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An example of why I don't allign myself with christian faith.


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Sure it can be proven wrong. You mentioned a physical place in our solar system in which a false-biological creature would most likely have little chance surviving. This is the kind of situation science belongs to, as you used objects and locations that we know exist or are at least based off of something we know exists. You should read up John Locke's philosophy of religion. Though he is clearly a deist, he brought on some heavy arguments or at least interesting factors. This relates to your post because you used Saturn and unicorns as examples, though those are things we can imagine or comprehend. That is, they're based off of things that can be proven but are used as a preposterous argument. Locke often argued that a God is the only thing in existence that has not derived from anything we've seen or experienced.



That is not proof. That was an educated guess. A great guess for sure, and almost without a shred of doubt. "Almost" being the key word. I happen to agree with your statement regarding using comprehendable objects and things, I will look into the suggested reading. However I was only speaking in relation to the "big 3" really. They all use easily comprehendable basics, and stories, because like my unicorn, a man wrote it. I can't speak about things I am unable to comprehend, such as general spirituality, however when comparing apples to apples, a unicorn in space, or a forbidden fruit in garden w/ talking snakes, are ideas we can imagine and understand. Both sound equally preposterous, but one people swear by daily. Which leads back to the problem, mankind.



Though Brian wins, we are doomed.

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Yes. I do.... I have FAITH that my faith is the ONLY ONE..... And yes I have ZERO uncertainty..... I could go into a bunch of theological reasons and things to help support my answer, but I'm not going to....Its not about that...If it was No one would ever win, because Scientifically there is no 100% answer, and that is why it is faith....


I have many friends who are Athiest, Hindu's, Catholics, Christians, and So on....It doesn't bother me.....BUT the way I am choosing to live is what I believe and I have ZERO uncertainty about it...If I die, and I'm wrong...I'll have NO regrets.....


Not trying to argue...I don't care about anyone elses views....Those are mine, because you asked......


If someone wants to talk about religion, I'm more than happy too, but I'm not about to DEBATE on a car forum about who is right or wrong....there is no need... No one will "win"

Good answer. About the only one I won't contest in the particular matter. That's your belief. You stand behind it and I respect that. The only part that concerns me is, what I can only believe since you wont' share, is blind faith in the fact your religion trumps all. Those that are older than you, those from different cultures, those that Chrisitianity takes from, etc. If you don't believe that anything can be proven right or wrong, how can you put so much faith into it?

Here's a question to consider:

If you were born and raised in another culture/part of the world where Christianity was not dominant, what faith do you think you'd have then?

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I'm not a huge bible thumper but I will give you my take on it and you need to then look deep down inside and ask yourself what you believe in.


Sure, you can survive without faith; but then, what the hell are you living for? basically just the moment you're in. Now I don't care what your achievements, living for the moment is pretty short sighted.


Now still, you say you have no faith....but what's the opposite of faith? Anxiety. And from what I've read in your posts, especially with the recent problems, issues, and weights sitting on your shoulders, you're right....you probably don't have faith...but I can tell you have a ton of Anxiety.


Perhaps you need to start having a little faith. It will sure help you sleep better. I've seen you post twice about sleep issues in my short time here, so the anti-faith route isn't working. That's clear. Choose to believe it or not. You can't hide anxiety from your own mind. You have to rid yourself of it and pills aren't the answer. Faith is.


Some say not having fear of a situation is being brave; I call it being at peace.


Just my two cents.


I wasn't aware that there were only two choices available to us. Faith or no faith. I wasn't aware that I'm unable to be happy becuase I have no faith. I wasn't aware that I had to have faith to feel I have a purpose. Seriously, this is so much shit it's taken a moment to even get started here. I have a purpose. I have morals. I have respect and love. I've never needed faith in a religion/god for that. As I said before, if you need that to direct you (and after reading your posts, I believe that may be the case) then by all means, but some of us are evolved enough to do it on our own. SOme of us are strong enough to do it on our own and don't need to be policed by a higher lifeform, offered promises and threats by one, or a Being I can place all my problems on to function.


You say we need faith to make our lives work. I say, why can't you have faith there is no god? Why can't you have faith in yourself and fellow man to be able to accomplish peace, love and understanding on your/their own?


This is not a personal attack on your beliefs. Hell, I consider myself agnostic or "One who has no answers". ;) It is a defense and an alternative view in direct response to your last few, very one sided, close minded views. (Of which, I'm really hardly touching on here.) Im not trying to upset you or convert you, just open your mind to more possibilities and your incredibly bad choice of words and, what I'll assume, accidental accusations and "lack of faith" in your fellow man. You're being very quick to judge and denounce all other options (without apparent knowledge of their existence).


Someone else took offense to your posts. I gotta say, I took a bit, too. Your implying people are unable to leave happy, fulfilling lives; are unable to be good people with morals <--(I use this word VERY loosely for what I hope are obvious reasons) and hope without having faith. Ridiculous.


(Not directed specifically at you.)

"The Faithful" question the big bang theory, and ask, as a way to disprove or cause contention, "Well, where did the big bang come from?" Yet, when asked the same question about their god, the only answer they have is that he sits outside of everything or something similar. Do I need to point out the problem here? It's not so much that some people need to have faith in something to help them get through life. Nothing wrong with that. But when you attack others, demean them or shortchange them due to their lack of faith (and this does go both ways), then you're out of line and not even following your own "faith". This is where I draw the line and am willing to debate the opposite side. You've only managed to further alienate others.


If god gave you a brain and a means to use it, do you think he would just expect you to have blind faith? Would you expect your child to have blind faith in you? I have a daughter and I offer the respect to have to earn her faith in me. I would be disappointed in her intelligence if she had blind faith in anything. She's intelligent and she should use that gift to learn, to challenge, to evolve. What father wouldn't want that? If your god is truly this loving father, how could he want anything else? Wouldn't you want someone to love you for you; a decision that was made on their own? Would it mean anything to you if they loved you because they thought they had to?

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after reading all the posts, to me it looks like the people who are fighting religion mostly are saying that they don't want to be "damned to hell" if they are wrong.... AKA "If I'm wrong, at least I led a good life, but if I'm right, you're all fucked who didn't believe".....


Why can't people just understand that this big spinning rock that we are all on doesn't give a shit if we are on it or not... it has been spinning way before we ever got here, and will keep spinning way after we leave.


Life is a cycle..... we are born, we consume things, grow, etc.... when we die, we then go back into the ground and then the earth and "worms" will consume us.... making a perfect life cycle. We are not at the top of the food chain because there is no top.


and as far as having happiness without religion... I am very happy... have a great family... a beautiful wife, good job and some nice things. I am actually happier living my life not being scared of "pissing off God" I live my life as a good person and when it's my time to go, I will fall back into nothing-ness like I was in before I was ever born.


P.S. baaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhh

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after reading all the posts, to me it looks like the people who are fighting religion mostly are saying that they don't want to be "damned to hell" if they are wrong.... AKA "If I'm wrong, at least I led a good life, but if I'm right, you're all fucked who didn't believe".....


Why can't people just understand that this big spinning rock that we are all on doesn't give a shit if we are on it or not... it has been spinning way before we ever got here, and will keep spinning way after we leave.


Life is a cycle..... we are born, we consume things, grow, etc.... when we die, we then go back into the ground and then the earth and "worms" will consume us.... making a perfect life cycle. We are not at the top of the food chain because there is no top.


and as far as having happiness without religion... I am very happy... have a great family... a beautiful wife, good job and some nice things. I am actually happier living my life not being scared of "pissing off God" I live my life as a good person and when it's my time to go, I will fall back into nothing-ness like I was in before I was ever born.


P.S. baaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhh

I agree for the most part. I'll continue to live my life trying to be a good and caring person. Not because I'm frightened about any consequences, but because I choose to live my life that way. Is there an afterlife of any sort? Dunno. But I figure, when I die, I'll be able to look back and know I was a good person. Whether it's back to the soil with me or if there is a higher being, higher plane, higher existence, whatever.


I don't need a reward and I believe if there is something more, I see no reason why I wouldn't be a part of it. If your god wants to punish me after leading a better life than what I've seen many "Christians", etc., lead, then so be it. Why would you worship something or want approval from such a being? Do you really believe such a being's ego would be so wrapped up in that? Or do you think his concern would about the quality of your "soul", not what church you went to?

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  • 2 weeks later...
For being so anti-religion anti-christian, you sure do bring it up a lot.

Werent you the one that complained about Christians always trying to push their faith down your throat?


Actually, everyone has religon, everyone worships something. Be it, themselves, money, thier family, God, the enviroment. Like it or not we all worship something.

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  • 2 months later...

There were 42 failed attempts to kill Hitler…. If there is a God seated on his Royal Throne in Heaven, why did he not let [one of them succeed]?


Here are three possible answers:


  1. God couldn’t do anything about Hitler. But if that’s true, what kind of God is he? And if he can’t do anything about anything, why pray or worship him?
  2. God could do something about Hitler, but he chose not to. In other words, he would be the most evil being imaginable. If a man could easily stop the Nazis without any innocent deaths, but chose not to, wouldn’t he be evil?
  3. God doesn’t exist.

I’ll go with #3.


LOL, this is retarded beyond belief. Why do you associate your above logic with a christian god, rather than one of the other thousands of gods humanity believes in and blame them? You don't need Hitler or Obama to point to as non-existence of a christian god...

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LOL, this is retarded beyond belief. Why do you associate your above logic with a christian god, rather than one of the other thousands of gods humanity believes in and blame them? You don't need Hitler or Obama to point to as non-existence of a christian god...

I think you're missing the point. Or making his, depending how you look at it. Insert whatever god you choose. The point of the statement isn't about a particular god, only the non-existence of one. Yours or any.

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I think you're missing the point. Or making his, depending how you look at it. Insert whatever god you choose. The point of the statement isn't about a particular god, only the non-existence of one. Yours or any.

Quit feeding Thorne. :mad:

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I think you're missing the point. Or making his, depending how you look at it. Insert whatever god you choose. The point of the statement isn't about a particular god, only the non-existence of one. Yours or any.


Im not trying to get in the middle of the most retarded post ever made on CR. But he does have a point, Thorne specifically called out the christian faith in the title of this thread. Either way your both right I just think the intention with the initial post was more narrowly aimed at the christian faith.

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LOL, this is retarded beyond belief. Why do you associate your above logic with a christian god, rather than one of the other thousands of gods humanity believes in and blame them? You don't need Hitler or Obama to point to as non-existence of a christian god...



No my statements are not just related to the christian god. All gods period. None of them if exitsant have a active part in humanity and I think its fuck retarded everytime some christian spews out the grabage. WELL GOD SAVED US.


oh really he did. lets talk to that pastor in texas.

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wow, great, another.


If God were to "flex" to impress people like you Bill and be the "mighty Hitler slayer" an atheist like you would be hit by lightning by now.


Count your blessings and find something else to make use of this board with.

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No my statements are not just related to the christian god. All gods period. None of them if exitsant have a active part in humanity and I think its fuck retarded everytime some christian spews out the grabage. WELL GOD SAVED US.


oh really he did. lets talk to that pastor in texas.


Hey! I only spew garbage occasionally. I AM the Christian faith. Any of you named Christian? That's what I thought. :D

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Quit feeding Thorne. :mad:

Sorry. :(


Seriously, I wasn't trying to feed anyone. Only pointing out that I figured he meant more than the christian god and he did. You gotta read between the lines with Thorne sometimes. :D


And I'm fairly positive I've seen dumber threads. This is CR. :p

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Sounds like your guys' idea of Christianity has been warped by Fundamentalists. Fundamentalists are fucking stupid in every way.


While I don't go to church much anymore, I do believe in a God, and the Catholic belief in creationary evolution. Even the most seasoned scientists would say everything comes from something. Our God could be aliens for all we know. Whatever the case may be, as a man deeply rooted in Science, I firmly believe that we were somehow created, even if all that was created was that first spark of life.

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I mean honestly how can any rational person say the following.


God saved us from X horrific incident.


Well if he "SAVED" you why did he not "PREVENT" it. because flocks of birds in front of planes can't be moved by all powerful GOD.


If you believe in Miracles you have to believe god have prevented what ever incdident. Or that god is a complete ass for allowing X to suffer why Y lives. And the cop out of ITS GODS PLAN is complete BS. Its just a easy out.



BTW I'm an Agnostic.

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Guest tbutera2112
I mean honestly how can any rational person say the following.


God saved us from X horrific incident.


Well if he "SAVED" you why did he not "PREVENT" it. because flocks of birds in front of planes can't be moved by all powerful GOD.


If you believe in Miracles you have to believe god have prevented what ever incdident. Or that god is a complete ass for allowing X to suffer why Y lives. And the cop out of ITS GODS PLAN is complete BS. Its just a easy out.



BTW I'm a piece of shit.


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I'm a POs because I don't buy into the Fairy Tale written by men who did not even know jesus.

yup good idea...


I think its awesome if you not into christiantiy your automaticly a EVIL or a POS.


Judge not unless ye be judged? ohh wait I usally know the christian bible better then the people who bash me

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Guest tbutera2112
I'm a POs because I don't buy into the Fairy Tale written by men who did not even know jesus.

yup good idea...


I think its awesome if you not into christiantiy your automaticly a EVIL or a POS.


Judge not unless ye be judged? ohh wait I usally know the christian bible better then the people who bash me


i dont care what faith you are...i just hate having to see you shove your beliefs down peoples throats all the time...it gets realllllly fucking old that you somehow feel the need to prove to the world that you hate christians

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i dont care what faith you are...i just hate having to see you shove your beliefs down peoples throats all the time...it gets realllllly fucking old that you somehow feel the need to prove to the world that you hate christians


I want people to live there life happy not because they think a almight power will punish them but because they want to be good people. I'm not shoving my beliefs down anyone's throat. They can choose to click a this thread or not.


But the christians who come to my door to tell me about the love of christ and how i should visit there church are a totally different story.


For too long many non christians have been quite for fear of persucution.


Christian Bible states that god gave man free will.

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