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Playoffs in college would make games like OSU vs. Michigan worthless.


Um, I don't know about that.


Typically playoff's take division champs and put them forth. If we went through the season and both Michigan and OSU went undefeated, circa 2006, it would be as good if not better.


Rankings rely on stupid humans.

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I was a little miffed at the polls as well. However, I don't think Ohio State can really whine too much - the polls have been exceedingly good to them the past few years, and all that has amounted to is two disappointing (to say the least) performances in National Championship games. So, the backlash won't go away that easily.


Look, it really doesn't matter what the polls say. Ohio State controls its own destiny with respect to an automatic BCS bid if it simply wins the rest of its games.

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Playoffs 100%.That would stop the whiners (OSU would not have lost to USC 35-3 IF Beannie had played) from saying thier team should have been in the NC game plus make the colleges some more cash.I think if OSU and UM both came in to the game with 1 win (which I thought was possible for UM this year) it would still be a big game in my book cause it's OSU vs UM.One last thing I think if UM plays a clean game (not 7 fumbles) they can beat OSU this year,they have tons of talent too they are just young and inexperienced.
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I was a little miffed at the polls as well. However, I don't think Ohio State can really whine too much - the polls have been exceedingly good to them the past few years, and all that has amounted to is two disappointing (to say the least) performances in National Championship games. So, the backlash won't go away that easily.


Look, it really doesn't matter what the polls say. Ohio State controls its own destiny with respect to an automatic BCS bid if it simply wins the rest of its games.


Wisc and Penn State are going to be tough.

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I think OSU can beat Wisconsin pretty readily, simply because we can and have shutdown P.J. Hill before and they will not be able to stop our offense enough. Penn State worries the shit out of me, OSU will find out how good they really are in that game.


I believe either this weekend or next weekend are some huge games with LSU vs. Florida and Texas vs. Oklohoma....can't wait to see those.

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Ok Auburn is also the same team that won 3-2 yes folks they won with a baseball type score 2 weeks ago! Then had the lead against LSU and blew that, but yeah thats put them ahead of OSU. Polls are weak sauce and OSU honestly will not get any higher then 5 cause the media is so biased.


I dont care how they have done the last 2 years.Thats in the past. I mean shit SUC was 6-6 10 years ago...no one hears about that now do they. Alabama and Oklahoma are the 2 best teams in the country at this point followed closely behind by Missouri.

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Ok Auburn is also the same team that won 3-2 yes folks they won with a baseball type score 2 weeks ago! Then had the lead against LSU and blew that, but yeah thats put them ahead of OSU. Polls are weak sauce and OSU honestly will not get any higher then 5 cause the media is so biased.


I dont care how they have done the last 2 years.Thats in the past. I mean shit SUC was 6-6 10 years ago...no one hears about that now do they. Alabama and Oklahoma are the 2 best teams in the country at this point followed closely behind by Missouri.



OSU hasn't played one good team other than USC and got slaughtered by them. They had trouble with Troy and Oklahoma State beat them 55-24 and had trouble with OU who was beaten by Wyoming. They are going to get slaughtered by Penn State, most likely Wisconsin and Illinois, possibily Michigan and Michigan State. Those are all potential losses b/c OSU is garbage.


Jim Tressel has the play calling fortitude of a 70 year old woman.

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All of a sudden the Michigan bandwagon is starting to fill up, 3 weeks ago when they was losing it was pretty empty. I love fair weather fans. No way in hell does OSU lose to Meatchicken this year. MSU, Penn St, Wisky and Illinois are potential losses, but honestly I dont think they will lose to any of those teams honestly. Who the hell has Penn St beat? Illinois and thats about it.


It doesnt matter how much you win by a win is a win like it or not. USC got beat by Oregon St, Penn St destroyed Oregon St...is Penn St better then USC? If OSU beats Penn St then is OSU better then USC?

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I love fair weather fans.



Just like them buckeye fans. The worst fans in the country. How can you boo a senior QB that has taken you to the National Championship game? That's just poor, very poor.



Since you don't know me I won't take offense to this as I'm a Michigan fan week in and week out.

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Just like them buckeye fans. The worst fans in the country. How can you boo a senior QB that has taken you to the National Championship game? That's just poor, very poor.



Since you don't know me I won't take offense to this as I'm a Michigan fan week in and week out.

You're a fair-weather anti-Ohio State fan.

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Just like them buckeye fans. The worst fans in the country. How can you boo a senior QB that has taken you to the National Championship game? That's just poor, very poor.



Since you don't know me I won't take offense to this as I'm a Michigan fan week in and week out.


Yeah booing Boeckman was straight bullshit! Im a buckeye fan and I know tOSU fans are idiots, hell im on just about every buckeye site and hate the people on there more then I hate most of you which speaks volumes. I think there are a couple other teams with worse fans Penn State has horrible fans, you ever been there as a visitor? Texas is another place with insane fans.


You might be in the 1% of Meatchicken fans that werent throwing the towell in 2 weeks ago. Now all a sudden they are good enough to beat tOSU? Please, they will be lucky to not lose by 21 this year. If I was Michigan i'd pray Tress calls the dogs off just like he did last year when you had a much better team with a whole lot more talent then this years squad. Im not saying this just as a OSU fan im saying this as a football fan Michigan wont beat OSU for another 3-5 years atleast.


Mich doesnt have the talent right now to run the spread and they wont get a qb like Pryor who can come in as a true frosh and make huge plays. Next years recruiting class for them is a decent one, OSU just happens to have a much better one lol. I think OSU is already up to like 5 or 6 5stars with possibly 3 more coming aboard.

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Mich doesnt have the talent right now to run the spread and they wont get a qb like Pryor who can come in as a true frosh and make huge plays.



They get Justin Feagin next year b/c they redshirted him this year. I'd take a QB that runs a 4.6 40 anyday to run the spread, that's all he ran throughout high school. He may be a little shorter than Pryor, but Pat White isn't as tall as Pryor. They have some great QB recruits coming in next year too. Shavodrick Beaver, 6'4" 4.5 40. We'll be fine. I've already made enough wagers on this years game. So get back with me next year.

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Booing was uncalled for. It is true, OSU fans can be awful, Ohio fans in general, go to a cleveland game.


As far as playoffs go, it is the only way to un-fuck all of college football. The only way to make sure the top 16 or hell, even top 8 get a fair shot at a title. With as many upsets as we had last year, and so far this year, only a moron would think the BSC is an accurate setup. The ranking system could stay pretty much the same with the best teams going into a playoff. It makes so much sense it will never happen. Seriously, name another sport that has a similar setup to the one in college football. Any other sport, that has computers and voting, deciding a teams value, as opposed to ... I don't know ... ACTUALLY FUCKING PLAYING THE GAME. Other college sports (basketball anyone), professional sports, hell even HIGHSCHOOL sports have playoffs. The BSC is the most asinine system for selecting a championship game. I wish enough people would get together and boycott NCAA football for 1 year. Thats all it would take, too bad that won't happen.


Edit: This guy makes a lot of sense.


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Booing was uncalled for. It is true, OSU fans can be awful, Ohio fans in general, go to a cleveland game.


As far as playoffs go, it is the only way to un-fuck all of college football. The only way to make sure the top 16 or hell, even top 8 get a fair shot at a title. With as many upsets as we had last year, and so far this year, only a moron would think the BSC is an accurate setup. The ranking system could stay pretty much the same with the best teams going into a playoff. It makes so much sense it will never happen. Seriously, name another sport that has a similar setup to the one in college football. Any other sport, that has computers and voting, deciding a teams value, as opposed to ... I don't know ... ACTUALLY FUCKING PLAYING THE GAME. Other college sports (basketball anyone), professional sports, hell even HIGHSCHOOL sports have playoffs. The BSC is the most asinine system for selecting a championship game. I wish enough people would get together and boycott NCAA football for 1 year. Thats all it would take, too bad that won't happen.


Edit: This guy makes a lot of sense.



Name another sport that is as entertaining as college football. You can't.


Playoffs would make it as weak as the NFL, what's next, sudden death OT?

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Name another sport that is as entertaining as college football. You can't.


Playoffs would make it as weak as the NFL, what's next, sudden death OT?


Its entertaining until the end of the season when the entertainment turns into, "what the fuck just happened". The real question is do people really want kids that are playing for free (cough cough) playing even more games and raising their possibility of being injured? A playoff would be nice, but its really not needed. I have to agree with the Kenny.


I would however bet money that if college football ever loses it's luster a playoff will be implemented asap.

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Name another sport that is as entertaining as college football. You can't.


I agree, which is why an actual Champion should be crowned on a yearly basis. By the way, all the other divisions have playoffs in college football, just not the former div-1a, or as I like to call, the one that matters most.


Every bowl in the BCS accounts to no more than a glorified exhibition game, and detracts from the spirit of competition by not allowing the players to "settle it on the field". Where it belongs.

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Just like them buckeye fans. The worst fans in the country. How can you boo a senior QB that has taken you to the National Championship game? That's just poor, very poor.


I believe the booing came from Tressel's decision to put Boeckman in for 2 plays vs him throwing one in the dirt.

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The real question is do people really want kids that are playing for free (cough cough)


And the free education they recieve isnt payment enough? Tell that to the straight A student that doesnt run a 4.4 40 but carries a 4.4gpa through out highschool and cant get a scholorship to tOSU.


A playoff system does not work and heres why...someones gonna get left out and there will be the whole "well if we wouldve gotten to play them we wouldve made the playoffs", and thats just the start of things. Where do you draw the line, top 6, 8, 10, 16? What if theres a tie between say 7 teams with a 9-3 record all between spots 10-17..does #17 get left out even though they have the same record as #16?


You compare a playoff system in footall to that of the NCAA tournament, but what you fail to realize is basketball teams travel 25 people at most including coaches and trainers, theres 90-100 kids on a football team, then add all the staff and trainers. Way too costly!


You take away bowl games you just took away millions of dollars in revenues for the NCAA and the sponsors whos names are attached to the bowl games your wanting to eliminate. Like it or not bowl games fund most smaller tier schools. The money they make off going to a bowl game is sometimes more then they actually pocket from home attendance.


Next you will ruin the tradition plain and simple. And like it or not college football is all about tradition. 1 loss and your season is pretty much over, this isnt the NFL where you can lose 8 games and go on to win the championship game, thats what makes college ball so much better.


Now some people say "take the conference champions and have them play in the playoffs" thats fine and dandy,(now for hypothetical purposes im using the following) but is a 12-0 Hawaii really better then say a 11-1 SEC team whos only loss is in the conference championship game? Do you eliminate conference championship games? Not every conference can have a championship game due to uneven ammount of teams i.e Big 10 which has 11 teams.


What about the independent teams like Notre Dame. what if they run the table and go undefeated are they left out cause they dont play in a conference so therefore they arent technically a conference champion? Or do you let them get in with a certain amount of wins, but you dont allow the 2nd place SEC team with whos only loss is in the conference championship game a chance to goto the playoffs...


See what I mean a playoff is not the solution. Like it or not there will always be some kind of debate with college footballs champion unless 2 teams run the table in major conferences and meet in the BCS game.



As for Meatchicken, i'll take you up on the offer next year, and the year after and the year after. Dick Rod will be out of Michigan before they win against OSU i'll even place bets on that

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And the free education they recieve isnt payment enough? Tell that to the straight A student that doesnt run a 4.4 40 but carries a 4.4gpa through out highschool and cant get a scholorship to tOSU.


Too easy...

Not everyone that plays football is on a scholaship.


A little bit harder, but not by much...

I would also like to point out that if the kids really want a scholarship there are plenty of schools and programs willing to pay. Just as those people that are athletic have to work their ass off for their scholarships (and possibly have to choose the 3rd/4th school on their list), those with good grades need to work to get their scholarships (and possibly have to choose their 3rd and 4th options).



Some guy who had a full academic ride to OSU, various sports scholarships, and ran a sub 4.4 40 in high school/college.

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Tradition = squat in bowl games now. Its a fraud system, with opponents selected to generate revenue. You're telling me Georgia didn't deserve a shot last year ? Or Missouri ? Of course someones gonna bitch, but doesn't a team that goes undefeated, or 1-loss deserve a shot if their schedule is tough enough to get them a top 16 rank ? If you're #17 too fucking bad (thats already what we tell #3-#16 now anyway) schedule a tougher regular season, and don't lose so much.


As far as money goes (the actual reason the univ presidents don't want playoffs, check out their individual bonuses) you can't convince me a former div-1a playoff wouldn't be a smashing commercial success. A month long battle right after the regular season, keeping the teams fresh (no 2 month wait) and action near constant. March madness doesn't make money ? Of course it does, now replace basketball, with football. If the BSC makes so much sense, why doesn't anyone else (including other college football divisions) use it ? Because its stupid, its seriously that simple. You could even run a #17-#32 side tournament like the NIT, even more revenue, and gives the bubble teams something to play for.

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Just like them buckeye fans. The worst fans in the country. How can you boo a senior QB that has taken you to the National Championship game? That's just poor, very poor.



Since you don't know me I won't take offense to this as I'm a Michigan fan week in and week out.



As opposed to EVERYONE in the Big House booing the ENTIRE team last Saturday after the first possession of the second half (punt)?


Or maybe the Bronx cheer they received when they got their second first down of the game with a little less than 3 mins to go in the half?


Yeah, scUM really is the class of the Large Eleven.

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