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Picked up a new geek toy.


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I'm sure some of the devices I have won't fit.


I'll stick with my tablet for anything like that. Stylist owns for tuning and you don't get yelled at by lame tech people at Trails for having an open laptop in the car.


They make these things called USB hubs... or even better a USB extension cords for this issue.

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I got a EEE PC. I've been using the piss out of it for tuning this weekend. It's so much nicer to carry around then my big dell. Updating maps works well and the screen is quite viewable.


It's a cool little toy. Netbooks are pimp




Celeron 900m

2gigs ram

4gig ssd

4gig hs memory card



Cool dude!

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It functions great. I don't know what you are talking about. I have never used the optical drive in my HP laptop except to reformat Windows because windows sucks. I don't want one weighing down my laptop. For e-mail, CR, Photoshop, and i-tunes, this thing rocks. No need for Antivirus, oh and no fucking WIndows. But hell it runs WIndows with Parallels better than most PCs.


Talk to me about functionality. My Vista Machine dies on me every day and crashes in the middle of doing things. When a 3Ghz and 2GB of ram, a 320 GB harddrive, and a 128MB Video card is not enough to run the operating system, it doesn't function.


Ben you fail I run Vista Ultimate my my weak ass 1.9 AMD w/ 1 gig of ram like a champ. It runs better then XP pro did.


don't hate on your bad install or corrupted ver of Vista. Hell my wifes power book is the flakiest piece of shit I have ever seen crashes all the time with min. software installed and the wireless is complete junk. But yea your right macs are greater then PC :rolleyes::)

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I know apple is hiring in this bad economic state we are in. Look at the person they just hired (Papermaster), IBM is scared and suing Apple for employing him. :)




competent engineers, bah, Stupid user is 100% of the problem 99% of the time.

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I know apple is hiring in this bad economic state we are in. Look at the person they just hired (Papermaster), IBM is scared and suing Apple for employing him. :)





"he agreed not to work at a competitor for a period of one year following his employment at IBM."


Pretty standard procedure there...

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Ben you fail I run Vista Ultimate my my weak ass 1.9 AMD w/ 1 gig of ram like a champ. It runs better then XP pro did.


don't hate on your bad install or corrupted ver of Vista. Hell my wifes power book is the flakiest piece of shit I have ever seen crashes all the time with min. software installed and the wireless is complete junk. But yea your right macs are greater then PC :rolleyes::)


Sure her Power Book is before the Intel switch. They are crap. Pick up a new MacBook. Intel made Mac way better than other Manufacturers. Try one, heaven forbid if you base you knowledge of Mac on a piece of hardware that was most likely less than 1Ghz with PC133 ram in it. :rolleyes: You are not running OSX on that PowerBook are you? I dare you to take the pepsi challenge with me at the apple store, Guy. :)

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The thing I find most funny about Mac is their horrid advertising... pretty much all of it attacks Windows as if there aren't any other options for an OS.


It's about as smart as the people that buy them because they look cute (read: who they market towards).

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Shawn, fastest Power Book Specs I could find online.


* First PowerBook with DVI-out







* 867MHz, 1 GHz G4 $$$$?

* Up to 1GB of PC-133

* 20, 30, 40GB 4200rpm Hard Drive

* 2x USB 1.1

* 1x FireWire

* Airport optional on low-end, included on high-end

* Combo Drive on 867Mhz; SuperDrive on 1Ghz

* ATI Mobility Radeon 9000 32,64MB VRAM

o 1280x854 Internal Screen resolution

o DVI out up to 2048x1536


You're not exactly comparing apples to apples...... your "lowly" windows machine is quite a bit further along in technology than a "PowerBook".


Wireless N on airport is fuckin' awesome on the new MackBooks.

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Don't backtrack now.


I know you work near easton close or with sciongirl from lurking in here. Other then that I have no clue. When I ask you out on a man date you always turn me down. How the hell are we supposed to get to know each other when you keep avoiding me? What are you afraid of?

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I know you work near easton close or with sciongirl from lurking in here. Other then that I have no clue. When I ask you out on a man date you always turn me down. How the hell are we supposed to get to know each other when you keep avoiding me? What are you afraid of?


Do you even have an engineering degree?

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The thing I find most funny about Mac is their horrid advertising... pretty much all of it attacks Windows as if there aren't any other options for an OS.


It's about as smart as the people that buy them because they look cute (read: who they market towards).


Oh you are damn right for what a Mac costs it better look good, be thin, light weight and very eco friendly. and have great performance to boot. And it does. Look up some benchmarks with windows installed on Apple PCs, look to see what runs it faster. :)

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None of the other Macs appeal to me, a PC fan due to ease of interchangeable parts and complete control over every aspect of software and hardware. However, as a student, that Airbook would be great for me, as much as I am usually running around with work and school.
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