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Job security... no one is safe anymore

V8 Beast

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I still have the same gig at Speer Mechanical. We sell, install, and service some of your units.




As far as job security, I'm not worried. There is only a small handful of people that can do what I do.


I sit around until they break, then tell someone to go fix it.


Not only are there only a handful, you do it well. :)

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honestly, nothing has changed in my business...


not directly yet, but you're pretty small.


the industry has been impacted though. Straiders Garden Center here locally let go a number of key long term employees. can't say how I know...but they didn't have nearly as good of a year as they had hoped. payroll was the main reason.


Scotts is going through some big time issues too. With them it began this summer with the whole chemical ingrediant issue, but their with Home Depot being down so much, it's hitting them hard. A buddy of mine just took a job there and is concerned....again. :(


also, business are more likely to begin shopping contracts for services like this more so in the past. I know WDP and Cranel are both looking to save there. the operations mgrs are buds of mine and hate being cheap, but they have orders.

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your spiders senses must have been tingling....good move from what we've been hearing as of yesterday.


I guess you could say I could see it coming not only for me, but for everyone else there as well, lol. What's the word going around?

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I sell document management and work-flow software. My focus now is manufacturing and distribution. Mainly targeting IBM AS400 / iSeries customers and their related ERP solutions.


Now is actually an excellent time as the product is a lifesaver in terms of money and efficiencies. In some cases though, it's too late. Called on Lazy Boy a couple weeks back and they announced 850 layoffs the day I was there. :eek:


What does Speer Mechanical do? I see there truck often.


pdqgp: What is your business?



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Lol at the automatic press for GM.


The funny thing i seem to notice is that in our monetary driven economy people are afraid of innovation and technology. Granite we are loosing jobs due to it. However this is only a problem because everything cost so fucking much. If our cost of living for just basic things like electricity wasn't so high, and people could see the benefit of machines doing work so that people had more time to spend with family or friends yet still being able to survive of of available resources mixed with a little modern technology.

Industries and companies are not out to help people they are out to pad there pockets. We would be better if we would invest more money into using the resources we have rather than buying New G5's..lol


I'm not going to thread jack, but i have been reading alot about this shit recently and i had to add my .02

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Laying off 4% or 10% as they did in Chase here a few months ago just so the fucking CEO's can get a bigger raise this year. That's what pisses me off. The CEO's that make millions of dollars. Seriously. Do they NEED to make that much money a year?


I think they need to do what Detroit (I think) is going to do. Make 1$ a year for like 10 years and then see where the company is (if it's still around by then).


All the expenses, traveling, fine dining and expensing it on their corporate card pisses me off. But that's just me.

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Lol at the automatic press for GM.


The funny thing i seem to notice is that in our monetary driven economy people are afraid of innovation and technology. Granite we are loosing jobs due to it. However this is only a problem because everything cost so fucking much. If our cost of living for just basic things like electricity wasn't so high, and people could see the benefit of machines doing work so that people had more time to spend with family or friends yet still being able to survive of of available resources mixed with a little modern technology.

Industries and companies are not out to help people they are out to pad there pockets. We would be better if we would invest more money into using the resources we have rather than buying New G5's..lol


I'm not going to thread jack, but i have been reading alot about this shit recently and i had to add my .02

Wow. I didn't realize granite was takin' all our jobs!










Sorry, couldn't help myself. ;)

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We are one of the larger mechanical contractors in Ohio. HVAC, plumbing, piping, and service. The trucks you see all over the place are most likely our service techs.



My mom works up there. Does something in the office, dunno what. Kathie is her name. Know her by any chance Matt? I know Al S. (can't remem his last name right now), did some jobs for him/you guys when I was doing concrete work

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My mom works up there. Does something in the office, dunno what. Kathie is her name. Know her by any chance Matt? I know Al S. (can't remem his last name right now), did some jobs for him/you guys when I was doing concrete work


I don't think I know your mom, she may know of me though. Ask her if she knows Dart.


Al Soma or "Big Al" is probably who you have worked with. His uncle Jack also works there and Jack's son in law Corey works with me in the shop.

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I don't think I know your mom, she may know of me though. Ask her if she knows Dart.


Al Soma or "Big Al" is probably who you have worked with. His uncle Jack also works there and Jack's son in law Corey works with me in the shop.

I'll ask her. Yep, that's Al

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here at nationwide they will not be laying anyone off. But we also will not be getting a bonus and raises will be very small. less than 1%. But hey we will still have jobs.


And that is smart business. Instead of giving everyone a bonus right before laying off thousands of people they decided to take the smart route. Yeah it sucks short term, but it may prevent job losses in the long term.


One more thing. If I was a ceo that made millions per year I would be willing to take a paycut to help out my workers. If you make millions and are smart you should have millions saved as well. In these situations cutting one persons pay and unneeded expenses could save over 1000 jobs... but instead they mess up people lives, have 10 expensive cars, 4 houses, 2 jets, and spend 2 workers salaries on hookers each year. I say fuck em..

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here at nationwide they will not be laying anyone off. But we also will not be getting a bonus and raises will be very small. less than 1%. But hey we will still have jobs.


I wouldn't be so sure. I have a good friend at management / VP level in marketing and he just told me last week they are investigating voluntary buyouts for early 2009 in order to begin a slim-down. He's been there 8yrs and is hoping he's close enough to the "middle" of the salary pack that he's safe.

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If I was a ceo that made millions per year I would be willing to take a paycut to help out my workers. If you make millions and are smart you should have millions saved as well. In these situations cutting one persons pay and unneeded expenses could save over 1000 jobs... but instead they mess up people lives, have 10 expensive cars, 4 houses, 2 jets, and spend 2 workers salaries on hookers each year. I say fuck em..


playing devils advocate, not many folks in that position would give up anything. I mean, why would a CEO give up $1M in his own salary if all he had to do was release 7-8 employees and save that same amount in payroll and benefits? it won't happen.


that's the very reason why if Obama taxes companies more it won't help shit. If a company has to pay 2-5% more in taxes, they will make adjustments internally to account for the rising costs. If that means more layoffs, then they will do it.


I'm not totally against it though as raising their taxes will also encourage companies to consider the software solutions in my industry and thus the ROI will be that more more attractive to them.


I watched Panasonic blow away 2000 jobs in June of 2005 for that very reason. Corporate used the results of the prior year and outlook for the next to determine the cuts needed. Costs were still high, when compared to sales and they release 800 more in January the next year too.

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playing devils advocate, not many folks in that position would give up anything. I mean, why would a CEO give up $1M in his own salary if all he had to do was release 7-8 employees and save that same amount in payroll and benefits? it won't happen.


that's the very reason why if Obama taxes companies more it won't help shit. If a company has to pay 2-5% more in taxes, they will make adjustments internally to account for the rising costs. If that means more layoffs, then they will do it.


I'm not totally against it though as raising their taxes will also encourage companies to consider the software solutions in my industry and thus the ROI will be that more more attractive to them.


I watched Panasonic blow away 2000 jobs in June of 2005 for that very reason. Corporate used the results of the prior year and outlook for the next to determine the cuts needed. Costs were still high, when compared to sales and they release 800 more in January the next year too.


Its a lack of ownership. They are the ones that have control over everything yet they still get profits when their companies are posting losses. Then after firing people they sell the company and make out like bandits only to leave the next guy to fix it all :mad:

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