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Anyone Up For A Drive Near Reynoldsburg

Harry Bird

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im a worthless fuck really? coming from the "all american tech" whose twin turbo car is the slowest piece of shit on this forum. im a worthless fuck, hal i make more money in a year than your fucking ass will make in the next three. but im the worthless fuck, oh and whose ass am i up??? please tell me? anthonys? your much farther up his prostate than i will ever be. oh you meant brian right? wrong you fucking cunt, maybe you should look in the mirror and see who the wothless fuck is. all you do is bash people online, because your such a wiz at e battles right? get a fucking life you corn ball.

My car will eat your piece of shit alive. You really think I'm going to strip shit down at a track to fix a coupler, fuck that, retard. You want to talk about people's cars? Look at yours, you can't even figure out where to begin when that thing breaks. Fuck, at least when something breaks, I know exactly what to do. I guess all the parts I replaced to correct its issues won't do anything.


You make that much more than me? I drive; an '03 Cobra, an '05 Evnoy, an '06 Gixxer 600, and buy whatever I want, whenever I want then you can Add that to the $20,000+ wedding I am paying for in Sept. You're right though, I'm sure you make so much more than me. You're an idiot.


Yep, I guess me seeing and talking to Ant about once every couple months (same with Brian) shows I really suck up to them.


All I do is fuck off online when I'm at work or have nothing better to do.


Just so you understand, I'm not fucking kidding. I really do hate you. I really do think you're a piece of shit, in person and on here. I am being 100% serious, you are completely worthless.

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for making 3x as much money as him, you sure do have a shitty car compared to his..lol just sayin...and you live at home...

No, he makes well over $100k if he makes 3 times more than me. Yep, I guess he's one rich college student. I probably pay more in bills per year than he makes in one year. The mods on my car are worth more than his entire piece of shit.


Let me sum up, I could care less if Phil keeled over dead tomorrow.

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omg your right i drive a pos. a pos that breaks all the time. but heres a thought for you 2 ass lovers, my $ isnt all tied up into my cars like your dumbasses, i pay fully for my own school and have more money in savings and stocks so when i graduate i can take my money out and buy my store out right as well as the store in florida. and hal i could give two less shits what you think of me, i used to enjoy fucking with you because it was fun, but now your just a whiney complaining bitch. all you do is bitch bitch bityou think cr is going down hill because of the people joining? who gives a shit, its the fucking internet. there is no life long gain in cr, its a web site, you take this shit so serious and for what? so you can feel like you mean somthing in the world? what a stupid fuck you are, maybe you should stop treating cr like its fucking match maker and clam the hell down.


and as for you tyler, my car is such a pos why havent you ever beat me? i mean your car is such a monster right? wrong, your p.o.s is just as bad as anyone elses on here, so dont jump into this fire cuz i seriously see your hours getting cut.

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omg your right i drive a pos. a pos that breaks all the time. but heres a thought for you 2 ass lovers, my $ isnt all tied up into my cars like your dumbasses, i pay fully for my own school and have more money in savings and stocks so when i graduate i can take my money out and buy my store out right as well as the store in florida. and hal i could give two less shits what you think of me, i used to enjoy fucking with you because it was fun, but now your just a whiney complaining bitch. all you do is bitch bitch bityou think cr is going down hill because of the people joining? who gives a shit, its the fucking internet. there is no life long gain in cr, its a web site, you take this shit so serious and for what? so you can feel like you mean somthing in the world? what a stupid fuck you are, maybe you should stop treating cr like its fucking match maker and clam the hell down.


and as for you tyler, my car is such a pos why havent you ever beat me? i mean your car is such a monster right? wrong, your p.o.s is just as bad as anyone elses on here, so dont jump into this fire cuz i seriously see your hours getting cut.

Again, I don't care about CR. I've asked to be banned, idiot. I could crush you with my stocks, bitch. Guess what, I could have bought a house outright but, I chose not to. Not even half my money is tied up in cars, see, I make enough that I can live nicely and not care.


I never thought fucking with you was fun, I kinda feel bad doing it. I feel like I'm telling some down syndrome kid to fuck off. I honestly, 100% hate you. In all honesty, I think you are the major reason for the decline of this board.


Long life gain, try friends, idiot.


You're completely unprofessional, and I hope your store burns to the ground with you in it.


I'm done with you, fucker. I hope I never have to see you again, not a threat at all, I just hope I never see your bitch ass again.

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omg your right i drive a pos. a pos that breaks all the time. but heres a thought for you 2 ass lovers, my $ isnt all tied up into my cars like your dumbasses, i pay fully for my own school and have more money in savings and stocks so when i graduate i can take my money out and buy my store out right as well as the store in florida. and hal i could give two less shits what you think of me, i used to enjoy fucking with you because it was fun, but now your just a whiney complaining bitch. all you do is bitch bitch bityou think cr is going down hill because of the people joining? who gives a shit, its the fucking internet. there is no life long gain in cr, its a web site, you take this shit so serious and for what? so you can feel like you mean somthing in the world? what a stupid fuck you are, maybe you should stop treating cr like its fucking match maker and clam the hell down.


and as for you tyler, my car is such a pos why havent you ever beat me? i mean your car is such a monster right? wrong, your p.o.s is just as bad as anyone elses on here, so dont jump into this fire cuz i seriously see your hours getting cut.

Talk about taking the internet too serious. I bet phil made all his money working for nike and being one of the top physical theraphists/ trainers at OSU with no degree :rolleyes:

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In all seriousness he works for an indirect retailer of Verizon Wireless. The commission checks they bring in from selling our merchandise is nothing to laugh at. I know some that make $100k a year in sales and commission. I would say at the very least he would pull in $35k a year.. and thats if he's a lazy ass that doesnt know how to upsell.
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Why did this turn into "I make more money"? Who gives a shit. This has become the most childish bullshit on CR lately. I have no income, I guess I'm a big fucking looser huh? Phil who the hell are you to talk about people's cars, and Hal I thought you were above such a lame ass e-battle.
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im a worthless fuck really? coming from the "all american tech" whose twin turbo car is the slowest piece of shit on this forum. im a worthless fuck, hal i make more money in a year than your fucking ass will make in the next three. but im the worthless fuck, oh and whose ass am i up??? please tell me? anthonys? your much farther up his prostate than i will ever be. oh you meant brian right? wrong you fucking cunt, maybe you should look in the mirror and see who the wothless fuck is. all you do is bash people online, because your such a wiz at e battles right? get a fucking life you corn ball.

:confused:Up to 100k. I know you want to back Hal, but seriously.

Read......Phil is "making over 100K"

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I want to know what sparked this? Was it typing on the forum or was it something that happened at a meet?


Edit: The Hal Vs. Phil thing overall, not the gay ebattles in this thread...

I have been told in person that they don't like each other. :rolleyes:

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I have been told in person that they don't like each other. :rolleyes:


I was told that the one cheated on the other with a sexy Marky Mark looking underwear model surfer type dude and the other person vowed to never let the other person cause them that type of heart ache ever again :eek:

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I want to know what sparked this? Was it typing on the forum or was it something that happened at a meet?


Edit: The Hal Vs. Phil thing overall, not the gay ebattles in this thread...

I think there is too much to narrow it down to one event/happening, it was a process in the making.

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I was told that the one cheated on the other with a sexy Marky Mark looking underwear model surfer type dude and the other person vowed to never let the other person cause them that type of heart ache ever again :eek:

Brian you really need to just decide if Val's replacement is going to be Hal or Phil. Quit changing your mind, it's tearing CR apart.

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I was told that the one cheated on the other with a sexy Marky Mark looking underwear model surfer type dude and the other person vowed to never let the other person cause them that type of heart ache ever again :eek:


Brian you really need to just decide if Val's replacement is going to be Hal or Phil. Quit changing your mind, it's tearing CR apart.


BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA, you just called me sexy :asshole:



Go fix your pistons so I can own your forged car next year!

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BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA, you just called me sexy :asshole:



Go fix your pistons so I can own your forged car next year!

Well I'll have to get one of these excellent jobs that the rest of you have first.


BTW sexy guy, this looks like you holding Phil and Ice Cube.


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