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Well, at least she dresses well


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For $150k, she better.


Cable television, talk radio and even shows like “Access Hollywood” seemed gripped with sartorial fever after campaign finance reports confirmed that the Republican National Committee spent $75,062 at Neiman Marcus and $49,425 at Saks Fifth Avenue in September for Ms. Palin and her family. Advisers to Ms. Palin said on Wednesday that the purchases — which totaled about $150,000 and were classified as “campaign accessories” — were made on the fly after Ms. Palin, the governor of Alaska, was chosen as the Republican vice-presidential candidate on Aug. 29 and needed new clothes to match climates across the 50 states. They emphasized, too, that Ms. Palin did not spend time on the shopping, and that other people made the decision to buy such an array of clothes.


Advisers to Mr. Obama — as well as those of his rival in the Democratic primaries, Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton — said that campaign money was never spent on personal clothing, but that potentially embarrassing purchases could be blended into advertising budgets.


Mr. Obama and his wife, Michelle, have been tagged as elitist by both Republicans and Democrats at times, and so much was made when she appeared on “The View” in June in a black-and-white patterned dress. Turns out it sold for $148 at an off-the-rack store.



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ive been waiting all day for someone to post this little gem of media smear! just like when this same thing was brought up about cindy mccain, why the hell does it matter? but, i digress, we all know that how much the wardrobe costs is more important than a candidates stand on gun control or a candidates voting record.(sarcasm for those that didnt catch it)
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What I find funny is that the Alaska Governorship pays approx. $69,900 a year in salary.

She literally spent more than twice her entire yearly salary on clothes in less than three months...



Maybe Cindy bought them for her??



What I find funny is that the McCains gave 29% of their income to charity last year and the Obamas gave about 1%.




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im just sick of seeing this rediculous crap pushed as a reason to vote for someone or not vote for someone.

How about posting it for the recreational act of drinking in the delicious irony?


A 2002 campaign finance law that bears McCain's name specifically barred any funds that "are donated for the purpose of supporting the activities of a federal or state office holder" from being used for personal expenses, including clothing.


"The use of campaign funds for items which most Americans would consider to be strictly personal reasons, in my view, erodes public confidence and erodes it significantly,"


Should have never associated yourself with the RNC. :(

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How about posting it for the recreational act of drinking in the delicious irony?


A 2002 campaign finance law that bears McCain's name specifically barred any funds that "are donated for the purpose of supporting the activities of a federal or state office holder" from being used for personal expenses, including clothing.




Should have never associated yourself with the RNC. :(


Are you really going to bring up campaign finance laws? How is that non use of public funding working out for Obama?

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Are you really going to bring up campaign finance laws? How is that non use of public funding working out for Obama?

Quite well, akshully.

You seem to be illuding to something, like you've got some badass end-all rebuttle waiting in the wings.

C'mon, out with it. :)


(Irony again: Conservative is running his campaign on an $84 million dollar government handout, while the liberal is out rasing money on his own.)

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Quite well, akshully.

You seem to be illuding to something, like you've got some badass end-all rebuttle waiting in the wings.

C'mon, out with it. :)


(Irony again: Conservative is running his campaign on an $84 million dollar government handout, while the liberal is out rasing money on his own.)


Oh, I think you know what I'm talking about. It was the first and not the last promise Obama broke:)

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How about some facts........


It is illegal to accept FREE clothing contributions by designers. Hillary Clinton and the like do not pay for $1 of her $6,000 PER PANT SUIT. They are given to her by the designer, just like Celebrities. At the last debate, they had 8 pant suits on stage to see which looked the best. That is $48,000 on stage alone.


Palin BUYS her own clothes, of which have lasted her for 6 weeks. If she would have went to Wal Mart, she would have been trashed for that instead. She has been ripped a new one more than anyone in this campaign. More than Barack for Bill ayers, the reverend, and all the other stuff Dem's brush off as bogus. Rediculous.


Lets focus on these relavent issues instead of Baracks weak ass Policies.....

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How about some facts........


It is illegal to accept FREE clothing contributions by designers. Hillary Clinton and the like do not pay for $1 of her $6,000 PER PANT SUIT. They are given to her by the designer, just like Celebrities. At the last debate, they had 8 pant suits on stage to see which looked the best. That is $48,000 on stage alone.


Palin BUYS her own clothes, of which have lasted her for 6 weeks. If she would have went to Wal Mart, she would have been trashed for that instead. She has been ripped a new one more than anyone in this campaign. More than Barack for Bill ayers, the reverend, and all the other stuff Dem's brush off as bogus. Rediculous.


Lets focus on these relavent issues instead of Baracks weak ass Policies.....


I agree....but are not Barack's "weak ass" policies the issue? :)

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How about some facts......

Any thread that begins with this should contain facts. You may think you are right and have facts, but I've got some bad news.... :(



Hillary Clinton and the like do not pay for $1 of her $6,000 PER PANT SUIT. They are given to her by the designer, just like Celebrities. At the last debate, they had 8 pant suits on stage to see which looked the best. That is $48,000 on stage alone.

Hillary Clinton is fuckin insane. Other than that, got a source? Also note, she wasn't sucking the Public Funding teet. Rules are slightly different depending on which you choose.


Palin BUYS her own clothes

Wrong, utterly and entirely. Her wardrobe, and some of her kids and husbands clothes, has been provided by the RNC. They are required to report every expence, every penny, and it's out:

The Republican National Committee spent about $150,000 on clothing, hair styling, makeup and other "campaign accessories" in September for the McCain campaign after Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin joined the ticket as his running mate.

The RNC also spent $4,902 at Atelier, a stylish men's clothing store in New York. Other purchases included a $92 romper and matching hat with ears for Palin's baby, Trig, at Pacifier, a baby store in Minneapolis.

Wing Witthuhn, who owns the store with her husband, said a young staffer with an RNC credit card purchased the clothes during the Republican National Convention in St. Paul. Trig wore the romper the night Palin addressed the convention.



Lets focus on these relevant issues instead of Baracks weak ass Policies.....

Ummm... wouldn't Baraks weak ass policies be considered relevant issues?

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hmmm... wouldn't Baraks weak ass policies be considered relevant issues?


Sarcasm bud...... :p


Politics are a mixed blessing.........They are what makes this country great, and horrible at the same time.


Most people will vote the party line, and won't listen to any debates, evidence or facts. Its just fun to rant every 4 years about it. I don't take any of it personal. I will vote the way I want, and that is all I can do....


McCain/Palin ;)

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So they basically needed to put lipstick on a pig :rolleyes:


Cable television, talk radio and even shows like “Access Hollywood” seemed gripped with sartorial fever after campaign finance reports confirmed that the Republican National Committee spent $75,062 at Neiman Marcus and $49,425 at Saks Fifth Avenue in September for Ms. Palin and her family. Advisers to Ms. Palin said on Wednesday that the purchases — which totaled about $150,000 and were classified as “campaign accessories” — were made on the fly after Ms. Palin, the governor of Alaska, was chosen as the Republican vice-presidential candidate on Aug. 29 and needed new clothes to match climates across the 50 states. They emphasized, too, that Ms. Palin did not spend time on the shopping, and that other people made the decision to buy such an array of clothes.

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IMO it shows a continuing trend of wisely spent money :nono: I'm sure she'll change should she be put in office :rolleyes:


ive been waiting all day for someone to post this little gem of media smear! just like when this same thing was brought up about cindy mccain, why the hell does it matter? but, i digress, we all know that how much the wardrobe costs is more important than a candidates stand on gun control or a candidates voting record.(sarcasm for those that didnt catch it)
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I would hope so, Cindy's loaded and they have how many luxury homes? Show me where she's disclosed her income statements? She's vehemently refused and I'm not saying she should have to, but she refuses nonetheless.


Maybe Cindy bought them for her??


What I find funny is that the McCains gave 29% of their income to charity last year and the Obamas gave about 1%.



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