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What happened to "Change"?


Change means more than personnel. It means getting rid of the old system of putting in place people who will make it easy for the president to do whatever he wants and implementing a new system where the president surrounds himself with people he sees as the top of their profession who will advise him and help him reach decisions that are best for the country.


It is an important point in presidential history as the two presidents who consolidated power in the office of the President of the United States have turned out to be the two worst presidents in American history (Nixon and Bush)*. While I agree that neither was completely at fault for the collapse of their administration, I think it represents a popular embrace of Constitutional values that require the separation of executive and legislative powers. The disapproval with Bush (at least outside of the idiot hippie "no war" community) is focused mainly around his manipulation of Congress, such as threats to veto anything involving attempts to influence policy in Iraq (deadline for troop withdrawals). That is a power EXPLICITLY given to Congress, and while it is their own stupid fault for not impeaching Bush or saying "to hell with the War Powers Resolution, we're demanding that you bring our troops back".


*edit: Okay, Hoover was worse. And IMO so was Wilson. But whatever, ask anyone on the street these days and chances are they'll say Nixon or Bush.

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Unlike you, I dont care what other people think of me. I am not that self absorbed to worry about what the "grand tilley" thinks of me.


It seems like all you say anymore is "I don't care that you don't like me, Tilley." Ironically, I start to think you actually do care what people think about you when you keep insisting that you don't.


You can draw you own conclusions about what walking over the constitution means. There are enough example out there to keep you busy for awhile. I don't think there are many people that would disagree that morally our county is not what it was in the 1930's. Then we had men that were men, not metrosexual like you. By having strong men our country was a better place.




Seriously, what the fuck are you talking about? Metrosexuality is the bane of all that is evil? Wait, hold on, is this another one of your clever tactics where you're not really saying anything worthwhile but just trying to make fun of me? It's like you really want to make a point, but can't seem to not be retarded in the process.


Of course I will leave my opinion of cause of this degradation of manhood vague for you to draw your own conclusions.


Word salad: it's what Rick's having for lunch.

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It seems like all you say anymore is "I don't care that you don't like me, Tilley." Ironically, I start to think you actually do care what people think about you when you keep insisting that you don't.






Seriously, what the fuck are you talking about? Metrosexuality is the bane of all that is evil? Wait, hold on, is this another one of your clever tactics where you're not really saying anything worthwhile but just trying to make fun of me? It's like you really want to make a point, but can't seem to not be retarded in the process.


Word salad: it's what Rick's having for lunch.

Talk about word salad...

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Change means more than personnel. It means getting rid of the old system of putting in place people who will make it easy for the president to do whatever he wants and implementing a new system where the president surrounds himself with people he sees as the top of their profession who will advise him and help him reach decisions that are best for the country.


It is an important point in presidential history as the two presidents who consolidated power in the office of the President of the United States have turned out to be the two worst presidents in American history (Nixon and Bush)*. While I agree that neither was completely at fault for the collapse of their administration, I think it represents a popular embrace of Constitutional values that require the separation of executive and legislative powers. The disapproval with Bush (at least outside of the idiot hippie "no war" community) is focused mainly around his manipulation of Congress, such as threats to veto anything involving attempts to influence policy in Iraq (deadline for troop withdrawals). That is a power EXPLICITLY given to Congress, and while it is their own stupid fault for not impeaching Bush or saying "to hell with the War Powers Resolution, we're demanding that you bring our troops back".


*edit: Okay, Hoover was worse. And IMO so was Wilson. But whatever, ask anyone on the street these days and chances are they'll say Nixon or Bush.


Alex, nice exposition, though you're wasting your time if you're trying to have a discourse on the subject with Rick. To his eyes, this is how you'll post will read: "I like it when men have sex with other men on top of a pile of King James bibles."

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He does talk to a invisible man that grants wishes. Hrmmmmm.


I got some Lamictal here for ya.


Here's a classic example of Rick's mouth moving but nothing worthwhile coming out. How exactly does one "walk all over the constitution?" Seriously, how? What, can we just ignore it - is that how we walk all over it? And what's this about "degrading moral values?" Hey, look, another vagary! You're using words but aren't really saying much. In the end, it just seems like you think that your opinions are more than just opinions, but are, instead, reality. "Hey, I think this way, so therefore that must be the way it is!" It's the same flawed line of reasoning used by people with schizophrenia. Congratulations, your logical deduction skills are on par with someone with systematized delusions.




Okay, now this makes some sense - I can actually buy into what you're saying here. Of course, you've said it in response to my quote, which seems to imply that I've criticized the Bush administration previously but now heap praise on the Obama administration. That would be misleading.

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I didn't know Tilley liked the guys. You wanna go out for a drink sometime? I will bring my bible you know... in case it leads to something more "fun".


I would, but I fear that the gay sex in combination with my awesome hair, great abs, and rampant metrosexuality would cause Wall Street to collapse, a global recession, a typhoon off the coast of Brazil, and downward spiral into all that is evil and corrupt in America.


Because that makes sense, RITE?

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I would say par for the course ;)


Now you've resorted to insinuating that I'm gay? Wait, first metrosexual, now gay? What's next, will you call me a girl? I bet you will, and you'll do it in a really cool, vague way, one that will thoroughly confuse me, leaving me bewildered and wondering just how I could have been so soundly humbled by your verbal prowess.


Three eek smilies for you, Master of Words.


:eek: :eek: :eek:

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Now you've resorted to insinuating that I'm gay? Wait, first metrosexual, now gay? What's next, will you call me a girl? I bet you will, and you'll do it in a really cool, vague way, one that will thoroughly confuse me, leaving me bewildered and wondering just how I could have been so soundly humbled by your verbal prowess.


Three eek smilies for you, Master of Words.


:eek: :eek: :eek:


I think "Mt. Vernon" has infected Rick, being the lumberjack he is.

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