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My mom died 5 days before I graduated high school - she just wanted to see me go to college. Remember - she hasn't missed a thing.

cool way to look at it...to the original poster I wish you the best as I could not imagine having to go through somthing like this myself

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Damn. I'm so sorry to hear. As with everyone, I was hoping for a better outcome. Don't hesitate to ask if you need anything man.


Damn wife using the computer owns me again.... this is Satan posting.

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dont waste time crying :) appreciate life and every happy moment.

Young'n, there's reason we do it. It helps, and bottling it up does nothing but mess you up in the log run.

Stuffing it down when you smash your finger with a hammer is one thing, but holding down that kind of grief can kill you.

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A classmate of mine from high school was diagnosed a year ago and she's doing great. What kind of cancer is it, if you don't mind me asking? Has it metastasized?



It's breast cancer. She's had it 6 other times. Went through chemo since I was old enough to remember. They finally said it was gone like 3 years ago. Here it is and taking her life this time. She can hardly speak or use her right arm b/c it's spread so badly.

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Your mom is strong if she's already fought this 6 times and won. Yes, it sucks that it's come back again, but you need to be the kind of supporter your mom was for you! Give her the energy she needs to pull through again!


Prayer heals, and your family will be in mine.

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Thank you to everyone who prayed for and supported my mother and my family.


She lost her battle with breast cancer after 18 years tonight at around 8PM. She was so comfortable and I'm at peace with it b/c my son and I were able to say our final good byes before she past.


To all my friends I may have on here I'll post the schedule if you're interested in coming.

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I am very sorry to here. This brings back memories of my father dying(colon cancer at 49) when I was 16. You are not alone. Remember that. Remember what she taught you and morn anyway you see fit, crying is a sign of a secure man.God Bless you, your mother and your family.
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I will pray for you and your family tonight. The next few weeks will be tough but you will get through it, I did. Life will go on, but it will not be the same. Just look back at the good times you had and cherish those memories.
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I'm so sorry to hear about this. I lost my grandfather and my gramps(stepgrandfather) both to cancer. One I never really got to know cause I was so young, but for my gramps I was rushing to see him before he left us, and I was the first to find him passed away in his room. The nurse didn't close the door as she left, and let me pass her to find him like that. I will never forget that I lost him like that, but I did get to really talk to him on a deep level before he passed the week before about taking care of my grandmother. So I feel for your loss, but we know she is in a better place looking down on you. Also she will get to see your sons first T-down for sure, but you got to tell him to look up after he does it. Cause she will want to see his face when he does it. ;) My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family during this time.
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My mom went in today and the doctors said there's nothing they can do now. We'll be lucky to have her until Christmas.


I hate this. I feel like my lungs have been ripped out my chest and I can't breathe. I'm only 23 years old, she's supposed to be there until my kid is 23, not just me.


I had a very similar situation rip open my life in Feb 2007.


My mother was diagnosed with cancer on Jan 10th and spent the next 3.5. weeks in the hosiptal. She celebrated her 31 year wedding anniversary with my father sitting upright in a hospital bed.


When they let her come home in the second week of Feb she was almost back to normal and we were advised she had up to a year.


On the 16th she collapsed, and refused to go back to the hospital saying she wanted to die at home with her family. There really was nothing more the hospital could have done as they actually escalated her condition (whole other story; really not in the mood to get into) so we waited with her saying out last words until the 17th of feb when she passed.


There is not a day that goes by that I dont think about and missher. I was extremly close to both my parents, but I normally saw my mom more due to her nurse work schedule.


I cried then, and sometimes still do. Hell, reading this thread made me tear up.


There is nothing wrong with it, and you are obviously not alone.


Keep your head up and remember all the good times. Know she is with you and will always be watching. I find it hard to believe sometimes but then there are times that I need to believe that.


I'm sorry for your loss and you and your family are in my thoughts.


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