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Looking for a doctor

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WebMD and my own "self diagnosis" is Sleep Aponea, based upon the fact I am always tired, and every chick I sleep with tells me how I stop breathing then start gasping for air really bad.


Just trying to find a reccomendation for a local doctor rather than playing russian roulette in the yellow pages.

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Haven't seen one since I was 14 or so, looking for a good one. I always feel tired, changed diet, excercise, get 10-12 hours of sleep a night and wake up feeling groggy.


Any suggestions?


if it is like this all the time no matter where you are I would def go see a doctor. If It seems to be happening when you stay at home ask around a buddy of mine felt like this jsut down all day and found out when he got his appartment checked there was a carbon monoxide leak they didnt know about. So you might want to look into that also if that is the case.


And I am not a doctor at all either just tryin to help out ;)

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Haven't seen one since I was 14 or so, looking for a good one. I always feel tired, changed diet, excercise, get 10-12 hours of sleep a night and wake up feeling groggy.


Any suggestions?


Sounds like I used to feel when I woke up and needed coffee and cigs. I don't smoke cigs anymore but I still drink the coffee.


When I had mono it was more excessive then that. I actually got a migrane for days straight. On the 5th day it was so painful I went to the ER and they gave me some shot to get rid of it. It helped but it gave me restless leg syndrome for the rest of the day/night. I walked around my house for HOURS because my legs hurt so much. It went away the next day. I was only sick for 2 weeks with mono though.

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