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Anyone else play paintball?


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Just curious, If so, where do you play at?


I used to play out at fran bar park on broad street (haunted hoochie as most might know it as), but ive heard the owner doesnt want to do the paintball thing anymore unless he gets some one to volunteer to run it. I just bought a new gun to, so it kinda sucks cause the only other place i play at is splatter park when they have events.



Ps, yes i know its winter, just trying to find some where else to play when it warms up.

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I played back in highschool and maybe into freshman year of college.


I always either played in a now built-up/developed woods area behind a friend's house, in the woods behind a friend's church ( they gave permission ), or at fran bar. I haven't played in a few years, but I would definitely play again this summer. I know at least a few guys that would join.


Somebody find someplace wooded that's free, that'd be best.

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Back in middle school we used to play all the time. The woods behind my neighborhood were perfect. We have big hills, a creek, train tracks, everything you could want. Shit was fun as hell.


I also played at splatter park once.

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i used to play in the woods behind my house to, but alot of trees have kinda died off and been cut up by people in my neiborhood, so i lost alot of my bunkers and such, plus i had the cops called once to.


So im taking it that there really arent any real places to play anymore except back yards basically? Not that theres anything wrong with it, but im kinda in the same situation as mike, i used to know alot of people that played, but most of them just

quite so it was nice being able to just go down to fran bar and get in with some people and play.


Oh well, if anyone ever wants to play let me know lol

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I recently tried to play at the Hoochie and couldn't get a hold of the guy, left messages and he never got back with me. There is a place in Columbus called Land Paintball



I do know he is done for the winter, and as i said, im not sure but from what ive heard he may not do it anymore unless he can get some one to volunteer to run it cause he doenst want to anymore.

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Yeah I used to play in high school. I knew an owner of a field and we would get to play in the summer for free plus free Co2 refills. Fuck speed ball that is a waste of paint. Capture the fort is where it is at.


Only catch is the fort has to be 2 stories tall with many places to stand and windows to look out of. Plus it must be on top of a large hill. It is fun sliding up a hill on your stomach hiding behind fallen over trees while paintballs fly over your head.

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I used to ball a lot until it cut into my pocket. If you want to find more places to play there is a forum for ohio ballers. ohiopbx.com There are a lot of fields in ohio, and many are a lot cheaper than Splatterparks jacked up prices.


actually they arent all that bad. i go up to both big games every year and its only 50 bucks. That comes with a case of paint, 2 air fills and food. plus playing woods ball/capture the fort with about 1000 people is a fucking blast. The only thing that sucks is the drive up there.

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Thats why you go to a decent field... usually plenty of people to fill in and air fills/paint on demand.


Thats my problem, i cant fins any decent fields around here anymore. fran bar is fun, but like i said, i dont know if he's gonna be open anymore and im kinda pissed cause i got a new gun that i really want use more than twice a year like ive been doing and the only decent fields i know of are the land and splatter park. My only other problem is, is that most of the people i used to play with either quite playing, or turned into douche bags that would rather sit around try to show off there gun rather than use it. so trying to get people together to go up to the land or something is about a bitch when you have no one to play with lol.

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