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Bush saved 10 million lives


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This has already been reported...and has been making the news circles for years. I don't think it's a matter of not being talked about..I think it's a matter of his failed policies and blunders overseas that overshadow any good he's done.

I'm not a Bush fan, but you can't argue the fact that he did a lot for the continent of Africa as far as AIDS is concerned. But on the other hand, I'd have to argue that the inaction of the US has caused a great many lives to be lost in that same continent. There's a lot of killing going on there...but I guess middle eastern lives are more valuable.:wtf:

Anyways..don't wanna change the subject. Kudos to Bush.

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in 4 days it won't matter anymore what the hell he does... So, why the hell do people still get all riled up about him???? Give it up already peeps... HE IS DONE!!!:villagers: the villagers have spoken! he's out!

Because there are a lot of people out there who can't get over the fact that Obama won. I hear em on the radio every day, and see their posts all over the web commenting on news articles. They are STILL mad, and even though he isn't president yet, they are bashing him every chance they get. Give the man a chance!!

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Because there are a lot of people out there who can't get over the fact that Obama won. I hear em on the radio every day, and see their posts all over the web commenting on news articles. They are STILL mad, and even though he isn't president yet, they are bashing him every chance they get. Give the man a chance!!

Nobody's in here talking shit about Obama. You, the Obama supporter, started the shit-talking.

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commentary is not news, just so we are all clear.

also, bill frist is a terrible person, and anything he says should be taken with a grain (or more) of salt.

Why do you say he's a horrible person? I don't know a whole lot about the guy other than the Shiavo vegetable deathbed thing and the adopting cats to dissect for medical school thing. I wouldn't be friends with him, but I wouldn't say he's a terrible person based on what I know.

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commentary is not news, just so we are all clear.

also, bill frist is a terrible person, and anything he says should be taken with a grain (or more) of salt.

I'll give you a +1 for that. At least on the commentary part... I dunno how terrible Frist is... stupid, sure, terrible... I dunno.

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Because there are a lot of people out there who can't get over the fact that Obama won. I hear em on the radio every day, and see their posts all over the web commenting on news articles. They are STILL mad, and even though he isn't president yet, they are bashing him every chance they get. Give the man a chance!!

I don't see anywhere that anyone here was saying anything either way about Obama.... I think everyone is giving him "a chance" I didn't vote for the guy, but he IS president, therefore I'll support him. I may not always agree with his decisions, but I'll support him nonetheless.... Now how many of the people who have been bashing Bush for the last 8 years can say that? Very few... in fact at times they have bordered on outright disrespect... you won't find that from me.... and I'm pretty confident you won't find it outta many people here...

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I don't see anywhere that anyone here was saying anything either way about Obama.... I think everyone is giving him "a chance" I didn't vote for the guy, but he IS president, therefore I'll support him. I may not always agree with his decisions, but I'll support him nonetheless.... Now how many of the people who have been bashing Bush for the last 8 years can say that? Very few... in fact at times they have bordered on outright disrespect... you won't find that from me.... and I'm pretty confident you won't find it outta many people here...

I wasn't talking about people in this thread or this forum..I was speaking in general. The 'gloom and doom' posts that you can easily find attached to any article or story about Obama. They're not hard to find.

Beating a dead horse now.

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I didn't vote for Obama. However, I hope he does such a great job these next four years that when it comes to the next election we're all voting for him. That's what we need.

Regardless of how he does in the next 4 years I will NEVER vote for someone whom I disagree with so vehemently when it comes to ethical views. I don't hate the guy I just disagree with too many of his views. I didn't even vote for McCain in the primaries b/c he was too liberal for me. In this past election I merely voted for the "lesser of two evils" so to speak. But I agree with you Chris about all the smack talk about Bush the last 8 years. I watched his last speach last night and my heart broke for him. It's so easy to run your mouth about someone when you don't have to walk in their shoes. He had many, many hard decisions to make. I didn't agree with all of them but who am I to speak against our president in such a negative manner? It is disrespectful. I saw dennis leary on Oprah today speaking out against Bush again. I could have reached inside the TV and smacked him. I understand there is free speech but Americans take it too far sometimes. Although I'm not fond of Obama I am still going to support him and his decisions now. He was not my pick but our democratic nation spoke already and I for one am thankful for our freedoms. I will pray for my president just like I have Bush the last 8 years. ;)

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back to the Africa thing....would the citizens really accept or approve the support of Africa by sending troops over there? I think not, whether or not it's the right thing to do. This country cannot do the "right" thing anymore, the citizens won't allow it. I know i'm going to be blasted on the whole "who determines right from wrong", but there are clear choices in the world and going into Africa to blast away a bunch of sick, raping, beheading mongrels seems to be a good use of a 5.56 mm round....IMO

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Regardless of how he does in the next 4 years I will NEVER vote for someone whom I disagree with so vehemently when it comes to ethical views. I don't hate the guy I just disagree with too many of his views. I didn't even vote for McCain in the primaries b/c he was too liberal for me. In this past election I merely voted for the "lesser of two evils" so to speak. But I agree with you Chris about all the smack talk about Bush the last 8 years. I watched his last speach last night and my heart broke for him. It's so easy to run your mouth about someone when you don't have to walk in their shoes. He had many, many hard decisions to make. I didn't agree with all of them but who am I to speak against our president in such a negative manner? It is disrespectful. I saw dennis leary on Oprah today speaking out against Bush again. I could have reached inside the TV and smacked him. I understand there is free speech but Americans take it too far sometimes. Although I'm not fond of Obama I am still going to support him and his decisions now. He was not my pick but our democratic nation spoke already and I for one am thankful for our freedoms. I will pray for my president just like I have Bush the last 8 years. ;)

I agree with the princess. Specifically because of the line I highlighted.

back to the Africa thing....would the citizens really accept or approve the support of Africa by sending troops over there? I think not, whether or not it's the right thing to do. This country cannot do the "right" thing anymore, the citizens won't allow it. I know i'm going to be blasted on the whole "who determines right from wrong", but there are clear choices in the world and going into Africa to blast away a bunch of sick, raping, beheading mongrels seems to be a good use of a 5.56 mm round....IMO

The UN can be praised for the epic failure in Africa. Some of the African countries went out and hired some Private Military Contractors. Theses PMC's came in and cleaned up some of the problems in Somalia and Sierra Leone. They came in and played hard ball with the Rebels. Fighting on the same terms (shoot to kill) not trying to negotiate like what has failed repeatedly.

Instead of letting these governments make decisions for their people and there state, The UN has to trump their authority and make threats to remove aid unless the remove the PMC's from their territory. So the UN comes in and starts their tried and true failed negotiations with the rebels. In the process the allow Rebels to rebuild their forces and murder and mame numerous amounts of the countries citizens. While the UN stands by with their unloaded guns on their shoulders and pushing for peace with people who have no interest in peace by any means.

I look at the different conflicts going on in Africa as the UN's baby. They have failed and will continue to fail as long as they don't realize war is a ugly situation. You must to whatever it takes to deter the wrong doers by whatever means possible. Which in most cases is fight fire with fire.

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Free Speech. When you watch the TV and you see someone praising Bush , and it warms your heart, you should also realize you need to allow someone on the opposite end of the spectrum to voice their opinion, whatever it is. You can't have it your way, only. Well, you can, but you need to leave the country and live somewhere else to do it.

Bush supporters obviously don't like the criticism. Point taken. But to say someone isn't entitled to criticize the man any time they see fit? Come on. Read these sentences again...you're mad because people are openly bashing him? Would you be mad if people were pouring on the praise? NO, you wouldn't. And please don't tell me you would..I haven't seen a single post where Bush supporters were telling everyone to 'quit it' with the praises.

Love Bush or hate him, one of the basic building blocks of this country is free speech. You can say whatever you want..within reason. I can't go on TV and say I am gonna kill the Pres...for obvious reasons. But to criticize someone, no matter how loudly or frequently, is something WE ALL have a right to do as long as you live here. You may not like the words coming out of people's mouths, but they have a right to say them. Just like you have a right to not listen to them or present your own opinion.

As far as the UN goes....worthless. Team America nailed it.

As far as Africa goes...I'm not a fan of invading countries....BUT if people can sit back and say Iraq was justified (THE PRESIDENT INCLUDED) how can you sit back and say that what's going on in Africa doesn't warrant the same attention?

Mass murder and executions: Check

Weapons of mass destruction: Didn't find any in Iraq. Check

Genocide: Check

The BS link between Iraq and Al Qaeda: Wasn't there in Iraq, but AQ and extremism is ALIVE and WELL in Africa.

Power hungry, murderous dictators: Check

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