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Fuck mother fucking rapist.


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This pisses me off, stick them where they can get whats coming to them. Special jail?!?!?! Fuck that.


i think when they are sent there, they get a heavy regiment of talking to doctors and therapists to try to fix them... dont know how well that actually works though... im sure you could look up the stats on repeat offenders if you wanted to know.


if they do go to a regular prison, usually they end up getting their ass beat like 9 times a day, and the prison puts them in isolation so they dont get killed.


personally, i think child rapists should just be taken out back and shot.

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I have no problem stating that if I was in Thorne's situation, I'd MURDER that motherfucker.



There. I said it.

Killing is too good.


Torture may be an unreliable way to get information, it can be a GREAT deterrent for others who might think of doing the same things.




Cut the word "RAPIST" across his face so he'll never forget, and others will know what he is when they first meet him.

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they have a special jail, i think in chillicothe... or maybe circleville... anyway, its a special jail for pedos. i dont know if every one of em goes there, but a lot do. they cant be in general population for the exact reason you mentioned. child rapists are probably the lowest rung in prison heirarchy. car theives are near the top for some reason...


but yea, the pedos, hey get fucked up and bad by the other inmates.


sorry to hear about your sister, but thank god they caught the prick.


Circleville's facility is a juvenile sex offender program. They're kids who rape kids. Sad part is, most of the offenders in there were previously molested by their parents. Kids in jail; parents are walking free.....


Figure that out.

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That is messed up, hope he gets his just deserts.

Hope your sister gets through this ok.


No her god daughter's dad

First name MITCH


If he walks I will have lost all faith in the police :(

First my dad sent out on a fucking medical now this.

Ohh last time she was molested the guy walked



She just came out of the nut house for taking fucing 50 bendryl(SP_) fuck itasdfasdfasdf


He brings shame to my name.

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I have a daughter and couldn't imagine.............


if I'm ever in that situation, I'll be on the news for having broke into jail....the rest of what would happen can't be typed out, but it would make the bottle and UK videos look weak.


prayers to your family man.

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Bill, sorry to hear about this; I hope she recovers and everything turns out as well as it can, considering the circumstances.


Much of what has been said about sex offenders and "jailhouse justice" is true, based on my experiences of having worked in a federal prison. Sex offenders are universally reviled, and you'll have convicts on the inside that keep their eyes on the television and newspapers watching for a sex offender to get convicted and to eventually make his way into the prison. By the time the sex offender arrives, he often has a line of convicts waiting to "greet" him... ;)

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damn man that is horrible to say the least, the guy that murdered my friend julie got his ass beat in jail so what goes around comes around and he got 35 to life


also i say get the guy, ratchet strap his ass to a tree somewhere in the middle of nowhere and just leave him there to suffer and die

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1 mile, 1 shot, and 3 seconds later...


pretty true.... and hes the type no one would miss.




Shit like this is exactly why i have no faith in the 5-oh... they will bend over ass backwards to bust someone doing a brunout in the bakc of a parking lot... but somone can stab/kill or rape... and walk the fuck away.


Personally i hope the fucker gets tossed in.... most sexual preditors in prison dont have a fun time... let alone a safe time... dudes probibly going to wake up one day with his ass bleeding and a cig next to him on the floor..and of course a broken jaw/ribs or even stabbed...especially with children and women... "honor amongst cons" i guess is what you would call it.


hopes and prayers go out to your family and sister....

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Most sex offenders go to marion (ncci) There are over 1,000 in one spot. Link to story would help. her just getting out of nut house does not help way to much unknown


not true. sex offenders go to madison (MACI) for "classes" then are shiped to various parent institutions based on security level.

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