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Why Won't McCain Sign the GI Bill?


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More then this but it one major i think are veterens should be geting paid the most Money when they back from duty i give credit to all the guys and girls over there risking there lifes for me and my family
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You know damn well Obama wouldn't back it.

Scotts credibility = zero.

Proof that you obviously do zero research before backing some one, simply assuming the Right is the side that's offering you what you want. You need to study up on Obama before you decide you diagree with him.


Here's a quote of Obie "not backing" the bill:

Senator Webb and the leaders of both parties have introduced a 21st century GI bill that would give this generation of returning heroes the same chance at an affordable college education that we gave the greatest generation,"

Yeah, sounds like he hates the idea.


Why won't McCain sign the GI Bill?

Because he believes that making benifits available that early in a soldiers carreer will hurt retention rates. It is a valid point, though I feel it's a good thing to offer the young'ns some college at an earlier age.

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McCain should do more.

Here's what's on the slate from the IAVA (Iraq Afghanistan Veterans of America)

1. Ensure Thorough, Professional, and Confidential Mental Health Screening

2. Advance-Fund VA Health Care

3. Overhaul the Military and Veterans' Disability System

4. Cut the Claims Backlog in Half

5. End the Passive VA System

6. Combat the Shortage of Mental Health Professionals

7. Create Tax Incentives for Patriotic Employers

8. Fight Homelessness among Veterans

9. Give Families Access to Mental Health Support

10. Repeal the Waiver of High-Deployment Pay

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Scotts credibility = zero.

Proof that you obviously do zero research before backing some one, simply assuming the Right is the side that's offering you what you want. You need to study up on Obama before you decide you diagree with him.


Here's a quote of Obie "not backing" the bill:


Yeah, sounds like he hates the idea.



Because he believes that making benifits available that early in a soldiers carreer will hurt retention rates. It is a valid point, though I feel it's a good thing to offer the young'ns some college at an earlier age.


Cuz we can trust him....LOL


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Veterans benefits needs to be bi-partisan, plain and simple. I'll congradulate the Bush administration for giving me health care a full year after I got out, due to the fact I was stop lossed (back door drafted for those that don't understand) for over 6 months. It should cover all veterans.



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So socialism ? But only in a sector you deem worthy?


McCain should do more.

Here's what's on the slate from the IAVA (Iraq Afghanistan Veterans of America)

1. Ensure Thorough, Professional, and Confidential Mental Health Screening

2. Advance-Fund VA Health Care

3. Overhaul the Military and Veterans' Disability System

4. Cut the Claims Backlog in Half

5. End the Passive VA System

6. Combat the Shortage of Mental Health Professionals

7. Create Tax Incentives for Patriotic Employers

8. Fight Homelessness among Veterans

9. Give Families Access to Mental Health Support

10. Repeal the Waiver of High-Deployment Pay

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Anything you feel to add Thorne? You'd be quite pissed if the company you work for said they'd match $.075 to the $1 or more, on your 401K, only to find out it's really $.20 or so.


Thats happened to thousands of americans the past 2 decades who don't work for the government, that was in their contract as well.


Except they didnt even get the .20.

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