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thinking about joining the military


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If you haven't already, you will have to take the asvab test. How ever you score will let you know what jobs you are qualified for. This goes for all branches of service. The pay is the same for all branches of services.


If you already have some college you may want to complete your degree and enlist as an officer. The pay will be almost double.


e-1 =1400 month enlisted


0-1 =2655 month officer


here is a link to military pay chart for 2009.




w=warrent officer



Here's the current Army pay scale.


On top of that there's extra pay like BAH (Housing) BAS (food), separation pay if away from wife, and a few other extras. All federal holidays are your holidays (4 day weekends rock).

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whats wrong with going as a navy corpsman? I plan on doing the navy corpsman thing. But i heard its really dangerous, as well as a combat medic for the army. I heard that when you are on active reserve you can get on with a fire dept. with ease as a medic or even work in a hospital in the ER as a medic. If you do the SAR (search and rescue) you can try to get on with medflight, or become a firefighter.
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whats wrong with going as a navy corpsman? I plan on doing the navy corpsman thing. But i heard its really dangerous, as well as a combat medic for the army. I heard that when you are on active reserve you can get on with a fire dept. with ease as a medic or even work in a hospital in the ER as a medic. If you do the SAR (search and rescue) you can try to get on with medflight, or become a firefighter.

No more dangerous than any combat MOS, other than you get a great M9 pistol vs. having a rifle. Only allowed to defend yourself and the wounded you're treating. It's a good field to be in, not to mention lots of special operations possibilities.

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I understand that some of it will suck but I think it will be a good experience overall when I look back on it. I wish that I could go in as an officer but the reason that I am looking to join is because I don't want to finish my college degree right now and borrow more and more money. I just can't decide on which branch to go into all of them seem appealing to me in one way or another. I also have no clue on what MOS to do. I have not taken the ASVAB yet but I consider myself to be pretty smart and I feel that I would do well on it.
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To the guy with the earlier post about going in as a Corpsman, change your NEC now to something technical. You'll never get promoted or get anywhere. Corpsman are a dime-a-dozen.


He speaks the truth. Im currently active duty in pensacola, fl. Corpsman hardly ever make rank because its so locked up. Like a lot of people have said, you do get to see some amazing places(if you go to a ship) and meet some of the best people youll ever meet. I am an air traffic controller, and i love it. Plus, I know i can carry my job very easily out into the civilian world. What ever you do, pick something that you want to do, dont be "forced" into a job that you do not want. The recruiters and detailers will try to talk you into a job that the navy needs right then or has a spot open. If worse comes to worst, just wait, that rate will eventually open up.

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Dont do it. Leaving for the military totally tears up all the people that you leave behind. Plus the government has Blackwater on the payroll so they dont really need you to help "defend" us. I would just go to school or something, it seems to pay off better in the long run.
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Dont do it. Leaving for the military totally tears up all the people that you leave behind. Plus the government has Blackwater on the payroll so they dont really need you to help "defend" us. I would just go to school or something, it seems to pay off better in the long run.


What?! You can go through life making decision's based on how it effects other people. If he WANTS to do this then the people closest to him will understand. If they dont then fuck em. When i told my family they were cool with it. They just said "your gonna get alot of pushups done... b/c your fucking late to everything".

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If you are goining in as a corpman. You might as well just join the marines. You will train with them, you will be with them at all times. You will be on a marine base.


don't hate me for this but I am a Marine and I am just telling you like it is. You are a FAG. until you prove yourself, you will be hazed by marines. I had a few Corpsman that were cool.


If you want the medical field go in the air force.


If you want respect, join the marines!


There are plenty of jobs in the marines that can get you some where after your military career.


someone posted something about not being able to have an MOS selected before you join the Marines. THEY ARE INCORRECT. Yes your recuriter will try to get you to sign up "open contract" Don't do it. Most that sign up "open contrat" become infentry MOS 0311 basic rifle man. I went in guarented Motor Transport. As long as you score well on the ASVAB you can choose which job you want.

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Dont do it. Leaving for the military totally tears up all the people that you leave behind. Plus the government has Blackwater on the payroll so they dont really need you to help "defend" us. I would just go to school or something, it seems to pay off better in the long run.

Shut the fuck up. Better open your eyes, for what you see today was thanks to the US Military. You have no idea what Blackwater does. As for school, if/when he joins, Uncle Sam will take care of most of his schooling. So that means he won't be in debt for the first 10 years after getting out of college. Go wave a peace flag someplace else hippie.

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Shut the fuck up. Better open your eyes, for what you see today was thanks to the US Military. You have no idea what Blackwater does. As for school, if/when he joins, Uncle Sam will take care of most of his schooling. So that means he won't be in debt for the first 10 years after getting out of college. Go wave a peace flag someplace else hippie.




What?! You can go through life making decision's based on how it effects other people. If he WANTS to do this then the people closest to him will understand. If they dont then fuck em. When i told my family they were cool with it. They just said "your gonna get alot of pushups done... b/c your fucking late to everything".


I know that my parents and everyone around me would support me in whatever decision I make.

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I'll try to give you an unbiased opinion... but, it will probably be biased...


I was active duty Marines from '01 to '05 and it was a good experience. You take the good, leave the bad. In general, most branches are going to be micromanaged - they have to be. The Air Force will probably give you the most lax atmosphere out of the branches.


A positive is the GI Bill for school, although it generally takes an arm and a leg to get moving. If you're a smart kid, then talk to your recruiter about adding the College Fund when you enlist.


Make sure that you get everything in writting. Eventhough my recruiter was a straight shooter, that doesn't mean that they all are. The biggest thing that I can say from being a former Marine is that you will deal with A LOT of bullshit, but again, you get the title, the friends, the experience, the etc.


If you join the Navy you can move in as a Corpsman and be stationed with the Marine Corps. Corpsman can be good, considering that the Marine Corps does not have any internal medical MOS's. I cannot vouch for going into a medical field in another branch, as I have not been around them.


The Marine Corps is going to be the most disciplined branch - their job is to invade and take ground. The Army is a good branch, although I would say a little more relaxed depending on what MOS. The Army's job usually is to take ground and HOLD it. The Air Force flies everything everywhere, and maintains air superiority; the Navy is exactly the way you imagine it most likely, although they supply medical resources for the Marines.


In a nutshell... do it. If not... do something else. It's a good experience - it never leaves you.



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There is some points where I am very gung ho about it, then there is other times where I am like why in the hell would I ever do that


You're going to feel like that about everything in life bud :-) Really though, looking back on it I'm glad. I know people in every state almost, and it's a tight nit group. You will share something that common "civilians" won't understand. To this day, my wife still finds it awkward when she's around me and other jarhead buddies. I take pride in the fact that I have that title, and other people will look for that. Inside, you know that everything you go through is fairly minor in comparison to the past. For example, there are many of us who went over seas. I was one of the few that was in Kuwait when we invaded Iraq, which was setting a mile stone in history. I can remember building up on the border when Safwan hill was bombarded, and the sound of artillery going over your head; it was a RUSH. We went through climate conditions that were extremely harsh. We stayed up days on end, without accelerators (like drugs, haha). And, there was a LOT of funny shit that happens!


For those that have been in (any branch chime in), you know what I mean. When you get out? you notice that it seems like everyone complains about minor things. Having been in situations where you find out that you took a simple can of coke for granted, it makes you glad that you have running water to wash your hands with! Your trademark saying will be "suck it the fuck up!"


On another note as well, most people in their 20's have college loans and debt to pay off. I have none. In fact, I had 50k+ dollars for college when I got out, which was the GI Bill and College Fund combined. It's a pretty sweet situation to be in - VERY little debt, and money to go to college! What more could you ask for? You will have discipline on top of everything, and IMO it will be easier to find employment because it's proof that you can be depended on.


We can all ramble on about this forever. You're going to read views of those that aren't military and never would consider it, and you're going to read opinions of those that are still active duty, or at some point have been military, and will never look back. The choice is up to you, and that's all it comes down to. Personally, I wasn't going to go off to college and rack up debt not knowing what I wanted to be in the end. I think I'm in a much better situation now :-)


If you're on the fence, we're happy to share our viewpoints. Either way, everyone's entitled to their opinion.


Just do it. I wouldn't go back.

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I haven't had a chance to read this whole thread as I am packing to head out the door myself. I have been enlisted for about a year and a half now. First of all my vote is to strongly consider the Air Force. All in all (depending on what your looking for) it can be more benificial. Secondly look at the Air National Guard. I am in the ANG based out of Springfield. So far I love it. Yes you do take the good with the bad, but it is soo much more good. I am definatly not looking to do this full time, only because I have so many other things going for me in my life even before the AF. The good thing about the guard is that you can do as little to as much as you want. For instance you can work your regular one weekend a month and two weeks a year, which is very enjoyable to spend with people you don't normally see and get a chance to hang out with. Or you can do what I am doing now. I just went on a year orders to spend some time in Saudi Arabia. Keep in mind I volunteered. I will get to see some of the world and take part in some type of work overseas. I am Security Forces (Kinda like an MP) and we have a shitty/rather fun job. Are unit has had volunteer deployments to Diego Garcia, Iraq, Saudi, and also placed within the states. We are currently sending teams out the door in Jan. for some short 3 week trips to Arizona, Tampa, and Key West. If I wasnt going to Saudi I would sure love to take advantage of some nice vacations like this. There is a whole lot to say about this so feel free to pm me if you would like with questions. I leave for Fort Bliss for two week training in about 11 hours so no more internet chatting right now for me.



P.S. yes we do sleep in hotel style living and get hotels on weekend Drills, but we still get to go and play little soldier boy in the dirt and play with plenty of heavy weapons at the same time if thats your thing.

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Shut the fuck up. Better open your eyes, for what you see today was thanks to the US Military. You have no idea what Blackwater does. As for school, if/when he joins, Uncle Sam will take care of most of his schooling. So that means he won't be in debt for the first 10 years after getting out of college. Go wave a peace flag someplace else hippie.

Hahaha, thank you for putting me in my place. I appreciate it. And I never said anything bad about the military, and I never said that what I have today was not thanks to them. You sure are full of alot of assumptions arent you. One of my best friends is in Korea with the army right now and he will finally be home in a week and a half, I was just speaking based on what his absence has done to us that care about him. Also, I come from a family full of veterans and I having nothing but respect for what they have done.


Also, I have a pretty good idea of what blackwater does. Ive researched into it quite a bit, and if I were a veteran I would totally join that shit because those guys get PAID.

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Hahaha, thank you for putting me in my place. I appreciate it. And I never said anything bad about the military, and I never said that what I have today was not thanks to them. You sure are full of alot of assumptions arent you. One of my best friends is in Korea with the army right now and he will finally be home in a week and a half, I was just speaking based on what his absence has done to us that care about him. Also, I come from a family full of veterans and I having nothing but respect for what they have done.


Also, I have a pretty good idea of what blackwater does. Ive researched into it quite a bit, and if I were a veteran I would totally join that shit because those guys get PAID.

Triple Canopy.

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Huh? You still have to have experience for that one too.

You're researching, I gave you a new find. Had opportunities for both, but did what made others happy. As I will tell Andy, do it for yourself and nobody but yourself. Don't let others make a choice for you, especially not a woman :lol:


PS- Won't get into triple canopy with out LOTS of experience, and the salary is upward of $250K/year.

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You're researching, I gave you a new find. Had opportunities for both, but did what made others happy. As I will tell Andy, do it for yourself and nobody but yourself. Don't let others make a choice for you, especially not a woman :lol:

But, women have boobs, and boobs are good!

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Unless you pick a combat MOS you probably wont do your job 75% of the time in a garrison environment. Aviation is a pretty nice branch. 3ID on the other hand isn't the most fun at times. 15J (OH58) armorment/avionics tech is giving a nice bonus last time I heard because they are undermanned. If you get a cav unit you can go on your spur ride and get to wear spurs and a stenson. Instead of this gay beret we have now. If i did any other job i'd go field artillary or warrent.
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