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House temp????

V8 Beast

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I work for a building control company, and I deal with a lot of HVAC stuff. Our software is set to heat a space when temp reaches 68 degrees, and cool it when it reaches 74 degrees I believe. So basically, temps are always within that window.


As far as my house, we have a digital thermostat that keeps things around 72 after 4:00 on weekdays and all day on weekends, and turns it back to 68 when nobody is home throught the day or at night while sleeping.... It's all very efficient :p .

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How in the hell do you sleep in the fucking humid ass Ohio summers?








Honestly with working outside and pouring concrete all day in the humid days it really doesnt bother me at night. I will usually have a fan on in the room but that is it. You should see Jon Linn when he comes to my house, he is one of those people that needs a/c to survive. First words out of his mouth everytime is, "Its FUCKING HOT IN HERE" He will go and try to turn on the a/c and I will shut it off and kill the power to it so it cant come on..

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You should see Jon Linn when he comes to my house, he is one of those people that needs a/c to survive.


I am the same damn way. I grew up in a house where the AC was on as soon as high 70's hit. It kind of sucks, but at least I am cool :D





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Our house isn't insulated for SHIT. I have our set to 74 upstairs and ever since I remodeled the basement and insulated everything it's much warmer and keeps the warmth down here.


However, 74 on the thermostat equals 70 degrees in the kitchen thermometer.


I need to find an inexpensive way to insulate the rooms upstairs without tearing out all the drywall :(.

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Our house isn't insulated for SHIT. I have our set to 74 upstairs and ever since I remodeled the basement and insulated everything it's much warmer and keeps the warmth down here.


However, 74 on the thermostat equals 70 degrees in the kitchen thermometer.


I need to find an inexpensive way to insulate the rooms upstairs without tearing out all the drywall :(.


Due to the design of our house, 1.5 Level (Loft style), once the low teens hit, the Furnace runs CONSTANT to keep the house at ~68. Once the temp hits ~65-66, the Kerosene HEater comes out.





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