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So my puppy.....


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Was in the yard yesterday and two snotty nosed little kids walking home from school walked passed my house and did not see him until they were right up on him....what did they do.....take off running...what did the dog do...picked one and took off after her. Fucking kid running between houses screaming at the top of her lungs...literally bloody murder...Fiance and I are yelling stop running. She was running hog wild and the dog was just running behind her. The other kid managed to get to their home and alerted the dad that her sister was being attacked by a dog...The damn kid had ran down the road and another neighbor came out in her back yard and told the girl to come here and pulled her over the fence into their yard. By that time I got there I grabbed the dog with great force for running off and gave him to fiance to take home..As we round the corner of the house, the dad of the girl is flying down road in jeep. Of course he was out of control and I calmly told him I realize he is upset, but his tone was not one I was willing to deal with at the moment...a lot had just happened...He is outraged and calls 911. Within minutes cop cars, patty wagon, all kids of shit is in front of my house...No cars could get by...road blocked. He told the cop he wanted us cited for leash law violation and charges filed for his daughter falling down...Her school uniform was dirty. I told him i'd pay to clean it or buy her a new uniform, if it was damaged w/ several apologies and explained he's a pup and thought he was playing chase...that he couldn't understand. Cops had to check license of dog...told him to go home and told us make sure always on leash...blah blah...
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Your average person is terrified of dogs, and are complete idiots. This makes them act in stupid ways thinking the dog will bite/attack them. His daughter probably was crying, said, "DADDY, a dog was chasing me and I was so scared, wwwwwwaaaaaaaaa."


However, it is your responsibility to not allow that to happen. Given it was a puppy, it is understandable. The father was just trying to protect his girl.



My brothers Doberman is such a sweet dog, would never heart a fly. He doesn't use a leash and sometimes he goes running up to people. Its funny to see what they do sometimes, but is totally understandable being afraid of a 90lb Doberman running at you. lol


What I find amazing is even dog owners are afraid of dogs most of the time. They act so dumb when a dog isnt completely boring, lazy.


Sorry this happened.

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As Skinner said...It's a Boxer. I realized the dad was upset...especially to have one daughter enter the house hysterical saying her sister was being attacked. That is why I just told him to make sure he remained respectful while he was talking to Stephanie cause he was blaming her cause he said he saw the dog on the leash from his window and she let him off the leash when the kids came, so I just kept quiet and let him yell about nothing really. The dog was literally running behind her cause she was running..We've all seen the way this happens. It would not have gone on as long as it did had she not ran so fucking far. I know it's my job to make sure this does not happen regardless how severe the incident was, but my dogs NEVER chase people, animals, cars, nothing....She took off so fast so close to him that he just bolted after her.
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You own the dog you failed at your responsibility, you get what you get, period. You should have been ticketed. Be thankful your dog didn't bite her, You may have been homeless and your puppy dead. You got lucky. Of course you don't understand, you have no kids. People> Fucking dogs. End of story.
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I hear stories like this ALL the time. :( It really sucks that it happens and it happens to the best dog owners too, you aren't alone. I would just keep your pup away from that family from here on out.



Yeah, it sucks they live on my street...right in the path that we walk the dogs, daily. Grrr!!

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Sad story from the old neighborhood:

-Neighbor couple #1: Mid-late 40's. Had 2 teacup poodles that were never on a leash. They would bark and chase everything that came by the house.

-Neighbor Couple #2: young couple, first house, etc. Had a doberman and a similarly sized shorthaird sheepdog. I was a kid, and all the kids were welcome to come play with their dogs.


Couple #2 walked their dogs on a 6ft leash, round the block, every day. One day, they were walking by couple #1s house (and I happened to riding my bike by as well). The poodle bolted out of the garage, into the street, and went after Couple #2s dogs. The doberman grabbed one poodle and flung it through the air faster than anyone could do anything. Both couples restrain dogs, one poodle is ripped open.


I rode on, I was 8 years old, and thought "hehe bad ass, stoopit poodle". If I had known that Couple #1 was going to lawer-up and push for the doberman to be put down 9possibly a lawsuit, not sure), I would have stuck around and volunteered my testimony. Couple #2 couldn't swing a lawer, and ultimately lost. The doberman was put down.

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No offense to you, I'm sure your dog is harmless and all, but truthfully all dogs should be on leashes. That is one law that exists for a good reason. You never know what they will do, especially considering it's true that most people are afraid of dogs and as someone above stated, a lot of people aren't very smart when it comes to dogs and tend to do things that unintentionally "excite" them when they may only be acting in a playful manner.
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Entirely your own fault. Control your animal and there is no problem. No one was hurt, which is fortunate. I'm sure the dog is nice enough, but anything could've happened, she might have run out into the street just trying to get away and been hit by a car, or countless other possible situations. If I was the dad I wouldve been pissed off too.
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No offense to you, I'm sure your dog is harmless and all, but truthfully all dogs should be on leashes. That is one law that exists for a good reason. You never know what they will do, especially considering it's true that most people are afraid of dogs and as someone above stated, a lot of people aren't very smart when it comes to dogs and tend to do things that unintentionally "excite" them when they may only be acting in a playful manner.


I will not disagree with anything you said there...My Fiance started to lash back at the dude and I told her to just calm down and let him go...He's just upset.


Entirely your own fault. Control your animal and there is no problem. No one was hurt, which is fortunate. I'm sure the dog is nice enough, but anything could've happened, she might have run out into the street just trying to get away and been hit by a car, or countless other possible situations. If I was the dad I wouldve been pissed off too.


Is that why you entered...to state the obvious. I never said the kid was wrong...

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I will not disagree with anything you said there...My Fiance started to lash back at the dude and I told her to just calm down and let him go...He's just upset.




Is that why you entered...to state the obvious. I never said the kid was wrong...



Is that why you posted this on an internet forum ? To not get an opinion.


If it was so obvious I would assume it would be easily avoided ...

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Is that why you posted this on an internet forum ? To not get an opinion.


If it was so obvious I would assume it would be easily avoided ...



Usually, i'd take your bait there and go word for word with you until you've run out, but I am kinda busy at the moment, so 1-0, Rob.

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