpartisan watchdog group." [LA Times]


So, when she said that she never allowed lobbyists into her office, she must have meant "only the ones I didn't hire".

The TransCanada crap is scandalous: She hires a former lobbyist for the company, and she receives their support during her campaign... Then pens a set of guidelines for the licensing of pipeline projects in her state. When she's done, there's only one company bidding on the projects that actually qualifies for the license... TransCanada, Calgary based TransCanada.


Funny how that works. :) Own up GOP'ers, if she was our candidate, you'd be all over this stuff.

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I'm not, however it really doesn't matter what I want: The fact remains that all of that crap is fact. Again, you're discounting something because of it's source. What are the chances you read anything but the bold? ;)


Will watch later, watching RNC. Cindy McCain is a frikin drifter, yo!?

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