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Do filing noise complaints actually do anything?


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My neighbors directly behind me have a dog that barks from the moment they let it outside until they put her back inside. As of right now, the dog has been standing on their deck barking non-stop for about 90 minutes. Makes it somewhat hard to sleep during the day when they allow it to do this as well as even have the windows/doors open because you can't watch tv, eat dinner or screw in peace because of this pain in the ass. This isn't an isolated incident, this is every single time the dog is outside.


My questions is, if I were to file a noise complaint, would it actually DO anything? Has anyone had issues like this themselves?

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I plan on starting to set up my video camera on my deck and just let it roll before long.


Here's a shot of our two houses (theirs circled in red, mine in blue)




I'm definitely not the closest in proximity, but the house closest to them (below them in that picture) also have dogs, ones that you never hear. My bedroom is on the backside of my house, so the sound comes right in and pretty much wakes me up everyday. That and our patio doors are always open which open into our living room, where we can't even really sit and watch tv in peace because of the constant noise.


The funny thing is that literally across the street from me is a dog trainer/doggie daycare that at any given time has between 10-30 dogs...that you NEVER hear because she corrects them when they start barking.

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arsenic + hamburger... :)

+1 lol


I had the same issue where I used to live and from my experience, filing a noise complaint accomplished nothing. So eventually we started screaming "shut the fuck up" over the fence so that the owners would get the point. It eventually worked.... kinda.

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Yes, filing can accomplish something. At our old house, there was a 16 year old girl who would stay up with her friends playing loud music until 2am whenever her parents were both working late. Finally, on a week-day night when my wife had the flu, we called it in. Cops were there in 20 minutes, and 4 underage teens were nailed for underage drinking.
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Guest tbutera2112
the rabbit was stealing the peaches from their tree, the peaches would fall and before they could get them, the fucker stole them....so he shot it with a pellet gun, pumped 10 times and it went right through
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Noise and misc. complaints don't do anything in Westerville. Apparently cops just show up and say "you need to quiet down". As soon as the cops leave there are people pissing off the back porch, yelling, bragging about underage drinking, slamming doors, yelling into cell phone, and littering in my yard and my neighbor's yards.
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Here is what you do. find out what the law says.


If there is a noise law, they are breaking it if the dog is noisy.


Then you walk next door and very calmly, very nicely, explain that their dog is quite loud and it is really disturbing you.


If they do nothing and there is a noise law, call the police (not 911) and complain. do it every 30 minutes as long as it bothers you. Eventually, you will bother the police enough that they will come out and cite the neighbor.


Do not call the police without going next door and asking them to do something about the dog.

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If you want a better sugestion tell you neighbor nicely to keep the dog quite. Obviously that is not going to happen so get as many speakers as you can face them against you neighbors wall, turn on the most anoying song you can find, put it on repeat, turn your stereo all the way up and leave for the weekend. Repeat as needed
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Yes, filing can accomplish something. At our old house, there was a 16 year old girl who would stay up with her friends playing loud music until 2am whenever her parents were both working late. Finally, on a week-day night when my wife had the flu, we called it in. Cops were there in 20 minutes, and 4 underage teens were nailed for underage drinking.


Yeah, as soon as the cops showed up i was out the back door and left the 16 year old girls to fend for themselves. I planned on playing Phil's Surprise game, thanks for ruining it :asshole:

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After doing some debating about this issue, I think my best play is to discuss it with them first and see if they even realize what's going on.


Found some good (reasonable) info on this site.



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