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School me on Radar Detectors.


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I have an old cobra and I have a escort 8500x50, both have saved my ass multiple times, enough to pay for themselves many times over.


The escort definitely has a much longer range, but I doubt there was a question about that.


I've been ticketless for 3+ years now, knock on wood, I'm that lucky SOB who gets hit with a laser through another cars windshield. Happened twice in one weekend actually by cleverly hidden motorcycle cops.


I really think you'll be well off with the escort 8500 or up, the V1, or the Bel that anthony recommended.

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Bel. I did three weeks of research and found the RX65 Pro to beat the V1 in EVERYTHING except the "over the hill X-Band", which the V1 beat it by about 100'. Everything else, from ranges to false detects, the RX65 Pro beat the V1 and Passport 8500 by wide margins.


Since then, Bel has released an even more advanced version of the RX65, which widens the lead over the V1 and Passport even more.


Some people swear by the gimmicky arrows of the V1. Who cares. If the detector goes off, slow down. It doesn't matter what direction they're coming from.



the rx is the same ass the 8500 internally and made by the same company.

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So if I buy a detector, is it law I buy the bell STi Driver? :)


only up until the point in time when Mac releases their radar detector unit. then you'll have to upgrade. :D Heck, the way they are going, they'll likely integrate a nice radar detector application into the iPhone and you'll really be in heaven. :p

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I vote for Valentine 1. I didnt' read the 4 pages of posts, but I'll throw in my two cents about it. It consistantly ranks among the top of radar detectors in the guys of lidar testing. That said, there are pleanty of good RDs out there. The passport 9500ix, Bel STI, would probably be my top 2 choices for a windshield mounted unit if I didn't use a V1. The typ of driving you do and how involved with your detector you want to be.


The bogey counter on the V1 along with the arrows deffinatly improves your situational awareness like the their website says. Arrows have come in very handy a couple of times. It has very good range, and is the best for lidar detection. Chances are though, if your getting pinged with lidar, and not running any type of jammer it only serves as a ticket notifier. If there is a chance that it can pick up lidar scatter in front of you it will. I've been saved by scatter twice. There is a trade off though, as it is very sensitive, it can and will false more than other detectors, but that can be somewhat remedied through some of it's programming options. You'll eventually learn how to read your detector and be able to tell a false from actual threats.


Just FYI, I have been using my detector for a while, and have to say I've never been hit with radar by the highway patrol. It seems like they all are using laser. The only time I've ever encountered radar on the highway it was from Gahannna PD. Seems like most of the local cops run the radar and HP uses laser. Getting a laser interceptor would be something that is deffinatly needed in Ohio.

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I dont understand how people are saying radar/laser detectors are useless. You guys do know you have to step on the brakes when it goes off right?


I've gotten a speeding ticket ONCE in the last 3 or 4 years I've had a radar detector and it was only because I was rocking out and the the music was too loud for me to hear it go off.



I just dont see the point, you know LE can place the radar in different modes and they will turn it on active any moment and you are screwed and laser does not get picked up until your car picks the signal. Believe me I know how this stuff works.

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I just dont see the point, you know LE can place the radar in different modes and they will turn it on active any moment and you are screwed and laser does not get picked up until your car picks the signal. Believe me I know how this stuff works.


they can use instant on, but with radar, there is all types of scatter and I've never had a problem picking it up even if just a few moments from being hit myself....very rare though, but easy to avoid. I used to drive to NJ all the time and in PA, radar on the turnpike and I-80 is king and they are savvy users..but I still found them every single time.


laser wise, it's a matter of knowing "how to speed" I firmly believe that. Knowing if there's a laser tagging you is nice though. You can slow down, move over and block their view of you quite easily and knowing that you weren't pegged period is nice.


I'll likely be investing in a laser jammer of some sort by spring.

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only up until the point in time when Mac releases their radar detector unit. then you'll have to upgrade. :D Heck, the way they are going, they'll likely integrate a nice radar detector application into the iPhone and you'll really be in heaven. :p


That would be fucking awesome! :cool:

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I'll throw in another vote for the X50, or whatever they call it's equivalent now. I got mine a few years ago and just like others have said, if you pay attention and don't expect it to save you without fail, it will pay for itself in no time. I don't do much driving, but when I do it's usually between my parent's house northeast of Cleveland, and OSU. Thing is a fucking lifesaver on 71 and 271, and the range is up there with the best of them.


BTW, don't waste your extra 40 bucks on the blue display unless you really love blue for some reason. As far as I know there is nothing different internally other than the display.

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