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Get your money out of the market now??


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He's referring to money you will need soon (5 yrs). This kind of advise would be aimed, for example, at people very close to retirement. Conventional wisdom is that the closer you get to taking your money out of investments, the more conservative an allocation you would want (less stocks, more bonds/money market, etc) so as to have a more predictable return. Experts at the moment (he's not the only one) are just modifying the advice a bit, saying NO stocks if you're going to need that money soon.
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Im going to have to say, that on this he's wrong. I dont see how this helps the situation at hand. I know what he is saying, geared toward individual managing stocks, trying to maintain their money. But a mass amount of people doing this will do nothing but make the market and economy worse.
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Im going to have to say, that on this he's wrong. I dont see how this helps the situation at hand. I know what he is saying, geared toward individual managing stocks, trying to maintain their money. But a mass amount of people doing this will do nothing but make the market and economy worse.


But if you are depending on this money within 5yrs to survive, he's saying it probably won't be there.


Yes, the market will rebound eventually. People like myself who only have investments in the stock market for retirement in 30yrs give or take are fine.


But people like Carie's dad who has most of his money in the stock market might want to think about pulling enough out to survive on incase the market doesn't bounce back soon.

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