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GM - dead?

Kevin R.

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I doubt the GOV will let them go under. I'm not to keen on the idea of another GOV bail out, but could you imagine what it would be like if there were no more GM cars on the road!?


I feel the same way especially with Obama taking office. He has already said he wants to back GM and Ford.


I guess we will see. Better go get your Corvettes while you can.

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its their own fault they are fucked. they should have seen this coming YEARS ago.


if they would have kept working on the EV1 instead of sending them to the crushers and focusing on building gas hog SUV's, they would be fine today.


you make your bed, and you lie in it.

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its their own fault they are fucked. they should have seen this coming YEARS ago.


if they would have kept working on the EV1 instead of sending them to the crushers and focusing on building gas hog SUV's, they would be fine today.


you make your bed, and you lie in it.


that there is some funny stuff.... say that to the tens if not hundreds of thousands of people that the big three employs and see what happens- republican or democrat our country cannot handle the decline of these companies. If you think detroit is a dangerous city now, just wait and don't forget michigan is only a 3 hour drive away.


Let's all get in line and hand out 3% mortgages to the irresponsible people that got in over their head (which most will probably still default on) but let our country's biggest employers burn alive while they roast marshmallows and wonder why a year or two from now half their family has been murdered and robbed by fellow marshmallow roasters that don't understand why they can't find a job and say they were wronged by the MAN.


Oh yeah lets not forget they are asking for a LOAN not a GIFT like the rest of america.


This is not the country I grew up in-

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that there is some funny stuff.... say that to the tens if not hundreds of thousands of people that the big three employs and see what happens- republican or democrat our country cannot handle the decline of these companies. If you think detroit is a dangerous city now, just wait and don't forget michigan is only a 3 hour drive away.


Let's all get in line and hand out 3% mortgages to the irresponsible people that got in over their head (which most will probably still default on) but let our country's biggest employers burn alive while they roast marshmallows and wonder why a year or two from now half their family has been murdered and robbed by fellow marshmallow roasters that don't understand why they can't find a job and say they were wronged by the MAN.


Oh yeah lets not forget they are asking for a LOAN not a GIFT like the rest of america.


This is not the country I grew up in-

It's more like 2-3 million workers in the industry that would be affected. Bankruptcy would not just hurt the big 2.5, but also all the suppliers. They'll fall like domino's.


The government can't let them fail or else we'll be in another Great Depression.

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The government needs to just re vamp the unions (aka destroy them) and restructure.


If American car companies can not make cars in America for profit , how can Japanese and Euorpean car companies do it? Ill start with teh UAW...


I say let them bankrupt, maybe then we could get move the company in the right direction, and unforuntalty if this means people loose their inflated salaries, and pensions, well thats unfortunate but times are tough. The CEO of GM just got a pay raise with in the last 6 months...What a joke.

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The high wages that UAWs get paid wouldn't be so bad if the lazy assholes would work!! Every factory I've been to looks like a flop house with people sitting around reading newspapers and playing cards. It's not all one sided though, too many managers and executives have sold out the future of the company to make short term gains and get a big bonus. I think the big 2.5 are trying to change, but it may be too little too late.


Oh, I forgot to mention that every suck ass yuppie wanna-be buys toyota or honda.



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could you imagine what it would be like if there were no more GM cars on the road!?

i'd have less work and less to bitch about :)


i hope they go down in a ball of fire! dodge and ford too.

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The government needs to just re vamp the unions (aka destroy them) and restructure.


If American car companies can not make cars in America for profit , how can Japanese and Euorpean car companies do it? Ill start with teh UAW...


I say let them bankrupt, maybe then we could get move the company in the right direction, and unforuntalty if this means people loose their inflated salaries, and pensions, well thats unfortunate but times are tough. The CEO of GM just got a pay raise with in the last 6 months...What a joke.

Rick Wagoner has been doing a great job at GM. He's made all the right moves and made a deal with the UAW that will greatly help the company in the future...but it can't realize those gains until 2010. The position of the compnay right now is not the fault of Rick Wagoner, but of the mis-management of the people that came before him.



In 2007 Wagoner cut his own salery by 50% in 2007, and 25% in 2006. Your so-called "pay raise" was just the board taking away his self-imposed pay cuts and reinstating his original salery.


I agree that the UAW needs reformed (which the new agreement does), but also the U.S. plants need to be more flexible in order to respond to demand quicker, and the dealer network needs to be shrunk.


They also have the problem of the government mandating emissions and fuel economy regulations that require huge investments in a very short time. The government standards passed this year are already costing millions, if not billions, of dollars in engineering resources. Projects were delayed by a model year or two in order to re-engineer their powertrains to meet the new regs, and that was before the credit crunch caused problems in vehicle sales. So you guys think it's ok for the government to cost the automakers large sums of money, but they don't deserve low interest loans that will keep millions of jobs from being affected? Do you have any idea what would happen to the economy when millions of people are laid off?


It's not only GM/Ford/Chryler either, it's thier supplier base. I believe the stat was for every one job at the automaker there were 3-4 people employed at suppliers. If a major automaker goes bankrupt, then many of their suppliers will too. These are the same suppliers that send parts to Toyota, Honda, BMW, Mercedes, Hyundai, etc. Those suppliers would no longer be able to provide parts to those company's, meaning the entire industry grinds to a halt world wide.


They need the bridge loans. End of story. You don't want to see the effects of one of them filing for bankruptcy.

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