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Engine Building Class?


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Hey guys-


I am sure a lot of you are like me with desires of building your own engine but A) can't justify pulling out a perfectly good engine to rebuild B) don't know what you would put the engine in if you did build it or C) don't have a garage/shop where it could be done and the wife/SO is not down with the kitchen rebuild like war of the worlds ;-)




Does anyone know of a class that teaches you hands on how to build an engine and then that engine is tested or put into something so you can see it run/perform?


I know I could just buy something with a blown engine and try to sell it after I rebuild but I already have 3 cars and only a two car garage and this is not the time to sell ANYTHING other than maybe necessities for life.


If I were to organize it/collect money would one of our experts be willing to teach it or even host it at their shop?


I have one maybe two really cool experts in mind I know to ask if they would teach and both are on the board.




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I'm no expert, nor am I a certified technician, but I'd be more than happy to help you. It's a lot of fun tearing them apart and putting them back together.. you get to see everything come together infront of your eyes. But a chiltons or haynes manual does wonders in instructing procedues and specs when you have to disassemble and reassemble. Hell, if you can get your hand on a Factory Repair Manual, you're in the money.


I've done this two times myself now, on both of my 4AG engines, both without problem.

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That was awesome. :)


I've always wanted to learn how to do that. I've been kicking around the idea of buying parts to build up a motor and slowing teaching myself how.


I'm with you I'm concerned about paying other shops in columbus to build my new motor. I don't know who an experianced ej builder is.

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Putting the motor together is not the hard part, the knowledge of what pieces to use and how to incorporate thing together is the hard part. 95% of the people here could prob put some pistons on some rods then attach them to the crank, but the question is what pistons to use with the heads I am using? What cam is going to work best with everything else that I have. If your concered with actually putting the motor together, go buy one from the junkyard, strip it, clean everything, put new rod and main bearings in it, put it back together, and make it run. If you can do this without major problems you will be fine on that part. The key is be very very clean.
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I was not inquiring into the difficulty of building an engine. I was discussing the practicality- sure I could do it just for the hell of it and have it sit somewhere until I could figure out what to do with it but wouldn't it be easier if those who have not had the opportunity as of yet could share in this experience?


I guess we can try it this way.. who has a car with a blown engine right now.


Having an engine you built run for a few minutes supported from chains or on an engine stand is cool but nothing like putting it into something you can drive under load and see what happens.

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